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A penguin walks into a hotel...


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Not penguins... But has anybody been to the Peabody Hotel in Memphis? That is quite a event... Got some pictures of the ducks pre-digital days.




I can see how they can get trained... Even penguins. Right now @ work we have 5 geese that you can pet and play with. Canadian geese that is. In the spring, their eggs were abandoned and a guy @ work took them home and tossed them in an incubator. They were hatched and his grirlfriend raised them teaching them to swim... They naturally took to the air (Forget that "Fly Away Home" movie... Unless they want to migrate) Now they have been reassimilated into the big Canadian geese population back @ workt the last few weeks. Well 4 that is, we don't know what happened to the 5th... Coyotes? The geese here never migrate (or not as much)... Seems the lawns keep them happy? There is probably a migratory bird law against this, but they seem happy and love "goose chow" from the feed store. They will actually come up to you and nibble @ your feet... LoL Just don't tell them about Christmas and "the goose is getting fat" thing! Good thing the lock is going to be dewatered right during duck/goose hunting season this year. The hunters in their motor boat blinds won't know what the heck to do when these 4 birds show up right next to them crying and begging for food (they actually cry like babies, one is a bad drooler, you think Gug raised him!). :D

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What a jackass...

Not sure what you are commenting on? If it is my story, you are sorta right. He has a habit of befriending all kinds of animals. We call him: Dr. Doolittle. The birds will be fine, hopefully, isolated incident.


Double edge sword... He thinks he is helping, then having the eggs waste away? I am torn... If they don't assimilate, could be problems. You really shouldn't mess with Mother Nature no matter how hard she appears to be... IMO. It is okay to help animals through a hard winter... Like salt licks, etc... But they can't be dependent on human interaction, IMO, it is unjust.


Now... At the lock downtown... Where you lived... They actively break the eggs that are on the structure... Supposedly they have "special permission." ?? Both seagulls and geese. The rookery is Dime Pier. That's the structure between Navy Pier and the lock. It has the old pilings exposed. They spray that with pheromones so the seagulls don't terrorize the tourists on Navy Pier. The pheromones keep all the seagulls away from Navy Pier like a "sex magnet." LoL... They lay their eggs in the old pilings and rocks... I used to build baseline as a surveyor on many of the Great Lakes' jetties and breakwaters... We would have to wear hard hats and foul weather gear when working them... For obvious reasons!


Side note: Many years ago, I had a resident call me down here. He lived where you did, in a high rise looking out over Dime Pier... He wanted to know why they didn't tear down such an unsightly old pier! I told him the deal.


Also: "Dime Pier" got its name because in the old days, a rower would take fisherman out to the pier... Then it would cost a dime to get back off of it!

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Right now @ work we have 5 geese that you can pet and play with. Canadian geese that is.


Asian Carp

Canadian Geese

African Penguins


That species of penguin was named after Tom....they are known as Jackass penguins.

Because we all know how much Tom loves Penguins :lol:

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