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dick cheney:face of the right and worst vp in history

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I don't know how anyone can hear the lies after lies after lies told by Barry and his minions and the media covering for him, and claim the other side is guilty of "group think." Does any liberal really believe that the IRS lost those e-mails? Does it not trouble you that a) it's happening, b) being blatantly lied about, and c) being largely ignored by the alphabet networks?

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Now you're starting to catch on, Skippy. You think I run around all day outside this message board yapping about what a stuttering clusterphuck of a president Obama has been?






Because everyone knows he's a stuttering clusterphuck. Hell, even Dianne Feinstein knows he's a stuttering clusterphuck, and she's as big a stuttering clusterphuck as he is. How bad is that?


About 80% of the schitt I write here I write because I sit at a desk all day, on calls, writing proposals, answering phone calls, and reading enough embarrassing tripe from the likes of gatorman and birddog that pissing all over the knob-gobbling Obama love breaks the monotony of the day.


So relax, Skippy. You're neither as smart as you think you are, or as dumb as you think I am. I'm just a dude at a desk who flips in and out of here when time permits. At the end of the day, I have dinner with my family, put my child to bed, and wake up again tomorrow to run my company and piss on progressive trolls when the time permits.





We try and steer the conversations away from anything "controversial" here at the Senior Center I manage.


But you should hear them (all races) get going when the subject of Obama comes up......lol



Edited by B-Man
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I don't know how anyone can hear the lies after lies after lies told by Barry and his minions and the media covering for him, and claim the other side is guilty of "group think." Does any liberal really believe that the IRS lost those e-mails? Does it not trouble you that a) it's happening, b) being blatantly lied about, and c) being largely ignored by the alphabet networks?


I don't think most people really care

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I don't think most people really care


why on earth would anyone care that a part of the executive branch of the federal government, which has the power to accuse individuals of fraud and force them to prove their innocence or face massive fines, confiscation of property and/or incarceration, is attempting to hide evidence that they exercised that power based purely on political affiliation?


of course, people like you say that the effort to prove that the IRS was on a partisan witch hunt accuse the rest of us of being on a partisan witch hunt.

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why on earth would anyone care that a part of the executive branch of the federal government, which has the power to accuse individuals of fraud and force them to prove their innocence or face massive fines, confiscation of property and/or incarceration, is attempting to hide evidence that they exercised that power based purely on political affiliation?


of course, people like you say that the effort to prove that the IRS was on a partisan witch hunt accuse the rest of us of being on a partisan witch hunt.

Cry me a river. How many investigations has that clown Issa had? And he ain't got nothing. If he can't find anything after all his efforts then the outrage over this is obviously contrived
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how many topics are we debating simutaneously in this thread? kinda like fighting 2 or 3 wars simultaneously - often inneffective for all concerned. not at all sure what la's lifestyle has to do with any of this. he could be a hermit,acrobat or zookeeper that frequents tiki bars and it wouldn't offer further insight into his group think dualism. why should we care?


but obama keeps getting invoked. and the same posters tell us that cheney is not relevant and should be ignored. so i did a little experiment that you all can do at home without parental supervision, i searchrd "cheny, obama, iraq" and despite his irrelevance i got thousands of hits, including many within the last month. the links were to places like the wall st journal, the nationaql register, fox, hannity and even nbc,cbs and abc. i found it all rather confusing. seems posters here avoid all of these sites like the plague. do all the cons here limit their news gathering to the bbc like darin? hmm, "bbc,cheney,obama,iraq"...



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Cry me a river. How many investigations has that clown Issa had? And he ain't got nothing. If he can't find anything after all his efforts then the outrage over this is obviously contrived


Well, you are the one that championed immorality in order to win politically so I would expect you to dismiss destroying several hard drives to hide the evidence as appropriate.

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Cry me a river. How many investigations has that clown Issa had? And he ain't got nothing. If he can't find anything after all his efforts then the outrage over this is obviously contrived

how many investigations has Issa held? about as many as times as IRS officials have withheld evidence, that's how many.

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I am just a simple person here, ChickenWoof, but seriously?


Worst Vice President in history? Can you name more then...10? 12?

criteria includes negative impact on the country and the world. he will be remembered for these. most of the rest are long forgotten because their presence was largely inconsequential. that's superior to being responsible for negative consequences.
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