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Where did this DT Cohen come from

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Exactly. So as I've theorized "too soon" is offensive to some.


They didn't react to what was actually written. They saw "too soon" and jumped at the chance to be better than someone on the grounds of the virtue of outrage.


You could have written "Stand on the desk and give me a barbaric yawp! Am I going to hell for this?" and they would reacted the same way.


I agree with you. But I definitely baited them into it. So, you know.


Fine....just for you I will say it......the add in of "too soon" I find offensive...THAT is what makes it in poor taste for me. The fact that even needs to be added into the comment is a big thumbs down.


Not really looking to hold it against the poster....just giving my opionion on it. And like I said also not looking to drag it out.....today is a new day....it was said....opinions were given....time to move on


Except, the bait was taken, without question. And while Jaurinmo and I rarely agree about much, we definitely see eye to eye on this one. Society at large (yeah, I went there) is WAY to quick to take offense, about everything. I'm also inclined to agree with Jaurinmo that it's a behavior that serves only to satisfy a need to self-validate as virtuous, that nobody is really offended by all this ****. They couldn't possibly be.


But specific to this joke, I think it was Kelly who said it best. if anyone appreciated gallows humor (as morbid as that phrase is, all things considered), it was Robin !@#$ing Williams. Again, a keen observation to make before we all board the runaway shame train.

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FWIW I've never heard BigCat say things in poor taste. The Ork reference was a humorous reference about a great show. Not sure what the big deal is and would suggest that you all relax before Beerball comes in here and smacks you all around.


Why so serious???






Too soon?

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I guarantee you that Robin Williams would not be insensitive enough to make a comment like the one that was made immediately following his death. He was smart enough to know that it was in poor taste and would not have gone there. And it seems to me there are a lot of people on here criticizing others for taking offense at something that was truly offensive and they are the ones who are self righteous and self validating, not the other way around. I truly found the OP to be in poor taste and I stated my opinion. You are all entitled to yours as well. I won't belittle you for it.

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I guarantee you that Robin Williams would not be insensitive enough to make a comment like the one that was made immediately following his death. He was smart enough to know that it was in poor taste and would not have gone there. And it seems to me there are a lot of people on here criticizing others for taking offense at something that was truly offensive and they are the ones who are self righteous and self validating, not the other way around. I truly found the OP to be in poor taste and I stated my opinion. You are all entitled to yours as well. I won't belittle you for it.

Thank you for not belittling me.
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I guarantee you that Robin Williams would not be insensitive enough to make a comment like the one that was made immediately following his death. He was smart enough to know that it was in poor taste and would not have gone there. And it seems to me there are a lot of people on here criticizing others for taking offense at something that was truly offensive and they are the ones who are self righteous and self validating, not the other way around. I truly found the OP to be in poor taste and I stated my opinion. You are all entitled to yours as well. I won't belittle you for it.


Your promise not to belittle...I'm not sure it means what you think it does.

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But specific to this joke, I think it was Kelly who said it best. if anyone appreciated gallows humor (as morbid as that phrase is, all things considered), it was Robin !@#$ing Williams. Again, a keen observation to make before we all board the runaway shame train.

I did say that but I do also think everyone has the right to feel however they want about this kind of stuff. There are no right or wrong answers. It's a tough call.


Several years ago a Bills fan suffered the same awful demise as Robin Williams did. One of his best friends, an amateur but very good home beer brewer suggested just after it happened that he should brew a "death beer" in this great friend's honor. I immediately suggested that due to the circumstances it couldn't come in anything other than long neck bottles. Everyone greed, while morbid, that was the kind of humor our friend would have said himself or appreciated.


People do need to mourn the way they need to mourn though I guess.

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Your promise not to belittle...I'm not sure it means what you think it does.

Oh I"m pretty sure I know what it means. But just in case you don't, Websters defines it this way "make someone or something seem unimportant". I am quite sure I haven't done this in anything that I have stated in this thread.




Edited by xsoldier54
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I did say that but I do also think everyone has the right to feel however they want about this kind of stuff. There are no right or wrong answers. It's a tough call.


Several years ago a Bills fan suffered the same awful demise as Robin Williams did. One of his best friends, an amateur but very good home beer brewer suggested just after it happened that he should brew a "death beer" in this great friend's honor. I immediately suggested that due to the circumstances it couldn't come in anything other than long neck bottles. Everyone greed, while morbid, that was the kind of humor our friend would have said himself or appreciated.


People do need to mourn the way they need to mourn though I guess.


The difference being a friend vs. a celebrity. And let's face it, there's a difference.

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The difference being a friend vs. a celebrity. And let's face it, there's a difference.

Yeah, to be honest, I never really understood the idea of genuinely mourning someone you didn't know. I understand empathy, for sure, and feeling horrible about it. But he was not a loved one, however much you loved the guy.


That said, it's like relationships, you can never really tell anyone who they should or shouldn't like, who they should or shouldn't date or marry, etc. You can have strong opinions about it, and maybe even voice them to that person, but they are going to like and see who they want to, however bizarre that decision seems or is.

