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let's just go ahead and forget that he was trying to remove the state district attorney (whose office prosecutes drunk drivers) for getting a DUI and having an open bottle of vodka in her car after rear-ending another driver. I'm not a fan of the governor, and his actions may or may not have exceeded his authority, but Lehmberg should have been fired.


whether or not this turns out to be a big deal for him, Perry won't win the party nomination either way. his speaking skills are so bad as to make GW sound like James Earl Jones.


Here's the video everyone's watching:




"A grand jury in Travis County, Texas, indicted Governor Rick Perry today. Why?"



"For exercising his constitutional prerogative by threatening to veto, and then vetoing, an appropriation to support the public corruption unit in Travis County’s district attorney’s office...."

The Travis County district attorney’s office has long been a cesspool of corruption. It was that office, controlled by the Democratic Party machine, that infamously indicted Tom DeLay for nothing. It took years before DeLay could finally clear his name, and his career was ruined.


ADDED: The quote above is from Power Line. Instapundit writes:

Even many of the Dems on my Twitter feed think this indictment is a reach. But, as with Scott Walker, the Democratic Deep State is trying a spoiling attack aimed at clearing the 2016 field.


But if threatening a veto is indictable, well, how many vetoes has Obama threatened?


This just goes to show that the constitution, much like the truth, does not matter when the Democrats want to play laughable political games.

Posted (edited)

Perry's a clear and present danger to the libtard dems. His veto shows he'll at least attempt to kick azz if he ever gets to be the POTUS. He must be stopped at all costs. Bridgegate!


By the way, her BAC was .23


Perry wanted her to resign. She and the corrupt Democrat machine that runs the DA office want to re-sign.

Maybe it's just an issue of semantics.

Edited by Nanker

This Indictment Of Rick Perry Is Unbelievably Ridiculous

New York Magazine, by Jonathan Chait


Original Article


They say a prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, and this always seemed like hyperbole, until Friday night a Texas grand jury announced an indictment of governor Rick Perry. The “crime” for which Perry faces a sentence of 5 to 99 years in prison is vetoing funding for a state agency.


The conventions of reporting — which treat the fact of an indictment as the primary news, and its merit as a secondary analytic question — make it difficult for people reading the news to grasp just how farfetched this indictment is.


more at the link:




Perry blasts felony indictment as ‘outrageous’


AUSTIN — A defiant Rick Perry went on the offensive Saturday, a day after being indicted on accusations of abusing his power with a controversial veto, denouncing the charges as “outrageous” political theatrics and predicting he will prevail over “those who would erode our state’s constitution and laws purely for political purposes.”


I wholeheartedly and unequivocally stand behind my veto and will continue to defend this lawful action of my executive authority as governor,” Perry told reporters at a packed six-minute news conference near his office on the second floor of the Capitol.


We don’t settle political differences with indictments in this country.”


Read more here: http://www.star-tele...1#storylink=cpy

Posted (edited)

Hey you libs, check this out:




Further, Dershowitz said, such indictments are something that's done in totalitarian countries and should not be done in the United States.


In such countries, "if you don't like them, you indict," Dershowitz said. "In America, you vote against them...this should be up to the voters. There is no room in America for abuse of office charges, and this has to stop once and for all. This is a serious problem."


And indicting a politician, rather than fighting back through a ballot box, "is so un-American."


Dershowitz also told Newsmax Perry was well within his rights when he vetoed the money for Lehmberg's office, as he "saw a drunk serving as DA" who "shouldn't be enforcing criminal law."


Dershowitz believes Perry will be acquitted, and the indictment will become an embarrassment to those involved.


Perry is often named as a potential candidate for the GOP nomination in 2016, and has opted not to seek a fourth term as governor of Texas. Dershowitz said he hopes the legal charges are resolved long before the presidential election campaign cycle begins.


"It's just ridiculous the extremes some prosecutors will go to," when they seek criminal charges in retribution for actions that they don't agree with politically," Dershowitz said.


