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  1. 1. I have or am battling depression

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    • yes, in the past.
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    • I suffer from another form of mental health diagnosis
  2. 2. mrags should...

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Yeah, I have had depression, a friend told me I was' I didn't realize it... It comes back at times but not like it was then.I actually got hooked up with an experimental medicine program and had a script for free. Lasted about 1/2 a year and I felt much better but I do have to say it did cause behavior and control issues, which were uncomfortable and slightly embarrassing.


Lose your job, and close to losing your house and wife had cancer you tell me.

Please try to get some help, I went through mine after my business failed and my ex left me (at the same time) and I had a lot of really bad other things happening too. I was always susceptible as it runs in the family and I was self medicating for years because of some childhood issues. Anyway, if you need to talk feel free to PM me or pretty much anyone in this thread, seems like most would be open to it. Also, any close friend if you may have. I know that is what ultimately helped me.


Talking is good, us men tend not to when we are hurting. They say depression is more of a woman's problem (percentage wise) but men are more likely to give up and kill themselves. One thing to always keep in mind is that life changes and surviving is mostly a hard thing. But please remember you can get better and so can your life, you just need to get through right now and plan ahead as you can (day by day and all days are not easy). Eventually, you can get to a better place. Keep in mind that drinking booze is a depressant and a poison and it makes problems worse. So do a lot of drugs, in my experience.


Cancer sucks, my Mom passed from it (and others close to me, a dear friend just a few months ago). I know it hurts you both. You can get by it, she might not but I am sure she wants you happy. Try to be that for her. She needs your help, support and faith through it. The other things are just that things as said above, replaceable. Stressful to go through but when it rains...it pours. Prayers to you both.

Edited by bowery4
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She is doing better. Now I'm sitting in New Jersey renting a house and wanting so badly to come home to WNY. Thanks


The good thing is I don't drink and do drugs. We have no friends here and were seven hours away from my family. Kids are living in California.

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where in NJ? I am outside of Philly on the PA side, if you are close and need to commiserate with a fellow Buffalo fan, I'm always looking to meet new folks...


She is doing better. Now I'm sitting in New Jersey renting a house and wanting so badly to come home to WNY. Thanks


The good thing is I don't drink and do drugs. We have no friends here and were seven hours away from my family. Kids are living in California.

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Just a thought after reading some of the moving comments. When dealing with people you just don't know what they are contending with in their lives. So sometimes the first impression or judgment of someone doesn't reflect the essence of the person and the major challenges that person is coping with. The reality is that the people who have health issues are not simply average people but in a certain sense they are heroic in dealing on a daily basis with very difficult circumstances. Very often we lose perspective and don't count our blessing while there are so many people who are facing life long challenges.

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Glad to hear she is better, it took me years but I don't drink or do drugs anymore either. NJ .... I used to live in NYC, more sun down that way, try to get outside a bit and enjoy it. WNY is a great place but just second behind the Seattle area in sunny day per year. It was a surprise to me when I moved down there hah!.And take Poojer up on it if you can, Bills games are better with other fans! Good luck with the job thing and best to you. Stay in touch. I've been living in Thailand for 7 years and before this was in Korea for 1 and a half, am planning on getting back to the states asap but getting my GF a visa is time dripping away. Being away from all my friends and family has real been hard at times.

I understand, try to make some friends! especially if you are kind of stuck there.

And try to get your family to Skype with you, tell them your feeling down. Keep the lines open, these wires can be your support some.

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Dude, I would never recommend watching a Bills game as a 'cure for depression', some would argue they have greatly contributed to we are all in this current state of mind! :rolleyes:


Glad to hear she is better, it took me years but I don't drink or do drugs anymore either. NJ .... I used to live in NYC, more sun down that way, try to get outside a bit and enjoy it. WNY is a great place but just second behind the Seattle area in sunny day per year. It was a surprise to me when I moved down there hah!.And take Poojer up on it if you can, Bills games are better with other fans! Good luck with the job thing and best to you. Stay in touch. I've been living in Thailand for 7 years and before this was in Korea for 1 and a half, am planning on getting back to the states asap but getting my GF a visa is time dripping away. Being away from all my friends and family has real been hard at times.

