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Went to see Louis CK, Sarah Silverman, Dave Atell and more....

The Poojer

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it was the funny or die oddball comedy tour....Sarah Silverman is a favorite of mine but man, she kinda sucked...she spent more time preaching about abortion then being funny. Dave Atell was VERY funny, Louis CK was good, not great but good.. really disappointed in Sarah S. glad i went though, it was a great evening...really wish Aziz Ansara was part of this stop, but you can't have everything

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it was the funny or die oddball comedy tour....Sarah Silverman is a favorite of mine but man, she kinda sucked...she spent more time preaching about abortion then being funny. Dave Atell was VERY funny, Louis CK was good, not great but good.. really disappointed in Sarah S. glad i went though, it was a great evening...really wish Aziz Ansara was part of this stop, but you can't have everything

Silverman has lost the edge she once had and she is only funny in the ad-lib type nonsensical interview moments or thought out skits.


Atell is hilarious.

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Silverman has lost the edge she once had and she is only funny in the ad-lib type nonsensical interview moments or thought out skits.


Atell is hilarious.


Disagree, Silvermans last special a few months ago was great, her comedy has matured. I think she's funnier than ever. Atell on the other hand has made his living on fart and poop jokes, it's gotten lame. I stopped laughing at jokes about boobies when I was a teenager, there's no wit behind it mostly. Louis CK on the other hand is very talented.

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I used to find LCK somewhat funny, but I wouldn't walk across the street to see him after this.



Funny as hell, actually. You can feel dirty laughing at it (I do a little). But still funny. Funny trumps everything, IMO.


The voice over guy makes this video unlistenable and a candidate for the PPP thread, though.


Disagree, Silvermans last special a few months ago was great, her comedy has matured. I think she's funnier than ever. Atell on the other hand has made his living on fart and poop jokes, it's gotten lame. I stopped laughing at jokes about boobies when I was a teenager, there's no wit behind it mostly. Louis CK on the other hand is very talented.


I actually like all of them quite a bit. They have their off days, to be sure, but all have a different take on comedy. In the beginning I wasn't an Attell fan, but it became clear to me he knows how to construct a joke and deliver. The material may not be your cup o tea, and that I understand.

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I find it endlessly entertaining at how indignant people on the right get when they're insulted yet the same people routinely call the actual President every name under the sun.


Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage et al say some of the most hateful **** imaginable but I guess it's ok because they're "patriots".


Yeah right..........

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Disagree, Silvermans last special a few months ago was great, her comedy has matured. I think she's funnier than ever. Atell on the other hand has made his living on fart and poop jokes, it's gotten lame. I stopped laughing at jokes about boobies when I was a teenager, there's no wit behind it mostly. Louis CK on the other hand is very talented.


Are you kidding me? Fart and poop jokes are what keeps the earth from spinning off it's axis and drifting into space. Dave Atell rules!

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I find it endlessly entertaining at how indignant people on the right get when they're insulted yet the same people routinely call the actual President every name under the sun.


Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage et al say some of the most hateful **** imaginable but I guess it's ok because they're "patriots".


Yeah right..........


Seems relevant.....

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I find it endlessly entertaining at how indignant people on the right get when they're insulted yet the same people routinely call the actual President every name under the sun.


Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage et al say some of the most hateful **** imaginable but I guess it's ok because they're "patriots".


Yeah right..........


I find it endlessly entertaining how blind to the hypocrisy people get when they're pretending only Presidents they voted for are the ones subjected to nasty and hateful criticism.

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I find it endlessly entertaining how blind to the hypocrisy people get when they're pretending only Presidents they voted for are the ones subjected to nasty and hateful criticism.


Your assumption that I voted for Obama is incorrect. That's really not the issue though.


Some extremely hateful **** is thrown his way on a daily basis. Same was true for Bush. Doesn't matter what their political affiliation is, there's plenty of hate on both sides.

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Gonna see that same tour this Thursday. I am no fan of Silverman but yea I would.


Bill Burr, Hannibal Burress, Jeff Ross, Attell, Shumer are the headliners. Attell is moneybags, even w the fart jokes jmo.


It's gonna be awesome. Sitting thru chris hardwick and shumer is probably gonna suck, but Burr will be worth it.

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Hannibal Burress & Jerrod Carmichael were the best 'undercard' acts saturday night and in fact may have been better than the headliners, Amy Shumer backed out for some reason.


Gonna see that same tour this Thursday. I am no fan of Silverman but yea I would.


Bill Burr, Hannibal Burress, Jeff Ross, Attell, Shumer are the headliners. Attell is moneybags, even w the fart jokes jmo.


It's gonna be awesome. Sitting thru chris hardwick and shumer is probably gonna suck, but Burr will be worth it.

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Shumer much like Silverman doesnt make me laugh at all.


Hannibal is a monster, he's gonna be good for a long time. Did he do the time share bit ? He's one funny cat, his small parts in broad city on Comedy Central are always kinda funny.


:o Amy Schumer is just fabulous.


Would ya?





Now? Probably. 10 years ago definately. Still think she's very funny, though.



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I'm glad it wasn't just me not having a sense of humor




Louis' act was positively cerebral compared with those of the comics who preceded him. Sarah Silverman delivered a scabrous routine that linked empty sex first to physical deformities and then to the Almighty.

Like her attire (blue jeans shorts over heavy black leggings), there was something awkward about Silverman's stage manner. She apologized for the stops and starts in her monologue, during which she frequently consulted a sheet of prompts. "Sorry," she said. "I'm so high. Back to abortion . . .."

Shock value is a big part of Silverman's shtick. She's got a sweet, good-girl face (well, except for that shiner she was sporting Saturday night, which she tried to pass off as a basketball injury) out of which pours the most perverse, inappropriate, and smutty humor this side of Bob Saget.

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