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Poll: 19% of NFL players say you'd have to double their salary


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It couldn't be that the New York State taxes have anything to do with it now, could it?? I don't believe that some of the main reasons that players don't want to play in Buffalo is because of the region and/or wiinning or being successful. The days of the blood-n-guts players are long gone, it's all about the duckies.

lol no, it s not about New York state taxes. :lol:


if Buffalo had Green Bay's record over the past 15 years and vice versa, Green Bay wold win that poll. And for anyone who thinks this about anything BUT winning must have ruined their memory with booze or be really young, because the thought of the Raiders topping out a poll like this when they were relevant is unthinkable.

Edited by jester43
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If I was a player, this is why I would rather play elsewhere.


#1 To many coaching changes,


#2 No Franchise Quarterback


#3 Almost no media coverage, it can be like Siberia


#4 Negative vibes for 15 straight years

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It is ridiculous if players believe they deserve twice the salary to play in any market when the average career lasts 4.8 years.


Free agency caused this mess of over demanding players. How about offereing half the market value for players that continue to have off-season issues?

Edited by HOUSE
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lol no, it s not about New York state taxes. :lol:


if Buffalo had Green Bay's record over the past 15 years and vice versa, Green Bay wold win that poll. And for anyone who thinks this about anything BUT winning must have ruined their memory with booze or be really young, because the thought of the Raiders topping out a poll like this when they were relevant is unthinkable.

Yep. When the Raiders were dominant, they were players' favorite place. Davis commanded tremendous loyalty among his players.

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The new owner is going to need to rebrand this franchise to the nflpa. Winning helps but there is a lot of other stuff too.


Already have seen a turnaround with the sabres and they are/were at rock bottom of a lengthy rebuild


Among his objectives is not having the only high profile coach you ever hire publicly declare that your team is where good coaches go to die. :lol:


I am torn on whether Ralph's biggest mistake was not drafting a QB with his first pick in any draft from 1961-2012 or his mishandling of coaches and GM's.


A greater blueprint for long term failure would be hard to draw up so Pegula or whomever buys the team and whereever it ends up would be hard pressed to do worse in terms of putting the right people in place to succeed.

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Kind of a silly question. It's like asking-- what's the best city in the US?


Most players want to play where they can optimize the following factors: (i) make the most money, (ii) play the most, and (iii) enjoy the environment (i.e., locker room/city). I doubt one team/city is better than any other team/city for every player.


Standing alone and everything else being equal, would most players rather play in San Diego over Buffalo? Of course. But when it is time to actually make a decision and consider all the factors, I doubt any player is picking teams with the best weather.

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