I understand, try to make some friends! especially if you are kind of stuck there.

And try to get your family to Skype with you, tell them your feeling down. Keep the lines open, these wires can be your support some.

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I think for me, is I am never sure if what I am feeling is depression or just stress.


I assume that because of that I have never suffered from depression.


There have been times where I have been so stressed that I have had some of the feelings of depression but they dont seem to last.


With that being said, forgive me if this is ignorant or if this offends anyone who has or is battling depression because I really dont know the answer to this but when someone is suffering from depression, are they aware that they have it?


I am so sorry if this question offends anyone because it was not intended to



Edited by Canadian Bills Fan
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I think for me, is I am never sure if what I am feeling is depression or just stress.


I assume that because of that I have never suffered from depression.


There have been times where I have been so stressed that I have had some of the feelings of depression but they dont seem to last.


With that being said, forgive me if this is ignorant or if this offends anyone who has or is battling depression because I really dont know the answer to this but when someone is suffering from depression, are they aware that they have it?


I am so sorry if this question offends anyone because it was not intended to



No, that is a good question actually, I didn't know I was suffering from it really. I mean, I thought I was kind of depressed but I didn't really know I had depression and after talking about problems with a friend she suggested I did...and I was like no, really, you think so? She said see a doctor and see what they think, which I did. Honestly, he said, yeah you are thinking about ending your life, you are never happy and someday's not doing a damned thing. The depression meds take some time to make you feel the change, so I was still doubtful after a week but then, I started feeling myself again. I also changed my diet a bit, after I read up on it. I added Omega 3s and stayed away from beef, so much. And the point above about being a Bills fan, yes that can make you feel depressed and misery loves company but being (suffering from depression) is sort of 100 times worse. I wasn't interested in my interests even. You just feel crappy, crabby and down like almost all the time, I didn't even talk some days. And it doesn't just get better by thinking good thoughts, they don't want to come.

Edited by bowery4
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I think for me, is I am never sure if what I am feeling is depression or just stress.


I assume that because of that I have never suffered from depression.


There have been times where I have been so stressed that I have had some of the feelings of depression but they dont seem to last.


With that being said, forgive me if this is ignorant or if this offends anyone who has or is battling depression because I really dont know the answer to this but when someone is suffering from depression, are they aware that they have it?


I am so sorry if this question offends anyone because it was not intended to




This should not offend anyone. Unless they are suffering from being a turd too.


Depression can come at any time in life. It can be brought on my envioronmental factors, has to be, at least for how it is being discussed today. Prolonged stress can beat a person up. You need to find some ways to reduce your stress before you find yourself in some sort of vicious cycle or you begin to take to take your stress out on others you love. This is actually something everyone does, depressed or not. Everyone needs ways to cope with stress. Fear of anything (failure mostly), isolationism, lack of confidence, there are so many things that lead to depression. I think people being told they are a victim about everything allows people to feel sorry for themselves, and this is a terrible thing, and it is why manty like yourself might even ask this question, am I actually suffering from depression?


Most people need to look in the mirror and say today I will do better than yesterday and find a way to give life better purpose and move on.

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Dude, I would never recommend watching a Bills game as a 'cure for depression', some would argue they have greatly contributed to we are all in this current state of mind! :rolleyes:

You know a few years ago I remember reading about some sort of study that suggested people who have heart problems shouldn't watch their crappy football teams as quite a few heart attacks happen during games, so I sort of blame the Bills for the death of my Dad now. :bag:

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This should not offend anyone. Unless they are suffering from being a turd too.


Depression can come at any time in life. It can be brought on my envioronmental factors, has to be, at least for how it is being discussed today. Prolonged stress can beat a person up. You need to find some ways to reduce your stress before you find yourself in some sort of vicious cycle or you begin to take to take your stress out on others you love. This is actually something everyone does, depressed or not. Everyone needs ways to cope with stress. Fear of anything (failure mostly), isolationism, lack of confidence, there are so many things that lead to depression. I think people being told they are a victim about everything allows people to feel sorry for themselves, and this is a terrible thing, and it is why manty like yourself might even ask this question, am I actually suffering from depression?


