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45 members have voted

  1. 1. I have or am battling depression

    • yes, currently.
    • yes, in the past.
    • no, never.
    • I suffer from another form of mental health diagnosis
  2. 2. mrags should...

    • stay.
    • stay!

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With depression always touching a central nerve here I got curious. It seems a good deal of us have been affected by mental health issues.


After the loss of Robin Williams I noticed a lot of people speaking up about it. Maybe you feel comfortable mentioning it here - maybe not. Maybe you do suffer from something, or think you might - and maybe seeing what others are saying about it opens your eyes to not make you feel as if you are the only one. In sad times and moments where such a public figure and someone thought of so well brings attention to mental health we all sort of pause to reflect on our own status and those of loved ones.


Lets be realistic, this thread isn't going to save anyone's life or make them turn their life around. I'm no fool to believe that, but if this thread just makes someone have a better day because they do not feel alone then I will be happy.


The only thing I ask is that we keep this positive. Thank you!

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A week and a half ago I was prescribed Lexapro to deal with the issues that have been effecting my heart. I am so fortunate and thankful to my sister, who is a doctor, that she actually pays attention to the crap I tell her in passing about what's going on. My doctor wanted to put me on a heart rate medication to control it, but my sister thought that anxiety, stress and maybe some PTSD may be the actual cause of my heart issues.... I have started to notice a huge change in my outlook and feel that I am a much more pleasant person for it...


Also just spoke with my BIL last night, he's on something similar and notices a huge change in his outlook!


Thanks for starting this, and for the love of god, please let's keep this thread pleasant...

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Ive been blessed to not have dealt with it personally, or anyone too close too serious...


The discussions on topics like depression, mental illness, addiction and the like are always interesting to follow. Good and bad. The varying levels of experience, understanding, sometimes bitterness, generational gaps in philosophy.... The fact that the illness doesn't discriminate.... I suppose a lot of social issues have similar nature to the dynamic but for some reason this ones talks seem to particularly resonate. The brain is fascinating for all it's greatness and it's flaws/troubles

Edited by NoSaint
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nothing diagnosed but definitely some symptoms, thankfully nothing that keeps me from functioning.

I know you have mentioned before you still remain in good contact with your ex and your children are very active in your life, but do you have others you can talk to when it gets to be a little bit too much?


A good support network is always good to have!

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I suffer from a condition called cluster headaches. They are extremely painful headaches that come in clusters every 3 months for 3 months. I get 3-8 attacks a day each being about 1 hour. Several come at night, so for three months straight I sleep about 1 hour then have an attack for 1 hour. I typically get 2.5-4 hours of sleep a night. The pain is indescribable, whatever you think your pain tolerance is, believe me it's way higher than you think. This coming from someone who has had 7 surgeries. By the time I get into my 2nd month There's no question I go into depression. If the pain don't get you the lack of sleep and holding onto a full time job will. Doctors have never found someone who had a worse form of pain. If interested I supplied a link about them.





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i have a close bunch of friends that come up with a different issue, drama, crisis every week...sometimes i just sit back and realize my issues seem kind of minor compared to them, of course then i go have a beer or "two"


I know you have mentioned before you still remain in good contact with your ex and your children are very active in your life, but do you have others you can talk to when it gets to be a little bit too much?


A good support network is always good to have!

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i have a close bunch of friends that come up with a different issue, drama, crisis every week...sometimes i just sit back and realize my issues seem kind of minor compared to them, of course then i go have a beer or "two"

i think this should be a tag line in here.


Ya know, if ya ever need to talk about anything...we're here for ya.

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This is a topic I am not afraid to talk about. In the poll I said I struggled with depression in the past and I'd say that's mostly true. It never really goes away. You always struggle with depression and in my case anxiety. It always gives me hope when I read about others dealing with mental illness.


I wouldn't wish my darkest times on my worst enemy. It's an awful disease.


