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Sad that this thread has devolved into another discussion about taking offense, when it was supposed to be about the Coen brothers.


To get back on track, I really think Barton Fink was their greatest accomplishment, though I imagine most people prefer Fargo. The wife and I watched A Serious Man a couple weeks ago and we thought that was really great too.


Sad that this thread has devolved into another discussion about taking offense, when it was supposed to be about the Coen brothers.


To get back on track, I really think Barton Fink was their greatest accomplishment, though I imagine most people prefer Fargo. The wife and I watched A Serious Man a couple weeks ago and we thought that was really great too.


Wasn't Landon Cohen the guy who wrote Garfield?





Sad that this thread has devolved into another discussion about taking offense, when it was supposed to be about the Coen brothers.


To get back on track, I really think Barton Fink was their greatest accomplishment, though I imagine most people prefer Fargo. The wife and I watched A Serious Man a couple weeks ago and we thought that was really great too.

This. ^^. And I love their rye bread.


First off, it was not an "innocuous comment". The person who posted it and I have discussed it and he understands why his comment was in poor taste. Secondly there was no "aggressive overreaction". And thirdly, there was no "faux outrage", at least not on my part. I stated my opinion, which as far as I know is still allowed in this country and I was attacked for it. People can have their own opinions about pretty much everything, but the reason I kept responding is that I felt I was being talked down to by someone who felt somehow superior to me. Your post wreaks of the same mentality.


I'm glad we've cleared this up. We're all entitled to our own opinions, it's your opinion that a Mork from Ork reference in the wake of Robin Williams death is offensive because ??, it's my opinion that your outrage is stupid, and that Jauronimo handed you your ass in this thread. It's probably also your opinion that I'm a real dick. That's ok. Glad that's settled.



Sad that this thread has devolved into another discussion about taking offense, when it was supposed to be about the Coen brothers.


To get back on track, I really think Barton Fink was their greatest accomplishment, though I imagine most people prefer Fargo. The wife and I watched A Serious Man a couple weeks ago and we thought that was really great too.

Fargo is a based on a true story about people who died. I find it offensive that you would hold up some silly tale about a pretentious writer inadvertently selling his soul to the devil as its superior.


Wow, just looked in here because the Where did this DT Cohen come from got to be 9 pages and what do I find? I hate off and preseason.

Which begs the question, "Why look in here until the first week of September?"


Relax. People are just having some fun and trying to belittle, emasculate and kill each other.



"Sequined Menace?" What else could that POSSIBLY mean...and/or how is that "misrepresented," as it is presented here EXACTLY how you put it. It's pretty clear. Especially after posting the article about the kid and his decision.

No response? Exactly what I thought.



No response? Exactly what I thought.

What exactly is the purpose of this post?....oh yeah, to re-open an argument that "emoticons" want to re-hash for another 5 pages.




Classic . well inserted .



And i have a new found respect for people that live in caves of sorts. No wonder you are the Captain !

: )


Which begs the question, "Why look in here until the first week of September?"


Relax. People are just having some fun and trying to belittle, emasculate and kill each other.

Oh and thats just the tip of the Iceburg !

good fun all around I think


I heard he came from the planet Ork.







































Too soon?



No response? Exactly what I thought.

No response because your post was so inane that you may as well have Godwin'd yourself from the start. That and since you're admittedly fragile and I promised a relative of yours that I woukd take it easy on you, I bit my tongue. Tread lightly.


Sad that this thread has devolved into another discussion about taking offense, when it was supposed to be about the Coen brothers.


To get back on track, I really think Barton Fink was their greatest accomplishment, though I imagine most people prefer Fargo. The wife and I watched A Serious Man a couple weeks ago and we thought that was really great too.


Good movies but No Country For Old Men is on another level and I believe that is another one of theirs.


Man there are some sensitive people on this thread. Cohen deserves your attention! He is actually looking quite good this preseason.

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