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Yeah, to be honest, I never really understood the idea of genuinely mourning someone you didn't know. I understand empathy, for sure, and feeling horrible about it. But he was not a loved one, however much you loved the guy.


That said, it's like relationships, you can never really tell anyone who they should or shouldn't like, who they should or shouldn't date or marry, etc. You can have strong opinions about it, and maybe even voice them to that person, but they are going to like and see who they want to, however bizarre that decision seems or is.


We had an admin at my old job who one day just suddenly bent over her desk, clutching her face. She was in tears, entirely inconsolable.


I rushed to her side, "Oh my god, Jenny, are you okay?"


She looked up, "I just can't believe Whitney's gone."


I had no idea what she was talking about until I realized Whitney Houston had died just days before.

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We had an admin at my old job who one day just suddenly bent over her desk, clutching her face. She was in tears, entirely inconsolable.


I rushed to her side, "Oh my god, Jenny, are you okay?"


She looked up, "I just can't believe Whitney's gone."


I had no idea what she was talking about until I realized Whitney Houston had died just days before.

She should have been crying, "I can't believe the second half of Whitney is gone."


She had lost the first half quite some time previous. ;)


Too soon?

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I guarantee you that Robin Williams would not be insensitive enough to make a comment like the one that was made immediately following his death. He was smart enough to know that it was in poor taste and would not have gone there. And it seems to me there are a lot of people on here criticizing others for taking offense at something that was truly offensive and they are the ones who are self righteous and self validating, not the other way around. I truly found the OP to be in poor taste and I stated my opinion. You are all entitled to yours as well. I won't belittle you for it.

So offensive that none of the offended can even articulate why.

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But specific to this joke, I think it was Kelly who said it best. if anyone appreciated gallows humor (as morbid as that phrase is, all things considered), it was Robin !@#$ing Williams. Again, a keen observation to make before we all board the runaway shame train.




Check out the strip club scene below if you don't watch Louie. SFW



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So offensive that none of the offended can even articulate why.

If you can't understand why someone would feel that way, then no explanation will suffice. You will never understand. This discussion has generated way more defense of a post that I thought was quite obviously in poor taste than I could have possibly imagined. Says a lot about the people on this board. You can defend it to your hearts content. My opinion will not change. I found it to be in poor taste and not the least bit funny. If you found it funny then more power to you. We have very different senses of humor and different values and we will probably never agree on much of anything. That is just fine with me and I am finished defending my opinion. It stands and will not change.
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If you can't understand why someone would feel that way, then no explanation will suffice. You will never understand. This discussion has generated way more defense of a post that I thought was quite obviously in poor taste than I could have possibly imagined. Says a lot about the people on this board. You can defend it to your hearts content. My opinion will not change. I found it to be in poor taste and not the least bit funny. If you found it funny then more power to you. We have very different senses of humor and different values and we will probably never agree on much of anything. That is just fine with me and I am finished defending my opinion. It stands and will not change.


I don't expect to change your opinion, and I don't care to either. But don't equate your sense of humor (or lack-thereof) with an authority to pin your values against mine or anyone else's.

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If you can't understand why someone would feel that way, then no explanation will suffice. You will never understand. This discussion has generated way more defense of a post that I thought was quite obviously in poor taste than I could have possibly imagined. Says a lot about the people on this board. You can defend it to your hearts content. My opinion will not change. I found it to be in poor taste and not the least bit funny. If you found it funny then more power to you. We have very different senses of humor and different values and we will probably never agree on much of anything. That is just fine with me and I am finished defending my opinion. It stands and will not change.

How could I understand your purely emotional response, especially since you can't explain it? Its totally illogical. You're offended by something which isn't there.


I read the words written and first interpret them with that part of me that thinks not that part of me which feels. When I read something and it makes me feel a certain way I can at least explain why.


I didn't find it funny. I didn't find it offensive. He may as well have written "I like turtles" as far as I'm concerned. Or quoted Aladdin. You're reacting to the "too soon?" part, which is a question asking if its "too soon" to say Ork. Why is too soon to say Ork?


Is it too soon to say "I like turtles"?

Edited by Jauronimo
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I don't expect to change your opinion, and I don't care to either. But don't equate your sense of humor (or lack-thereof) with an authority to pin your values against mine or anyone else's.

My values are my values. Yours are yours. Mine are worth just as much as anyone else's and so are yours. They are our own and they belong to us. Clear enough for you? Or do I need to explain that as well?
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My values are my values. Yours are yours. Mine are worth just as much as anyone else's and so are yours. They are our own and they belong to us. Clear enough for you? Or do I need to explain that as well?


C'mon, bro. I copped to trolling. Don't treat me like a moron here.


You've clearly bent backwards to achieve the virtuous high road (in your eyes). When you say 'our values are different,' there's more than ample context to suggest you really mean 'my values are more virtuous.'

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