If you are dealing with depression, you are not alone

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I suffer from a condition called cluster headaches. They are extremely painful headaches that come in clusters every 3 months for 3 months. I get 3-8 attacks a day each being about 1 hour. Several come at night, so for three months straight I sleep about 1 hour then have an attack for 1 hour. I typically get 2.5-4 hours of sleep a night. The pain is indescribable, whatever you think your pain tolerance is, believe me it's way higher than you think. This coming from someone who has had 7 surgeries. By the time I get into my 2nd month There's no question I go into depression. If the pain don't get you the lack of sleep and holding onto a full time job will. Doctors have never found someone who had a worse form of pain. If interested I supplied a link about them.






I've had cluster headaches too. I suffered with them for about 12 years. It was seasonal for me--every late summer into fall for about six weeks each year.


I've been free of it for about five years. I had good results when I finally decided to stop the weird meds that doctors were prescribing. Knock on wood because, like you say, the pain (and sleep deprivation & life disruption) is ridiculous.


I hope you get some relief too.

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I've had cluster headaches too. I suffered with them for about 12 years. It was seasonal for me--every late summer into fall for about six weeks each year.


I've been free of it for about five years. I had good results when I finally decided to stop the weird meds that doctors were prescribing. Knock on wood because, like you say, the pain (and sleep deprivation & life disruption) is ridiculous.


I hope you get some relief too.

Thanks. Your the first person I have found that suffers from them. I was in a cycle Feb.-May and now going into another. I just quit meds in May, going with alot of exercise(cardio), really good diet, and lots of water. I've suffered for 15 years, but the last 3 years they've become extreme as they get.
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Thanks. Your the first person I have found that suffers from them. I was in a cycle Feb.-May and now going into another. I just quit meds in May, going with alot of exercise(cardio), really good diet, and lots of water. I've suffered for 15 years, but the last 3 years they've become extreme as they get.


That truly sucks. I sympathize. My cycle was not as intense as what you're going through.


I was able to find a cure that worked for me. Please pm me if you want me to tell you about it. I'll warn you right from the start that most people I talk to about it think I'm full of ****. If you want to dismiss what I have to say, I won't blame you. I'm confident it will help you though.

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I am fortunate in that I do not suffer from it but I know someone who does. I am glad society is recognizing it as a true disease and not something to simply claim is some sort of personal weakness. It is insidious in how it can devastate lives.

Luckily, I'm in the same boat. I've seen it affect others and I continue to. It truly is a disease and it needs a lot more serious attention. I've lost too many friends and loved ones to suicide. Just so sad.

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Luckily, I'm in the same boat. I've seen it affect others and I continue to. It truly is a disease and it needs a lot more serious attention. I've lost too many friends and loved ones to suicide. Just so sad.


One of my good friends and a fraternity brother of mine, who actually got me involved with TBD fell to depression.... He killed himself this year... I just wish there was sometime I could have done!

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Never been diagnosed with anything, but my wife says I'm mentally ill and in need of help. Truly though, I think I have experienced sadness and anxiousness related to life stressors, but nothing to far outside the range of normalcy. I believe a certain amount of depression/anxiety is just part of the human condition.




One of my good friends and a fraternity brother of mine, who actually got me involved with TBD fell to depression.... He killed himself this year... I just wish there was sometime I could have done!


Very sorry to hear that Cletus. I too lost a very close friend to suicide recently. I knew he had an ongoing struggle with addiction, but had no idea that he was also profoundly depressed. I was supposed to be in his wedding this November. Breaks my heart too to think that maybe there was something more I could/should have done.

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how is your wife doing? the other stuff is just that...stuff....i know a job and home are important, but they can be replaced, perhaps not in a 1 to 1 manner, but trust me, been there done that, it sucks but it's overcomeable. I hope your wife was able to recover, that I have no experience with.


Lose your job, and close to losing your house and wife had cancer you tell me.

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