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Denver Broncos owner Pat Bowlen steps down

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If I recall, hes been pretty far outside operations for some time now. I believe the move to Joe Ellis/John Elway was related to him wanting someone he could trust to essentially hand the full reigns over to since he wasnt of sound mind. i dont keep up with the broncos operations closely or anything, but i recall some talk of that a few years ago.

Edited by NoSaint
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If I recall, hes been pretty far outside operations for some time now. I believe the move to Joe Ellis/John Elway was related to him wanting someone he could trust to essentially hand the full reigns over to since he wasnt of sound mind. i dont keep up with the broncos operations closely or anything, but i recall some talk of that a few years ago.


Yes, that is accurate. He has been feeling the effects of dementia for a few years now.

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Look for a YouTube video about Seth Rogan testifies in Congress


He is a huge advocate for finding a cure....


My grandfather suffered from it and it's miserable and heart wrenching to watch it's effects on a person


My mother suffered through it for years, as did her mother...it is a really painful thing to watch somebody go through. It takes its' toll on everyone...

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Great strides have been realized in battling/staving off the effects of this horrible disease. . .

Hope you're right, 'cause it wrecks lives of entire families. I don't follow progress in this area closely, though. I was under the impression (just from memory, didn't do the google thing on it) that recent breakthroughs have generally involved finding markers for early stages of the disease, so that it will be easier to try various experimental treatments that might eventually slow the progress of the disease if it can be detected early enough.


Are you aware of any breakthroughs in treatment that go beyond early detection (which is an important first step, but still leaves us a long way from slowing progression of the disease, much less curing or entirely preventing it)?

Edited by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead
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He is one of the great owners in the NFL. Best wishes.

While I hope he manages this disease well and we find a cure for it, as a Bills fan, I can't consider him a "great owner."


He was the driving force behind the 80 man training camp roster limit to 'keep costs down' and immediately tried to use those savings by signing Bruce Smith to an offer sheet.


As a human, prayers go out to him and his family. As an owner, #### him.

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This is ridiculously rude, immature and downright ignorant.

Which part is ignorant? His pushing for the 80 man roster limit, or his Broncos giving an offer to Smith.


Again, I hope his condition doesn't deteriorate and I wish his family well. It's a terrible disease; hopefully it will be cured soon.

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Are you aware of any breakthroughs in treatment that go beyond early detection (which is an important first step, but still leaves us a long way from slowing progression of the disease, much less curing or entirely preventing it)?

Unfortunately, there are no breakthrough treatments, there have been several failed clinical trials but really no new treatments.
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Thanks - - thought maybe I had missed something.


Me, too...................Everybody always says !@#$ Cancer! But, I think this disease is far worse for our society. Everybody has to die from something. To say this ruins the quality of life for a whole family is an understatement.


And, it gets a fraction of the funding of cancer research. Meanwhile, it's going to crush our whole health care system in the coming years..............But, let's just keep wearing pink.

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