He's not alone among liberals questioning the Perry indictment, reports Business Insider, with pundits including former Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod, former Clinton and Obama administration strategist Jonathan Prince, Vox's Matt Yglesias, and New York Magazine's Jonathan Chait all tweeting that they do not agree with the DA's decision to indict the governor.



Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.c.../#ixzz3AkoO737N

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Edited by 3rdnlng

Indictment of Rick Perry uniting unlikely allies against prosecutorial abuse.


“This contrived indictment may be the best political thing that’s ever happened to Rick Perry.”





Perry’s indictment backfires.


“Unlike the New Jersey bridge scandal, where political wrongdoing was a given and the only question was the governor’s knowledge and complicity, Perry’s indictment is widely seen as a ridiculous political stunt. Most pundits, pols and voters concede that vowing to veto funding for a department unless Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg resigned after a drunk driving arrest is commendable, not illegal. Liberal commentators have decried the indictment while conservative media and even potential 2016 opponents have rallied to his side.”





Posted (edited)

Lol @ that fear mongering fool ...


The Defense Department on Friday pushed back against Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s ® claim that fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) might have entered the United States across its southern border.


Perry, who is weighing another run for the president in 2016, made the assertion Thursday during a speech at the conservative Heritage Foundation.


"There's the obvious great concern that, because of the condition of the border from the standpoint of it not being secure, and us not knowing who is penetrating across, that individuals from ISIS or other terrorist states could be [crossing]," he said. "There's a very real possibility that they may have already used that [strategy]."


Read more: http://thehill.com/policy/defense/215761-pentagon-no-evidence-of-isis-at-southern-border#ixzz3BDvTx7Lu

Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
Posted (edited)

Lol @ that fear mongering fool ...


The Defense Department on Friday pushed back against Texas Gov. Rick Perry's ® claim that fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) might have entered the United States across its southern border.


Perry, who is weighing another run for the president in 2016, made the assertion Thursday during a speech at the conservative Heritage Foundation.


"There's the obvious great concern that, because of the condition of the border from the standpoint of it not being secure, and us not knowing who is penetrating across, that individuals from ISIS or other terrorist states could be [crossing]," he said. "There's a very real possibility that they may have already used that [strategy]."


Read more: http://thehill.com/p...r#ixzz3BDvTx7Lu

Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

But it is good politics if you want to win GOP nomination. Imagine if there is a terrorist attack like that in the next year. He'll be out front on the issue. If he could just find a way to connect welfare mothers and gays to terrorists and immigrants he ride right to the nomination Edited by gatorman

Lol @ that fear mongering fool ...


The Defense Department on Friday pushed back against Texas Gov. Rick Perry's ® claim that fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) might have entered the United States across its southern border.


Perry, who is weighing another run for the president in 2016, made the assertion Thursday during a speech at the conservative Heritage Foundation.


"There's the obvious great concern that, because of the condition of the border from the standpoint of it not being secure, and us not knowing who is penetrating across, that individuals from ISIS or other terrorist states could be [crossing]," he said. "There's a very real possibility that they may have already used that [strategy]."


Read more: http://thehill.com/p...r#ixzz3BDvTx7Lu

Follow us: @thehill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook


yes, that very much has the ring of your typical political hyperbole to it, but if you lived where I do and could see the amount of people crossing into the US, you might see at least a sliver of wisdom in such speculation, especially considering that the people involved in much of the human trafficing are the Mexican drug cartels, who don't give a damn who they bring to the border as long as they get payed for doing so. you may not be aware of this, but Texas has had to deploy our national guard to assist our border patrol.


But it is good politics if you want to win GOP nomination. Imagine if there is a terrorist attack like that in the next year. He'll be out front on the issue. If he could just find a way to connect welfare mothers and gays to terrorists and immigrants he ride right to the nomination


now THIS is the kind of material that makes your non-plagiarized posts so entertaining.

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