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Stephen A Smith suspended for Rice comments


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I don't know what Smith said, only what was posted here.


And I agree with what was posted here: women should go to lengths to protect themselves. I question the breathtaking narrowness of your posted point of view that interprets that as "be afraid of any situation that might seem even the least bit threatening." Perhaps the conversation would be better served by discussing WHAT those lengths should be, rather than dismissing the idea that women should protect themselves?




Because his initial opinion was narrow, shallow, stupid, and based on the amazingly disempowering idea that women can't protect themselves and thus need to be protected.

of all people, i am perhaps the biggest idiot of them all, but i am an idiot so what do i know...




You need to watch this Tom. It's blown out of proportion but what he said was absolutely and positively stupid. Basically saying that you should always keep your guard up and never provoke a man if you are a woman.


He has a point, no one should ever provoke someone else. But, that's not how domestic violence always begins.


Smith should be suspended and kicked off the radio for just being a huge !@#$ing piece of flaming crap who never makes a point, speaks without thinking nor does he apply logic to simple situations. He is a hack.

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of all people, i am perhaps the biggest idiot of them all, but i am an idiot so what do i know...




You need to watch this Tom. It's blown out of proportion but what he said was absolutely and positively stupid. Basically saying that you should always keep your guard up and never provoke a man if you are a woman.


He has a point, no one should ever provoke someone else. But, that's not how domestic violence always begins.


Smith should be suspended and kicked off the radio for just being a huge !@#$ing piece of flaming crap who never makes a point, speaks without thinking nor does he apply logic to simple situations. He is a hack.


This pretty much sums it up.

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of all people, i am perhaps the biggest idiot of them all, but i am an idiot so what do i know...




You need to watch this Tom. It's blown out of proportion but what he said was absolutely and positively stupid. Basically saying that you should always keep your guard up and never provoke a man if you are a woman.


He has a point, no one should ever provoke someone else. But, that's not how domestic violence always begins.


Smith should be suspended and kicked off the radio for just being a huge !@#$ing piece of flaming crap who never makes a point, speaks without thinking nor does he apply logic to simple situations. He is a hack.


He didn't say, "this is how all domestic violence begins." He just said you can possibly prevent it by not provoking.


I still don't understand why that's so bad.


Stephen A Smith - "What I’ve tried to employ the female members of my family — some of who you all met and talked to and what have you — is that ... let’s make sure we don’t do anything to provoke wrong actions, because if I come — or somebody else come, whether it’s law enforcement officials, your brother or the fellas that you know — if we come after somebody has put their hands on you, it doesn’t negate the fact that they already put their hands on you."


He didn't say prevent, he said don't provoke. Interpretation on provocation can vary wildly depending on the person.


The problem is your interpretation led you to believe me and Stephen A are disparaging women. You didn't stop to think for one second about the issue in terms of practicality. Which is what the general public does. Which is why he got suspended.


You couldn't have a conversation, you had to attack, make assumptions about rape, and basically call me a piece of ****. This reaction is the problem.

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What I've learned from this thread it:


1. I'm really glad I don't follow sports that much anymore.

2. I'm really, really, glad I don't watch ESPN anymore.

3. I'm really, really, really glad I gave up on #2 before I gave up on #1.

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You may have heard about Stephen A Smith's "hiatus" from ESPN because of his comments regarding the Ray Rice situation. Basically, he said that, while it's obvious that domestic abuse is wrong and shouldn't happen, women should go to lengths to protect themselves. Does anyone know what is so bad about that?


Same thing that was wrong with what Al Campanis and a thousand other public figures since said --- something that didn't follow the approved, vanilla PC script.

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How else does domestic violence begin?


I'm sure there are awful guys who come home drunk and start swinging over burnt dinner.


I don't think that's what happened to Rice, or Chris Brown, or Ochocinco. I don't think that's what Stephen A was talking about. He was basically saying, "don't get in your boyfriends' face, scream at him, and hit him. You are provoking retaliation, even if the retaliation is wrong."

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I don't think that's what happened to Rice, or Chris Brown, or Ochocinco. I don't think that's what Stephen A was talking about. He was basically saying, "don't get in your boyfriends' face, scream at him, and hit him. You are provoking retaliation, even if the retaliation is wrong."


Exactly. That's how I took his comment.


I know somebody who teaches self defense, and he says the #1 key is avoidance.



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:blink: Are you serious??






You may have heard about Stephen A Smith's "hiatus" from ESPN because of his comments regarding the Ray Rice situation. Basically, he said that, while it's obvious that domestic abuse is wrong and shouldn't happen, women should go to lengths to protect themselves. Does anyone know what is so bad about that?


An analogous situation is walking around an alley in a white tux, with wads of cash and a fancy watch. Obviously you shouldn't get mugged. But you could have prevented that possible situation.


How are these situations different? Can someone attempt to enlighten me?

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How does one avoid domestic violence if there isn't any warning signs or history of it previously?


I think the instances of guys hauling off and Ray Ricing their wife without any previous warning sign or history are exceedingly rare.


There's a whole psychology about why certain women stay with wife beaters.

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