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Stephen A Smith suspended for Rice comments


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Stephen A Smith was NOT talking about this situation specifically. How do you not understand? He's talking about some cases of DOMESTIC ABUSE. Not what Rice's girlfriend should have or should have not done.

I'll maintain that he should probably just not talk about any cases of domestic abuse, since his specialty is being outraged about poor free throw shooting performances and football players in Las Vegas.

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I'll maintain that he should probably just not talk about any cases of domestic abuse, since his specialty is being outraged about poor free throw shooting performances and football players in Las Vegas.


I used to agree with you that he's a complete blowhard fool. I really did. I saw this video though, and it honestly changed my mind. He may be ridiculous at times, but the man uses his platform to try to do some good and he gets in trouble.


Watch this whole video, and try to tell me he has nothing of value to say to the country.



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I used to agree with you that he's a complete blowhard fool. I really did. I saw this video though, and it honestly changed my mind. He may be ridiculous at times, but the man uses his platform to try to do some good and he gets in trouble.


Watch this whole video, and try to tell me he has nothing of value to say to the country.




Yeah, that was posted on my facebook friend, who is black, at the time. He just said Truth.

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I don't. I just believe strongly that there's a culture around abuse that needs to be broken down. Part of that culture is men making really tone deaf statements like SAS did. If you've seen abuse in your family, you know how harmful seeds of doubt are to the abused. Even if he meant well - and his "I'm convinced I'm right on all matters tone" really hurt him in attempts 2+3 before he got somewhere better on attempt 4 - he just shouldn't have waded into these waters. It doesn't really belong on a sports program and he is not an expert even if he has life experience with this.


I don't expect much from SAS because I think he's a knucklehead and a bloviating idiot on most matters, but ESPN is both right to cover their asses, and not smart for relying on this kind of simplistic binary argument-based programming to begin with.



If he said "I hope all women can find the courage to flee their abusers or protect themselves if a situation gets dangerous," I could handle this. The widespread reaction from women, some with abuse in their pasts, suggests he really failed if that's what he meant to say.


Please, understand where he is coming from. Not playing race, but many have to live in reality. That's exactly where he is coming from. Fleeing may not be a real option. But protecting yourself is exactly what he was suggesting. It just sounded bad. People need to stop internalizing. In a way, he sounds like he is blaming woman, IMO, I don't think he is. He's just keeping it practical. Self-preservation is of the utmost concern here, even if it means sounding like he is finding fault in what a woman is doing. You can't just make a blanket assessment that all victims of abuse did not make a mistep. Getting in anybody's kitchen is a mistep.


He just said Truth.





I'll maintain that he should probably just not talk about any cases of domestic abuse, since his specialty is being outraged about poor free throw shooting performances and football players in Las Vegas.


No. If anything, he has a lot to say about other more important issues. It is actually the exact opposite. Less ranting about silly free throws. It is better to hear him on stuff like domestic violence and think about what he has to say.

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I used to agree with you that he's a complete blowhard fool. I really did. I saw this video though, and it honestly changed my mind. He may be ridiculous at times, but the man uses his platform to try to do some good and he gets in trouble.


Watch this whole video, and try to tell me he has nothing of value to say to the country.




I think this clip actually proves the exact opposite. It proves what many of us have suspected and / or known for a while; that he's an extremely intelligent, thought provoking, inspired speaker who can very eloquently give his opinions in a professional and quite impressive manner....when he wants to. The vast majority of the time, well over 95% of the time, he is just loudly and offensively (not in content but in delivery) spewing non-sense with no other purpose than to come off controversial (along with his partner in crime on First Take) to garner attention, and ratings. As this clip shows, he could be such a better media personality with some real substance to offer if he wanted to, instead, he chooses to be a "blowhard" idiot yes man who gives in to ESPN demands at a drop of a hat and doesn't even defend himself when he didn't even do anything wrong. I had little respect for him before this incident, after his apology I now have no respect for him.

Edited by Mark80
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I think this clip actually proves the exact opposite. It proves what many of us have suspected and / or known for a while; that he's an extremely intelligent, thought provoking, inspired speaker who can very eloquently give his opinions in a professional and quite impressive manner....when he wants to. The vast majority of the time, well over 95% of the time, he is just loudly and offensively (not in content but in delivery) spewing non-sense with no other purpose than to come off controversial (along with his partner in crime on First Take) to garner attention, and ratings. As this clip shows, he could be such a better media personality with some real substance to offer if he wanted to, instead, he chooses to be a "blowhard" idiot yes man who gives in to ESPN demands at a drop of a hat and doesn't even defend himself when he didn't even do anything wrong. I had little respect for him before this incident, after his apology I now have no respect for him.


He makes ridiculous "sports" nonsense. About real world issues, he's serious and logical.


Just because he's ridiculous about sports doesn't make him all bad. I write tons of posts considered ridiculous about the Bills. Does that mean I can't say something profound about politics? Or the Middle East?


He apologized for how his statement was construed. Not for the substance of his message.


I think some of you have preconceived notions of Smith and you confirm your own biases. You can dislike him all you want for his sports opinions, but he delivers real messages about real issues. I'd much rather him do that than be no nonsense about sports and have no substance about things that matter.

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Are we ever going to see what actually transpired in the elevator? They have video of the incident. Or is Goodell going to burn those too?


She spit on him, she tried to upper cut him but missed, he hit her and this knocked her over, she hit her head on a railing in the elevator and got knocked the F out.


That is what was reported that I saw.


He makes ridiculous "sports" nonsense. About real world issues, he's serious and logical.


Just because he's ridiculous about sports doesn't make him all bad. I write tons of posts considered ridiculous about the Bills. Does that mean I can't say something profound about politics? Or the Middle East?


He apologized for how his statement was construed. Not for the substance of his message.


I think some of you have preconceived notions of Smith and you confirm your own biases. You can dislike him all you want for his sports opinions, but he delivers real messages about real issues. I'd much rather him do that than be no nonsense about sports and have no substance about things that matter.


I think you are the one missing the point. The point is, he doesn't have to make such "sports nonsense." He is smart enough to be a much more effective host / panelist / journalist / media type but he chooses to create a character (yes, he created a character and is 100% acting, that's all he is doing) instead just to garner attention and ratings. If he embraced his true self, I venture to say that his popularity and ratings would be much higher. He is no different than Rush Limbaugh in the political world in my opinion. Loud, obnoxious, distorter of facts, creating controversy so people will think "what will he do next" and tune in. It's a very, very tired act.

Edited by Mark80
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The only way to avoid an abusive relationship is to not be in relationships, otherwise you never know when someone might go off the deep end and do something nasty to you.


I can understand his comments, but they were in poor taste.

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