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Grace period?

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i have a question on international politics. How long will ISIS have to wait before being admitted to the UN? They have been in charge for a few months. Is there a probationary period? Maybe once they are in they can be chair of the human rights council and can be talked into stopping their decapitations by John Kerry.

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i have a question on international politics. How long will ISIS have to wait before being admitted to the UN? They have been in charge for a few months. Is there a probationary period? Maybe once they are in they can be chair of the human rights council and can be talked into stopping their decapitations by John Kerry.


I have no idea when Grace's period begins or ends. I have enough trouble keeping track of all the women around me and their menstrual cycles.

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Now I get it but I think you are confused. I know Isis was some superhero broad back in the day but the new ISIS is totally different.


logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead.


it's because the white knight's talking backwards.

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Too late! She was struck by lightening. She was one of the very few people to actually get struck and die. Her restaurant is still open, though


Was that death included in the statistics for the lightning vs death by cop dispute?


That chick sells insurance now.


How did we get so far away from the UN thing?


You titled it wrong so we went all Crayonz.

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Was that death included in the statistics for the lightning vs death by cop dispute?






No, she died before the years quoted. She was involved in the great experiment how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop, more or less Licks than years it takes to get into the UN. All so relevant

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Could be a long grace period for ISIS. Switzerland wasn't given UN member status until 2002 and their last aggression (except for a civil war) was in 1815.





That may have had more to do with punishment for putting holes in their cheese than anything else.

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