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The End of Andrew Cuomo???

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The idiots downstate will still re-elect the piece of trash. This may affect his 2016 presidential run, though. The Hillary attack machine will have a field day calling him corrupt during the primaries.

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Don't make me laugh.


Look at the reaction of the national press to the NJ lane closings vs this story.


Andy's not going anywhere.


The press will not pursue it.



I wouldn't be so sure. They'd all have to be on the same page, like they were for Obama. Here, some may be on the Clinton page, some may be on the "anybody but Clinton" page.


And, being on the same page has cost them dearly as of today. They have all taken massive credibility hits over Obama. They will remember these hits. Their over-indulged egos will ensure it. Also, they are now exposed, for at least the next 3 elections, to the "you threw the game for Obama" charge.


They can't do anything about this exposure, and any R can blow by their D and dunk this on them at any time. Mark my words, as soon as November happens, for the next 2 years the Rs will be dunking on the press over and over. Example: "Yeah (insert media person here), I will take listening to your position on this issue, exactly as serious as you took the vetting of Obama". And it's over.


The hole in the D is there, the Rs just have to keep hitting it.


If they do, I don't see how yet another "lock step/phony scandal" narrative works for the press-->Cuomo, because it just invites more R attacks.


The dumbest right wing radio personality can figure this one out on his own. Surely the smart ones can. Rush Limbaugh will drive a truck through this hole, and hit the media incessantly...because he knows they will protect Hillary.


Therefore, they might try and counter all this by abandoning Cuomo.

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Leftist governor of New York with even a smidgeon of corruption? He's not going anywhere


And that's a problem because of downstate, The City and its area... And to a lesser extent, other urban areas (BFLO, SYR, ROCH) Historically NYS, outside the urban centers, is rural (of course) and conservative. It is what it is, people vote for their best interest. Their interests are different between city and country. The urban areas dominate with its voter block, especially downstate. Even during the New Deal era, take a look @ NYS' voting results.


Just like Chicago does for Illinois, NYC carries the state.



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