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Nigel Bradham suspended for Bears game

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Different situations. The AL spice arrest in effect does not exist if he completes his pre trial intervention program. I don't see how he gets suspended for the drag racing bs


bradhams was dismissed completely.... theres a real hazy area where suspensions start and im not 100% confident saying whether dareus will receive one. i will say if he does it is likely not immediate, and shouldnt be extensive. could he get a game or two down the line though --- question marks all around.

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bradhams was dismissed completely.... theres a real hazy area where suspensions start and im not 100% confident saying whether dareus will receive one. i will say if he does it is likely not immediate, and shouldnt be extensive. could he get a game or two down the line though --- question marks all around.

I don't believe spice is a prohibited substance in the NFL and if speeding/reckless driving/drag racing is prohibited, I'd be surprised. So the only way they

could justify a Dareus suspension would be under "behavior detrimental to the NFL." Very grey area all in all, and likely to engender a strong reaction from the union.

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I hope Bradham is appealing this and that the team is backing him up fully and completely.


Unless this is some kind of back room agreement from Goodell to ensure that the Bills stay in Buffalo. Then I'll grudgingly accept this.


Bradham stated today this is a result of last years arrest. He has already appealed and lost. The result is the one game suspension

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bradhams was dismissed completely.... theres a real hazy area where suspensions start and im not 100% confident saying whether dareus will receive one. i will say if he does it is likely not immediate, and shouldnt be extensive. could he get a game or two down the line though --- question marks all around.

Did not realize Bradham's charge had been dismissed. If so, then the suspension is BS.

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It's a gamemandmit's not like it was Kiko. I'm glad I've heard he's made progress. We're going to play nickel and dime a lot in this game. I really like our secondary, but we're going to have to double those WR and they have an excellent TE.


The key to this game is our offense vs. their defense. We improved talent wise, but will it be enough to stand toe to toe with those offensive weapons?

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better the player longer the leesh....Bradham don't worry about game one you won't be on the roster

See thats not right at all. Some folks dont seem to even follow the Bills before the harsh comments come out. No offense because Scott , you are not the first here .

Marrone has spoken of him and Schwartz is very pleased . Even Nigel spoke of his transgressions and how he was hanging with the wrong people , made the change. Talked about the grind.

Kid is sincere and working his ass off.


He always had the physical skill in my opinion. He just did not seem to pick up the cerebral bits from pot , stupid or lazy . But he turned his head around.

Marrone was pinishing him last year with few reps til the end of the season.

Give the Kid a break and lets see ow he comes back from this.

I think he has a valuable place on Bills defense THIS year . He will get on track.


Oh and this is a major BS call by the NFL.

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Can someone please, please explain to me how Marshawn Lynch has not yet been suspended? It's truly mind boggling. I mean, I get that his trial has kept getting pushed back, but this is his third strike and apparently his case is pretty open and shut for authorities. At what point does the league say that there's no more pushing a trial back, you're going to face discipline? We just lost our starting weakside LB for something that was totally dismissed. I seriously don't get this.

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Absolute BS. Like the league was trying to find a way to screw the bills more.


Yea - they are out to get us and getting bradham off the field for about 40 snaps was all part of the plan!


Can someone please, please explain to me how Marshawn Lynch has not yet been suspended? It's truly mind boggling. I mean, I get that his trial has kept getting pushed back, but this is his third strike and apparently his case is pretty open and shut for authorities. At what point does the league say that there's no more pushing a trial back, you're going to face discipline? We just lost our starting weakside LB for something that was totally dismissed. I seriously don't get this.


DUI is another hazy spot once pleas happen. A DUI is under the drug policy, not conduct, and has a schedule of penalties. But when the turn into lessers I don't know how consistent penalties for things like reckless driving are. I'd be very curious the leagues answer though.

Edited by NoSaint
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PFT saying this is likely a result of last years arrest rather than a recent infraction


On another note that doesn't bode well for Dareus


Apparently per Joe B, its because his compliance with the terms of his court deal didn't finish until he stayed clean for 6 months from his September sentencing, which pushed it past the end of last season. The NFL waited to see if he was going to make any other missteps before deciding on the punishment. The 1 game would have likely become 2, 3 or 4 if he had gotten into more trouble...


Yea - they are out to get us and getting bradham off the field for about 40 snaps was all part of the plan!




DUI is another hazy spot once pleas happen. A DUI is under the drug policy, not conduct, and has a schedule of penalties. But when the turn into lessers I don't know how consistent penalties for things like reckless driving are. I'd be very curious the leagues answer though.


The NFL normally waits until it plays out in court until they make a decision, which usually includes any conditional periods after the sentencing

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Or possibly showing their "toughness" after a poor decision on the ray rice 2 game suspension.



No. No one around the league cares about bradham for this to be making an example.


He got arrested with drugs, completed his program and got hit with a game. No ray rice relation.

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