Most people need to look in the mirror and say today I will do better than yesterday and find a way to give life better purpose and move on.


Thanks man.


I think I need to fins a way to deal with my stress before it becomes something worse




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This should not offend anyone. Unless they are suffering from being a turd too.


Depression can come at any time in life. It can be brought on my envioronmental factors, has to be, at least for how it is being discussed today. Prolonged stress can beat a person up. You need to find some ways to reduce your stress before you find yourself in some sort of vicious cycle or you begin to take to take your stress out on others you love. This is actually something everyone does, depressed or not. Everyone needs ways to cope with stress. Fear of anything (failure mostly), isolationism, lack of confidence, there are so many things that lead to depression. I think people being told they are a victim about everything allows people to feel sorry for themselves, and this is a terrible thing, and it is why manty like yourself might even ask this question, am I actually suffering from depression?


Most people need to look in the mirror and say today I will do better than yesterday and find a way to give life better purpose and move on.

That last sentence isn't right I would have moved on easily if that would have worked and I crossed out the victim part because well... I never felt that way about life in general and think it is like a almost political statement more than a health related one. But the rest of your post makes sense to me.

If you have depression you have symptoms, you can check pretty easily online (is a bit different for men than woman)

Here is a link


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I suffer from a condition called cluster headaches. They are extremely painful headaches that come in clusters every 3 months for 3 months. I get 3-8 attacks a day each being about 1 hour. Several come at night, so for three months straight I sleep about 1 hour then have an attack for 1 hour. I typically get 2.5-4 hours of sleep a night. The pain is indescribable, whatever you think your pain tolerance is, believe me it's way higher than you think. This coming from someone who has had 7 surgeries. By the time I get into my 2nd month There's no question I go into depression. If the pain don't get you the lack of sleep and holding onto a full time job will. Doctors have never found someone who had a worse form of pain. If interested I supplied a link about them.






I know this is OT, but people have committed suicide to get rid of the pain of clusters. I too had them, from around 28 years of age to age 47. Mine were always in spring and late fall, about 6 weeks at a time.



Took me 3 years of them till they were properly diagnosed, but even then no medicine for them. My kids were terrified when young when I would wake them up with the sound me, on my knees, banging my head against the wood floor, as I KNOW you have done. And can still remember girlfriend at that time taking me to the emergency when the left side of my face went numb the first time, and we both thought I was having a stroke.


Last three years I was prescribed triptons, and these tended to help, but that could be as I was getting older, severity of the headaches was lessening. I also read there is a ton of success with oxygen therapy, but I did not try that.


The absolute only good thing about getting old was those fuggers usually go away after 45.

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I feel I need to point out that there is two main types of deprsssion.


There are those people who suffer from long term clinical depression where no matter their life situation, they will always feel the illness(poor Mr Williams was likely a suffer of this.....as are people close to me).


Then there are the rest of us who can periodically throughout our lives suffer from the illness....often caused by situational preasures etc.


Both can be serious situations.....but there is good medications that can help. It is very important IMO to ask people that you have concerns about(and care about) if they are OK. As many would know, it is not always easy to ask for help when you are at rock bottom. I would also suggest that if appropriate, to take said loved one to the doctor(oftimes words are not enough and actions can help save a life).


I would also like to say that I have always been impressed with the overall level of maturity on TSW when it comes to discussing mental illness.

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With that being said, forgive me if this is ignorant or if this offends anyone who has or is battling depression because I really dont know the answer to this but when someone is suffering from depression, are they aware that they have it?


This may help....




And for everyone else....







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I feel I need to point out that there is two main types of deprsssion.


There are those people who suffer from long term clinical depression where no matter their life situation, they will always feel the illness(poor Mr Williams was likely a suffer of this.....as are people close to me).


Then there are the rest of us who can periodically throughout our lives suffer from the illness....often caused by situational preasures etc.


Both can be serious situations.....but there is good medications that can help. It is very important IMO to ask people that you have concerns about(and care about) if they are OK. As many would know, it is not always easy to ask for help when you are at rock bottom. I would also suggest that if appropriate, to take said loved one to the doctor(oftimes words are not enough and actions can help save a life).


