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Is there really a war on young black men, perpetuated by non black people?




But when people propose ideas for changing that the whole right wing starts screaming "Communism!!"





that's some of your best work to date. cheers! :beer:

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A picture movie? What the hell - is it 1935?


I take walks late at night. Sometimes the cops have stopped and asked what I'm up to.............I'm white. So, what's his point?..........And, I'm only walking.


When I was 19 I was walking through VCU with my girlfriend when for no apparent reason to cops stopped us and asked what we were doing. They said they stopped us b/c it looked like we were fighting and wanted to step in before it escalated. Seeing as how we were holding hands and not fighting, I can only assumed they stopped us because we were black.


When I was 19 I was walking through VCU with my girlfriend when for no apparent reason to cops stopped us and asked what we were doing. They said they stopped us b/c it looked like we were fighting and wanted to step in before it escalated. Seeing as how we were holding hands and not fighting, I can only assumed they stopped us because we were black.


Just think what would have happened days/weeks/months later when you almost had a fight with her, but remembered the cop's intervention.


Do it in a oilskin duster, with a week's growth of beard, walking in the middle of the road, and they'll detain you.


That's how I do it now.


When I was 19 I was walking through VCU with my girlfriend when for no apparent reason to cops stopped us and asked what we were doing. They said they stopped us b/c it looked like we were fighting and wanted to step in before it escalated. Seeing as how we were holding hands and not fighting, I can only assumed they stopped us because we were black.


it's insane.


Eric Holder, Racial Profiler The color of Darren Wilson’s skin is his only evidence.

by Andrew McCarthy


Why has a federal civil-rights murder investigation arisen out of the tumult in a St. Louis exurb? There is only one plausible reason: Eric Holder is guilty of racial profiling.


To be clear, we are not talking here about whether there was justification for the shooting of a young black man, 18-year-old Michael Brown, by a young white police officer, 28-year-old Darren Wilson. Was the shooting a legitimate exercise in self-defense by an officer under attack? Was it an overreaction for which Officer Wilson should suffer serious civil and criminal consequences? Such questions can only be answered by a thorough and fair investigation, the kind of due process owed to both the victim and the subject of the investigation — the kind that, will be tough to mete out with political thumbs pressing on the scales.


Whatever the outcome, though, murder — including homicide caused by a policeman’s application of excessive force — is generally not a federal crime. It is a concern of state law. Only a few categories of murder are within the jurisdiction of federal investigators. In the main, they are far afield from Ferguson: the assassination of a U.S. government official, for instance, or a killing incidental to offenses that have interstate or international repercussions — racketeering, drug-trafficking, and terrorism.




It is a violation of federal law to subject a person to criminal investigation solely on the basis of his race. To prevent such government abuse, to root out institutional racism, is the objective of the civil-rights laws, which hold that a person may not be deprived of his rights and privileges — including due process and equal protection under the law — based on his race.


If the Justice Department would not open a civil-rights investigation based on a black police officer’s shooting of a civilian, whatever the victim’s race, then a white officer is just as entitled to that presumption of innocence. It is no more legitimate for the Justice Department to target a white cop for being white than for a white cop to target a black man for being black. Both would be examples of what the civil-rights laws call “deprivation of rights under color of law.”


The U.S. Attorney’s Manual, which guides Justice Department prosecutors, is clear on this point (USAM, Sec. 9-27.260):

In determining whether to commence or recommend prosecution or take other action against a person, the attorney for the government should not be influenced by. . . . the person’s race, religion, sex, national origin, or political association, activities or beliefs.

More at the link:



Conservative victimhood...


funny you should say that in response to someone else's reaction to a cartoon where the IRS is beating the crap out of the TEA party.


I suppose that is the typical Fox news take on him, ya


But when people propose ideas for changing that the whole right wing starts screaming "Communism!!"


But we you enslave a people for centuries and then release them into a bigoted society they are probably going to commit a disproportionate share of crimes.

Those Hebrews, man, you nailed it on the head. World over, they're pure criminals.


