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Property dispute

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i actually get it clearly. has happened twice to me and once involved decent sized trees. i wasn't there to see it happen but the guy had firewood stacked from the trees. when i confronted him he said he was trying to improve his view as if that made it ok. didn't turn into a fight but he apologized.


Since it was your trees, you should have taken the firewood.

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i actually get it clearly. has happened twice to me and once involved decent sized trees. i wasn't there to see it happen but the guy had firewood stacked from the trees. when i confronted him he said he was trying to improve his view as if that made it ok. didn't turn into a fight but he apologized. second time it was scrub trees on my property that helped hide a new construction house. the contractor asked me if he could fill a sink hole abutting both properties with rocks he had excavated but then goes and back fills over it taking down the scrub trees and the "green fence" in the process.


people nowadays take what they think they can get away with and rarely ask permission. both of these guys knew they stepped over the line but they weighed the rewards against the potential consequences and went ahead. your approach makes perfect sense to me. sadly, direct confrontation seems the only way.


Really? My neighbor's tree overhangs my yard. I trim the branches over the property line to about seven feet up (because I'm tall, and I get damn sick of ducking or hitting my head on them). I checked with the city, and I have a legal right to do so, given that they over-hang my property...and I STILL ask if he's okay with it. Because it's neighborly.


What the hell is wrong with people?

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Really? My neighbor's tree overhangs my yard. I trim the branches over the property line to about seven feet up (because I'm tall, and I get damn sick of ducking or hitting my head on them). I checked with the city, and I have a legal right to do so, given that they over-hang my property...and I STILL ask if he's okay with it. Because it's neighborly.


What the hell is wrong with people?


My neighbors daughter used to live in my house, they planted pine trees across the back property line... Even though they were on my property, I still asked about trimming and cutting down the ones on my lot.... I agree, it's just the cordial/neighborly thing to do.... Why he would just go to town "blind" seems crazy to me... Of course, I am from small town USA

Edited by CountryCletus
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My neighbors daughter used to live in my house, they planted pine trees across the back property line... Even though they were on my property, I still asked about trimming and cutting down the ones on my lot.... I agree, it's just the cordial/neighborly thing to do.... Why he would just go to town "blind" seems crazy to me... Of course, I am from small town USA



Sure you just wanted to see the neighbors wife naked...

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