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Manziel watch 2014!


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Hard to take a whole lot away from games like this but he looked comfortable, and in control. Made some guys miss extending plays with his legs, throws with velocity. If you're a Browns fan you walk away from tonight pretty content with what you watched.

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He looks like the same player he was in college. He's actually a good accurate passer from the pocket and he has a rifle. The only question mark for me is, of course, can he take the pounding. No one knows the answer to that yet. He's very, very tough, but these mofos hit hard and don't play nice.


The Dean sighting today :thumbsup:

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At least until he leaves on a stretcher November 30th that is. Then at least the Browns will have an extra first pick (in the high 20s, if not 32) to find a QB who's not suffering from PTSD.


I heard Russell Wilson was too small and scrambly for this league too.

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I heard Russell Wilson was too small and scrambly for this league too.


I didn't say Johnny football was too small. I said he is going to get absolutely !@#$ed up by THE BILLS on November 30th. And by !@#$ed up I mean the defense is going to hit him over and over and over and over again until he is too traumatized to ever pick up a football again.


November 30th is going to be a joyous day when Buffalo absolutely smashes the Browns and the legend of Johnny football into oblivion.

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I guess people see what they want to see. I didn't see much for all the hype he gets, especially playing against 2's/3's. Certainly not enough that makes him far and away the best choice to start. Hoyer looked ok, I just think overall the Browns have no weapons on offense, besides Gordon and Cameron.


I did she a guy who lowers his head just before he gets hit when running which is not going to end well if he keeps it up.


EDIT: oh and not that this isn't uncommon in rookie QBs, but he stares down his recievers.

Edited by Wayne Cubed
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You wanna crown his ass? Crown his ass!


Gotta make Johnny "earn" it, Pettine will be coach of the year.




He has the IT factor and there's just no losing that.




yes because that has always held him back :doh: , how much maturity and restraint did Kelly have when he played.





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Gotta make Johnny "earn" it, Pettine will be coach of the year.




He has the IT factor and there's just no losing that.




yes because that has always held him back :doh: , how much maturity and restraint did Kelly have when he played.






I'd had no idea that players could post on TBD from the field. Johnny?

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Gotta make Johnny "earn" it, Pettine will be coach of the year.




He has the IT factor and there's just no losing that.




yes because that has always held him back :doh: , how much maturity and restraint did Kelly have when he played.






So, in your opinion, is he better than Skelton? If so, you'd probably have to give up more than Mario in a trade...

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Nice toss by thigpen, I think we should sign him and let em compete for the starting gig. :flirt:

I wondered where he ended up. Nice gig a mil or two a year for holding a clipboard and taking a pass to the head every so often.

other than pre season he is well rested. Honestly, its hard to believe he's in the league yet.


So judging by some comments since Johnny football is not a Bill he automatically sucks? His Vegas personality is weird, but like others said he can take a pounding. unlike other QB's in the league. he also shows an extreme desire to win. I hope grows up and wish him the best.

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He looks like the same player he was in college. He's actually a good accurate passer from the pocket and he has a rifle. The only question mark for me is, of course, can he take the pounding. No one knows the answer to that yet. He's very, very tough, but these mofos hit hard and don't play nice.


That was my take as well. Just can't imagine he can stay healthy running that much. Fun to watch, though.

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A very impressive start. He has a fast ball like Brett Farve. I watched him closely he went through his progressions and different options with the little bit of time that he had to throw. I can't wait to see this guy with there starting o-line and all the number ones. When he did run he ran smart. I am a huge fan of his or course I was a big Flutie fan. This guy is going to be a great NFL QB. I see nothing but good things for the Browns.

They just became my 2nd favorite team behind the Bills. I will be watching him every week on NFL Sunday Ticket for sure. But I tell you what the best thing he did yesterday was his post game interview if you get a chance listen to it

I think even the hard line critic's of Johnny football

Would be impressed. I really like this guy. Yes I would have drafted him If I was the Bills GM. He will be NFL Rookie of the year in my opinion.


You can find his post game interview here



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Hard to take a whole lot away from games like this but he looked comfortable, and in control. Made some guys miss extending plays with his legs, throws with velocity. If you're a Browns fan you walk away from tonight pretty content with what you watched.


Very much this. ^^^ Not bad at all for his very first NFL game. I am also a big fan of this kid, like the fella that just posted above me. Browns already are my #2 team but this makes it even better.


I also believe Manziel will have a solid NFL career. Will he get hurt? Has every QB that has ever started been hurt? They pretty much all get hurt at some point. When Johnny Football gets hurt everyone will say...see told ya so !! LOL ~!

Edited by jaybee
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Reminds me of Fran Tarkington more than Flutie. Looked okay in the game against 2nd stringers, which I would guess is kinda like advanced college ball, sorta. We will see if he starts, he seems like he has already had durability issues in the past but he is tough and has a tough attitude, that I find likable. His off field persona, not so much (more his rich !@#$ thing, more than the partying). I do have to say I loved him in college but the NFL is something different.

November 30th, can't wait. Johnny Football will need a new spleen and career.

I'm calling it the 50 year anniversary SuperBowl that wasn't, ta-da!

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I thought he did Ok - pretty much exactly what was expected. Accurate throws for the most part. Looks to tuck and run too quickly. Needs to slide feet first (wonder how those ribs feel today). Nice 16 yard run, missed the FB on 4th and 1. Seemed ready to go. I don't think hoyer is losing sleep but nothing too positive or negative to overreact about. He was playing against all backups with likely no game plan to stop him. He is starting next week's game so that may tell them a little more.

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Quoting and disputing my own post. After he settled down a little looked pretty good .... Ran an uptempo offense, made good decisions, made different throws, made the lions defend more of the field than hoyer . Don't see why they'd go bother sticking with hoyer.

Thank god you've seen enough to make a decision. Now we can all get on with our lives.


Just wait. The EJ bashers will soon be here with the,"we should have signed Manziel" nonsense.

Well if they do you just tell them that Johnny was never a free agent available for the Bills to sign.
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I heard Russell Wilson was too small and scrambly for this league too.

It's not like Russell Wilson doesn't have any disadvantages because of his size. He fumbled the ball 10 times last year, which is 3rd in the NFL. What makes it even worse is that most of the guys around him have hundreds of additional pass attempts. Wilson also has far more muscle than Johnny Football which helps his small frame take a pounding.


I expect JF to fumble a lot and hit the IR early.

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