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ESPN- Spiller could be traded soon


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This couldn't be MORE WRONG. In fact, the light workload of Brown makes a Spiller trade more probable.


Lynch was showcased and received the most carries until he was traded. You, my friend, have chosen to make up facts, have insulted out intelligence, and lost ALL CREDIBILITY








This couldn't be MORE WRONG. In fact, the light workload of Brown makes a Spiller trade more probable.


Lynch was showcased and received the most carries until he was traded. You, my friend, have chosen to make up facts, have insulted our intelligence, and lost ALL CREDIBILITY






Oh really? It's funny you picked 2 games, hilariously and not even his last game in Buffalo, nice attempt at calling me out. Care to explain why in game one he only rushed 3 times, while CJ and Fred combined for 11 rushes in game one vs the Dolphins? Or how about his actual last game he played in Buffalo, 4 attempts for 8 yards.




Thanks for playing.


EDIT: Also, lets not forget CJ was named the Bills starting running back before the 2010 season, over Lynch, so yes the writing was on the wall. Spiller was ineffective in the first game forcing the Bills to go to Lynch in game 2 and 3, but then they went back to CJ/Fred and Lynch was traded.




Again, thanks for calling me out and all.

Edited by Wayne Cubed
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I'm not saying it couldn't happen, because obviously it could, but if it were going to happen why wouldn't they have one of the other guys (Dixon, Brown) practicing/playing more time with the 1's? When Lynch was going to be traded, his 1st team reps were severely cut almost like the writing was on the wall.

Spiiler always looks great in camp. Drive up his price maybe?


If the Browns got a 1st for Trent Richardson we should be able to muster a 1st for Spiller. Yet it probably be a late 1st and with the 49ers have some injuries in the backfield imagine they'd be a potential suitor/fit. That said I wouldn't trade Spiller but then again I think he's the best RB on the roster.

I would be ecstatic if they could get a 1st for Spiller. But I can't imagine that happening.

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This does make some sense. I like Spiller too. I like him a lot and own his jersey. But he is getting close to a contract...still can fetch a good return and the Bills traded for Brown and have Dixon and Fred Jackson...I can absolutely see Spiller on the move (I hope Im wrong)


Not disagreeing with your logic, but interpreting things a little differently...


I think, between Fred and CJ, highly likely that one or both will be injured this season. Whaley has gone out of his way this offseason to surround EJ with talent on the O-line, in the WR corp, and in the backfield. CJ's value is playoffs or bust mentality at OBD, not in a player to be named, or in resigning him to an extension. Front office is playing this season for their jobs with new ownership looming, regardless of what they say in the media... either that or they are really naive. 4 quality backs are insurance for this, IMO. Marrone may not use more than 2 per game, but he almost assuredly will use more than 2 in a season. Whether CJ signs an extension or not is irrelevant to the current regime if they're not here. And if they make the playoffs and he doesn't resign, it's not the end of the world.

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+1. The time for the Bills to trade Spiller (If they intended) would have been on draft day, not three weeks into training camp. It will demotivate the players. We are not the Patriots that their team can overcome cutting a player like Milloy or trading their starting DE to Oakland.

Good take (per usual) ganesh.


The team has been bonding into a unit over the past several weeks, seems like a bad move to pull out a guy who I'm sure, everyone likes and respects. Like Wayne said, not to say it can't happen, but man seems risky.


Unless someone comes knocking with a first :D

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Wouldn't surprise me a bit. Give him the ball 10 times and he gets stuffed 8 times but breaks one big one. Where has that got us? You could say he is not being used right but maybe it's just that he's not the right guy for what they want to do. If he can be traded for someone that helps the team I am all for it now that we have FJ, Brown and Dixon. They could package TJ and maybe even Goodwin also

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how many times has spiller scored a TD OR set up a TD with a long run? I don't care if he does carry 8 times for 2 yards and finally breaks a big one. in a close game, the ability to break a long run for a score ANY time he touches the ball is a skill that I do NOT want to let go of. PERIOD.

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What agents? Spiller doesn't even have an agent at the moment and hasn't for awhile no


Maybe he signs Parker. :D


Spiller is set to have a big year. It's a contract year. We need that kind of productivity to get into the playoffs. The catch 22 (or 28) is that once he has a good year, his contract demands will be outrageous and he is all but certain to leave. And on the flip side, if he has a bad year then we won't want him anyways. So my guess is he's gone either way


I agree. If CJ stays healthy, we will see the best he has to offer this season.


+1. The time for the Bills to trade Spiller (If they intended) would have been on draft day, not three weeks into training camp. It will demotivate the players. We are not the Patriots that their team can overcome cutting a player like Milloy or trading their starting DE to Oakland.


True. Whether on draft day or now, if a trade is going to happen it should be for a player who can help the Bills immediately. Or, a 1st rounder in next year's draft which is doubtful unless you find another dumb team like the Colts.

