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Property dispute

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Someone buys the neighboring ground. Starts clearing out the 3 acre piece with a 42 inch riding mower. Bushes ,small trees, rocks. New mower running 10hrs a day for 10 days. Redneck lot clearing. Anyway they start clearing out my ground . I have iron surveyor stakes in the ground ,clearly marking the lines. Here we go. After somehow holding my temper,high blood pressure ,I calmly show him the lines. Blames his big momma wife,with a mouth like a drunken sailor. He agrees and says he`s sorry. I guess people just do what they like until confronted. I was ready for one last fisty cuff ,after seeing him up close,I probably would have backed off. Being the same age he would have not lasted long and I`d be in prison with a new boy friend.And he`d be sitting on my porch with my dog.

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No ,like I said Although we were the same age. I think one punch ,would have been lights out. Heavy smoker,drinker type. With the Harley starter kit. C`mon grow up. I once pounded one of them in the 90s. With a chain drive wallet to boot. I wash wearing white shorts and shirt. Talk about degrading. Don`t mess with a old South Buffalo boy. LOL.

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No ,like I said Although we were the same age. I think one punch ,would have been lights out. Heavy smoker,drinker type. With the Harley starter kit. C`mon grow up. I once pounded one of them in the 90s. With a chain drive wallet to boot. I wash wearing white shorts and shirt. Talk about degrading. Don`t mess with a old South Buffalo boy. LOL.


Hey, wanna go to Manziel party with me?

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Left in the late seventies,My neighborhood is trash now. South Park ave. is a dump. Was mostly irish back in the day. It sounds like Chippewa St. is it now. Was Hooker alley back then. I`m getting old,I`ll send both my boys with you. They both can bench around 400 lbs. And one is meaner than sin dipped in shitz.

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Has this guy come over and asked to

Use your shower yet?


OP, please PM me your address so I can send shower boy your way. He likes really hot water and good water pressure, so I hope you can accommodate. Also, stock up on bleach.


Also, keep your sons away from shower boy, as he is kind of fragile emotionally and physically due to years of heroin abuse.

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OP, please PM me your address so I can send shower boy your way. He likes really hot water and good water pressure, so I hope you can accommodate. Also, stock up on bleach.


Also, keep your sons away from shower boy, as he is kind of fragile emotionally and physically due to years of heroin abuse.


Isn't the going rate 3 free showers?

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OP, please PM me your address so I can send shower boy your way. He likes really hot water and good water pressure, so I hope you can accommodate. Also, stock up on bleach.


Also, keep your sons away from shower boy, as he is kind of fragile emotionally and physically due to years of heroin abuse.




Better advise him to lock said "mean" son in back room during visit...

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I`ll tell you why fong. Snow drifts pretty bad on my quarter mile driveway. It wasn't just weeds and grass ,it was small trees . It blocks the wind here on my drive. Yeah I`ll bet you would have brought the guy flowers and iced tea. Stated clearing a 100 yd area. He even said he wasn`t sure about the lines. Ask first. Won`t happen again without a asz whipping.

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I`ll tell you why fong. Snow drifts pretty bad on my quarter mile driveway. It wasn't just weeds and grass ,it was small trees . It blocks the wind here on my drive. Yeah I`ll bet you would have brought the guy flowers and iced tea. Stated clearing a 100 yd area. He even said he wasn`t sure about the lines. Ask first. Won`t happen again without a asz whipping.

i actually get it clearly. has happened twice to me and once involved decent sized trees. i wasn't there to see it happen but the guy had firewood stacked from the trees. when i confronted him he said he was trying to improve his view as if that made it ok. didn't turn into a fight but he apologized. second time it was scrub trees on my property that helped hide a new construction house. the contractor asked me if he could fill a sink hole abutting both properties with rocks he had excavated but then goes and back fills over it taking down the scrub trees and the "green fence" in the process.


people nowadays take what they think they can get away with and rarely ask permission. both of these guys knew they stepped over the line but they weighed the rewards against the potential consequences and went ahead. your approach makes perfect sense to me. sadly, direct confrontation seems the only way.

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