OCinBuffalo Posted July 23, 2014 Posted July 23, 2014 (edited) The only place I hear the word "progressive" now is those awful car insurance commercials, the ones with that benighted K-mart hag. It's so bad, that they actually tell you to not bother with turning your radio dial, because they are on all channels. Yeah. Interesting. Progessive: you've overspent on bad, and in so doing, you think you've limited my choices? Perhaps you should look to your own? Seriously. I believe that my prediction has come to pass. "Progressives" have killed off their own word, via their own bad results/behavior. In my standard perusal of political boards, RCP, talk radio, cable news, I haven't heard anybody use the term "progressive" for a solid 6 weeks. It wasn't that I began this looking for it's absence. It's not some sort of running count thing for me. It's just that I began noticing its absence, and, it's been quite some time now. So, what shall the new name for people who subscribe to the following ethos, "we have no experience/knowledge with the material being discussed, but we shall form a policy about it anyway, call it "new"(even though its largely from last century), say it's great beacuse it's "new", and demand its immediate implementation" be? It's clear that most of the content generators out there have gone back to "liberal". I think that's a mistake....because then you are pitching right into Rush Limbaugh(the man who killed liberal last time around) et al's wheelhouse. And, that's interesting all by itself. Last time, Rush killed "liberal" This time? They did it to themselves. And, back to the unserious: Progressive Insurance was named politically, by its leftist founder. Perhaps they will have to throw out their name, along with the hag? EDIT: Well I did see it in the Palestine thread....but the leftist, Harvard, D-Bag, college Professor? He himself put "progressive" in quotes! So, once again, the behavior tells.... Edited July 23, 2014 by OCinBuffalo
KD in CA Posted July 23, 2014 Posted July 23, 2014 I think the issue is there's absolutely nothing "progressive" any longer about the so-called progressive movement. Really, what do the "progressives" stand for these days? Elimination of all concepts of frugality or fiscal responsibility? Protecting scams like teacher tenure and pension fraud? Blatant censorship and/or mass public shaming of anyone who dares to speak outside of the approved group-speak? Lip-service worship of failed economic models? Scare tactics about absurd environmental calamity? Creating endless racial strife for the perceived benefit at the ballot box? Seriously "progressives", where is the progress?
Dorkington Posted July 23, 2014 Posted July 23, 2014 Progressives are the worst. They should be booted from the country.
meazza Posted July 23, 2014 Posted July 23, 2014 Progressives are the worst. They should be booted from the country. That would be progress.
B-Man Posted July 23, 2014 Posted July 23, 2014 I do not usually reference the Urban Dictionary, but here it seems to fit. Progressive A term that former liberals co-opted when they discovered that their delusional beliefs didn't fit any recognized definition of the word liberal. These fools are frequently self-loathing, unsuccessful losers who can only feel better by projecting their failures onto their opponents. A "Progressive" is identified by the following behaviors/beliefs: - Knows what is best for everybody else - Claims to be well-informed even though they get their news/talking points from the Daily KOS and/or MSNBC - Believes corporations and profit are evil, and will tweet about this 24/7 on their fancy iPad - Thinks name-calling and demonizing opponents is the same as debate - Accuses every person with a dissenting view of being a racist - Believes in the rights of everyone, except those who disagree - Thinks the Constitution is flawed because they can't control all 3 branches of government http://www.urbandict...erm=progressive .
Chef Jim Posted July 25, 2014 Posted July 25, 2014 The problem with progress is it doesn't have a destination.
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