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how many times has spiller scored a TD OR set up a TD with a long run? I don't care if he does carry 8 times for 2 yards and finally breaks a big one. in a close game, the ability to break a long run for a score ANY time he touches the ball is a skill that I do NOT want to let go of. PERIOD.

You should care actually. That's almost three 3 and outs you are talking about which tires a defense and leads to multiple scores by the opponent compared to the one potential score on "the big one" for the Bills. Great recipe for last place.

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God damn it! This is an example of the sorry state of sports reporting.


Mike Rodak took Doug Marrone's comment incorrectly and wrote an incorrect article.


"I don’t know if I want to get it down to three. I’ve never been a guy that has three backs playing in the game," Marrone said. "I’ve always believed, and you guys know, in the two backs. It’ll come down to two backs; the two backs going in there."


Marrone is clearly talking about ON THE FIELD, Not ROSTER, Not Rotation.


But Rodak ran with it and wrote this silly breakdown of carries in a Morrone's NFL Career




Clearly Marrone will give some carries to Brown and whoever else throughout the season. It is braindead to even suggest that only Two RBs would see the field throughout the season.


Now mainstream ESPN is taking one of their less intelligent Blogger's incorrect article and extrapolating a sensations slant.


Marrone is not Talking about ON THE ROSTER!


Marrone is not Talking about CARRIES IN A ROTATION!


Marrone is talking about two backs on the field at the same time and NOT putting Three back on the FIELD at the same time.



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Fred Jackson has been great and I really like him as our #2 RB. I think he is one of the best in that role, but does anyone really think that we should pin our hopes on a 33 year old starter at RB? I don't see anyone I'm excited about behind him either. I would not be surprised if this was CJ's agent's way of drumming up an offer to get CJ out of town and on a team willing to give him a long term deal now.


:wallbash: You wouldn't be surprised, but the rest of us would be astonished, seeing as he has no agent.

Could it be that the Bills know about the low IQ turd they have in Spiller?


Talent...HELL YES

Speed...You godamn right

Vision..... :thumbdown:

Built like a RB..... :thumbdown:


Tradebait...... :worthy:


Great take. Now you be the other team's GM and call Whaley:


PO'14: "Hello Doug, this is your fellow NFL GM PO'14.

How much have I got to give you for that Low IQ turd, talented, and speedy, running back with poor vision, built like a cheerleader who I hear is trade bait - CJ Spiller?"


Doug: click

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I like spiller I think he is great. When he was healthy the year before he was averaging 6 yards a carry

That was Off the charts stuff. Then last year he was never healthy with the high ankle sprain.


If they know there not going to sign him in the off season then they might want to trade him now

Before he gets hurt or injured. Here is what I would like to get.


Also they might want to keep him because the Bills are in Win now mode

With new owner coming in. He might let the GM and and the entire coaching staff go

Plus if Pegula buys the team he might be willing to spend the money

On Spiller. So maybe a wait and see becomes the owner approach

Would be wise. The offer for spiller would have to be a no brainier

For Bills to do it.


So for me here's what I would want


QB Kurt Cousins , he will not stay in wash when his contract is up

He looked great last night against the patriots.


Or trade 2


QB Mike Glennon Tampa bay. This guy is good new coach in Tampa

they signed Josh McCown in the off season to a big contract from the Bears

Lovie Smith is now the coach. All new coaches so there going in a different

Direction. Plus McCown put on a show and went off last year when

The bears starting QB went down. He is sort of like a Rich Gannon

Who was a Vet who kick around then got to the raiders and all of a sudden

He became great. Josh seems like this is what's going on with him.

He was signed by Tampa as there Starting QB. So I would differently trade

For Glennon if I could get him.


I would also trade him for a 2nd round pick although I would prefer a 1st round pick.


I really think the Bills need to address the QB position or Tightened or a stud Linebacker.

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Great take. Now you be the other team's GM and call Whaley:


PO'14: "Hello Doug, this is your fellow NFL GM PO'14.

How much have I got to give you for that Low IQ turd, talented, and speedy, running back with poor vision, built like a cheerleader who I hear is trade bait - CJ Spiller?"


Doug: click


Doug: A 1st.


PO'14: <Chuckle> Click


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He should have been gone during the draft. We aren't going to resign a guy that is good for 3 plays a game. This team needs some consistency. They just extended FJax, Whaley brought in TWO RB's on his own, do you really think HIS RB's are getting cut? Hell no. CJ is another Nix pick, I would think the odds are really good he is gone esp with his contract being up this year

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It seems like part of the reason we let talented players go so often is that we have so much coaching and GM turnover. The new guy always wants his own, hand-picked players to fit his schemes. By the time he assembles them, he gets fired for poor performance. Jauron and Levy wanted Marshawn Lynch. Chan and Buddy wanted CJ Spiller. Now Marrone and Whaley seem to want a bruiser like Bryce Brown. We are constantly acquiring the same needs over and over again, especially RB's and players in the secondary at the expense of the offensive and defensive lines. It's the old saying, wash, rinse, repeat.

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