And you drawing wild conclusions. Fool

just chiming in here to mention one thing.


i don't know what the hell you're doing, but you're just a fool.


Those Hebrews, man, you nailed it on the head. World over, they're pure criminals.


Boom. No way he responds to this. Joe, on the other hand, will argue the Jews are criminally responsible for every conflict in the history of the world.

Posted (edited)

Boom. No way he responds to this. Joe, on the other hand, will argue the Jews are criminally responsible for every conflict in the history of the world.

No, it'll be some diatribe about how they run the banking industry and control Hollywood. Maybe even for a little bit of color and spice he'll mention they're in the New World Order or Illuminati. Hell, he may go full GatorBag and say the Jews are in the Spice Girls.


Joe is not quite GatorBag stupid but he's not to TransGregender level, yet.


edit: Maybe someone like BirdDog or someone else will come in here and swoop up the whole Native American angle of criminal behavior. Not only were they enslaved but they were victimized in this country- one they owned - and moved to our own version of Israel time and time again.

Edited by jboyst62


Washington Post finds Darren Wilson guilty by association


The Washington Post has convicted Police Officer Darren Wilson, who shot Michael Brown, of guilt by association with a former troubled police force in a different town in a prior job than the one he held in Ferguson, MO, and of having parents who were in trouble with the law.




There is nothing, zero, nada, in the WaPo story linked below that shows Darren Wilson ever did anything wrong himself. In fact, to the extent his own conduct is even mentioned, it’s in the context of staying out of trouble.


But that does not stop WaPo from trashing Wison by association.





No, it'll be some diatribe about how they run the banking industry and control Hollywood. Maybe even for a little bit of color and spice he'll mention they're in the New World Order or Illuminati. Hell, he may go full GatorBag and say the Jews are in the Spice Girls.


Joe is not quite GatorBag stupid but he's not to TransGregender level, yet.


edit: Maybe someone like BirdDog or someone else will come in here and swoop up the whole Native American angle of criminal behavior. Not only were they enslaved but they were victimized in this country- one they owned - and moved to our own version of Israel time and time again.


The Spice Girls? Are you daft?!?


'NSync is who they infiltrated. Do you honestly believe Justin Timberlake is as successful as he has been due to his own talents?


Is there really a war on young black men, perpetuated by non black people?


Black leaders like to talk about the number of people in prison, and who are shot by the police, but refuse to talk about the fact that they actually do commit half the crimes and are 13% of the population.



They also refuse to talk about the larger issue: the breakdown of the black family in inner cities. When irresponsible fools have kids with no intent on being responsible for raising those children, guess who fills the void?


They also refuse to talk about the larger issue: the breakdown of the black family in inner cities. When irresponsible fools have kids with no intent on being responsible for raising those children, guess who fills the void?


Basically this is what Bill O'Reilly says and gets slammed for it.


He had Andrew Young on one time, and he said some interesting things. Blacks used to married at a higher rate than whites. When the housing units all went in, there was discouraging policies put in place that actually drove black families apart. Here is some of that interview:


"The government and the welfare state," Young theorized, "stopped young mothers from living with their mothers, which separated children from their grandparents by government policy. Also, you couldn't get any benefits for children if you had a man in the house. This is also the effect of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of segregation." Young actually praised some aspects of the rap culture. "These kids express their violence harmonically and make money on it. They're migrating into starting businesses and making their own films." The Factor agreed with Young's point about family disintegration, saying, "There's a culture among African Americans that is accepting of the fact that fathers abandon their children."


How does this make any sense?:


Also, you couldn't get any benefits for children if you had a man in the house. This is also the effect of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of segregation.


How does this make any sense?:


Also, you couldn't get any benefits for children if you had a man in the house. This is also the effect of 200 years of slavery and 100 years of segregation.


Simple. Without a co-dependent voting base, liberals are dead. I've been yelling about this for years. How pathetic must you be to actually create an incentive program for women to have more kids out of wedlock in order to qualify for extra government handouts.


Progs at work.


No, I understand that. I don't know what the 200 years of slavery and 100 years of segregation would break up the black family after the '50s. .

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