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Judge rules Ten Commandments monument must go

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As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims],—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Mohammedan] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Tripoli 1797


It seems like 100% of the Senate and John Adams disagree with you. Also, you claim many of the Founders belonged to these religions, yet many expressed very strong deistic tendencies. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Cornelius Harnett, Gouverneur Morris, Hugh Williamson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and Ethan Allen all showed strong deistic influence in their writing. Even George Washington avoided using the word "god" and instead used the Deist word providence.



The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.



The Bible also tells us we have a right to slaves. It also tells us that women are inferior, and shouldn't be in a position of authority over a man.


The Flying Spaghetti Monster crap is not a religion. Try again.

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The Flying Spaghetti Monster crap is not a religion. Try again.

Lol, please explain how The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster is not a religion. This should be good. Personally, I view your hate-filled opinion as intolerant, disrespectful and ignorant. I don't think you'd appreciate someone telling you that that Jesus Christ crap is not a religion.

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Lol, please explain how The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster is not a religion. This should be good. Personally, I view your hate-filled opinion as intolerant, disrespectful and ignorant. I don't think you'd appreciate someone telling you that that Jesus Christ crap is not a religion.


He means that, while it's a belief system, it's not a REAL religion like Scientology or Global Warming.

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Lol, please explain how The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster is not a religion. This should be good. Personally, I view your hate-filled opinion as intolerant, disrespectful and ignorant. I don't think you'd appreciate someone telling you that that Jesus Christ crap is not a religion.

From a legal standpoint? Sure.


Though, if you had the capacity to be honest, you'd simply admit that it was nothing beyond a cynical parody, the only purpose of which is to mock people of faith in the public square, using the Constitutional protections afford to actual faiths as a bludgeon.


It's an incredibly small minded and selfish thing to do.

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From a legal standpoint? Sure.


Though, if you had the capacity to be honest, you'd simply admit that it was nothing beyond a cynical parody, the only purpose of which is to mock people of faith in the public square, using the Constitutional protections afford to actual faiths as a bludgeon.


It's an incredibly small minded and selfish thing to do.


Actually, it was a cynical parody, the only purpose of which is to mock a woefully ignorant school board that tried to redefine "science" as having a foundation in the supernatural.

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Actually, it was a cynical parody, the only purpose of which is to mock a woefully ignorant school board that tried to redefine "science" as having a foundation in the supernatural.

That was it's purpose, and at the time that purpose was noble; however that's no longer the case.

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Lol, please explain how The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster is not a religion. This should be good. Personally, I view your hate-filled opinion as intolerant, disrespectful and ignorant. I don't think you'd appreciate someone telling you that that Jesus Christ crap is not a religion.


Can you explain the origins and history of the religion of The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Isn't it just a parody making fun of Creationism? If so, isn't that intolerant, disrespectful and ignorant?

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From a legal standpoint? Sure.


Though, if you had the capacity to be honest, you'd simply admit that it was nothing beyond a cynical parody, the only purpose of which is to mock people of faith in the public square, using the Constitutional protections afford to actual faiths as a bludgeon.


It's an incredibly small minded and selfish thing to do.

That was it's purpose, and at the time that purpose was noble; however that's no longer the case.

Can you explain the origins and history of the religion of The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Isn't it just a parody making fun of Creationism? If so, isn't that intolerant, disrespectful and ignorant?


Just wanted to say, yes, yes, and yes. I was going to say all of this.

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I understand that at the beginning of the thread you referred to the big 10 as laws, and later on contradicted yourself saying no one is claiming they're laws. And so do you, hence the panicky name calling tactic.


They were laws; they were part of the legal code of the Jews. That's what Deuteronomy and Leviticus are: laws.

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From a legal standpoint? Sure.


Though, if you had the capacity to be honest, you'd simply admit that it was nothing beyond a cynical parody, the only purpose of which is to mock people of faith in the public square, using the Constitutional protections afford to actual faiths as a bludgeon.


It's an incredibly small minded and selfish thing to do.

I'm not talking about its legality. I do, however, think it has a larger purpose than your giving it credit for. I'm not talking about either of those things.


All that opinion crap aside, what characteristics do you see that make it different than any other religion?


Can you explain the origins and history of the religion of The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster? Isn't it just a parody making fun of Creationism? If so, isn't that intolerant, disrespectful and ignorant?

It is what it is - a belief system. Age should not be used to make one religion more valid than another. There are plenty of religions older than the ones that are popular today.

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I'm not talking about its legality. I do, however, think it has a larger purpose than your giving it credit for. I'm not talking about either of those things.


All that opinion crap aside, what characteristics do you see that make it different than any other religion?



It is what it is - a belief system. Age should not be used to make one religion more valid than another. There are plenty of religions older than the ones that are popular today.


You're wrapping yourself in the definition. I think you just want to win an argument, instead of being honest. You can "prove" it fits the definition of religion, but to pretend like it isn't a horribly unsubtle and contrived dig at other religions is asinine. You know it. It has been warped from its true purpose of keeping "intelligent design" out of schools into adolescents on the internet saying, "You believe in magic man in the sky, I believe in a Flying Spaghetti monster, I'm so clever."


It may ascribe to the letter of religion but it goes against its spirit.

Edited by FireChan
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Lol, please explain how The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster is not a religion. This should be good. Personally, I view your hate-filled opinion as intolerant, disrespectful and ignorant. I don't think you'd appreciate someone telling you that that Jesus Christ crap is not a religion.


the church of the flying spaghetti monster is as much a religion as the Darwin fish with little feet on it is an expression of faith. both are based in mockery, from what seems to me to be a condescending, and an ironically 'holier-than-thou' point of view. if someone was to truly believe in the avian pasta deity, they'd be placing exactly as much faith in something unprovable as those they mock for their belief in God.

Edited by Azalin
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