I would also like to say that I have always been impressed with the overall level of maturity on TSW when it comes to discussing mental illness.



Last thought, just because it isn't mentioned here yet (I haven't clicked the buzz feed links yet but will). Some people are actually mentally ill in a more classic sense as well (being diagnosed as depressed is a relatively new thing in comparison 1980s or sometime near then). I only say this because as far as I can tell Robin Williams had a personality that was very much like a bipolar type 2, it would seem to me (and I am not totally sure about Jimmy Hendrix but I think him too). I am not even sure if that is considered a mono-depressive or not but I thought it was different. Haven't read much about these things in quite a while. But I knew someone else who was diagnosed as BPtype 2 so I am pretty familiar with that.

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I feel I need to point out that there is two main types of deprsssion.


There are those people who suffer from long term clinical depression where no matter their life situation, they will always feel the illness(poor Mr Williams was likely a suffer of this.....as are people close to me).


Then there are the rest of us who can periodically throughout our lives suffer from the illness....often caused by situational preasures etc.


Both can be serious situations.....but there is good medications that can help. It is very important IMO to ask people that you have concerns about(and care about) if they are OK. As many would know, it is not always easy to ask for help when you are at rock bottom. I would also suggest that if appropriate, to take said loved one to the doctor(oftimes words are not enough and actions can help save a life).


I would also like to say that I have always been impressed with the overall level of maturity on TSW when it comes to discussing mental illness.


There is also a third type of depression IMO and that can be described as just plain seflishness.

Edited by BuffaloBillsForever
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Last thought, just because it isn't mentioned here yet (I haven't clicked the buzz feed links yet but will). Some people are actually mentally ill in a more classic sense as well (being diagnosed as depressed is a relatively new thing in comparison 1980s or sometime near then). I only say this because as far as I can tell Robin Williams had a personality that was very much like a bipolar type 2, it would seem to me (and I am not totally sure about Jimmy Hendrix but I think him too). I am not even sure if that is considered a mono-depressive or not but I thought it was different. Haven't read much about these things in quite a while. But I knew someone else who was diagnosed as BPtype 2 so I am pretty familiar with that.


I would be extremely surprised if Robin Williams were unipolar depressive. I would be equally surprised if he didn't have some sort of bipolar spectrum disorder.


One of the most deadly things about bipolar disorder, too, is that it gets worse the longer it goes untreated. Highs get higher, lows get lower, the cycles between the two come closer and faster (if you're really unlucky, you get to experience a mixed state - depressed and manic at the same time. I've had one - I can't even explain what that's like, aside from "worst thing imaginable.") Untreated bipolar disorder is insidious and downright deadly.


Anyone curious about the subject of mental illness and suicide, you can't go far wrong reading Kay Redfield Jamison. http://www.amazon.com/Kay-Redfield-Jamison/e/B000AQ1IC8

The first and third books on that list are uniformly excellent (though Night Falls Fast can get rather disturbing). The second book is excellent as well, but much drier and a more difficult read. (And I haven't read Exuberance...but I might have to now, as it would probably relate to Robin Williams.)

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This should not offend anyone. Unless they are suffering from being a turd too.


Depression can come at any time in life. It can be brought on my envioronmental factors, has to be, at least for how it is being discussed today. Prolonged stress can beat a person up. You need to find some ways to reduce your stress before you find yourself in some sort of vicious cycle or you begin to take to take your stress out on others you love. This is actually something everyone does, depressed or not. Everyone needs ways to cope with stress. Fear of anything (failure mostly), isolationism, lack of confidence, there are so many things that lead to depression. I think people being told they are a victim about everything allows people to feel sorry for themselves, and this is a terrible thing, and it is why manty like yourself might even ask this question, am I actually suffering from depression?


Most people need to look in the mirror and say today I will do better than yesterday and find a way to give life better purpose and move on.


Im sorry but your comment about telling people to drink alcohol if they have depression should omit you from any discussion on this matter.....period.


I dont know you and I dont dislike you.......but you are not educated on this at all.

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