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Dareus not cleared to practice yet

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I actually had that thought this morning too. I know it isn't an excuse. Hopefully he goes the route of Bruce Smith and turns the corner. We just need a Darryl Talley.


What was the difference between Mike Williams & Bruce Smith? A winning program.


Winning will cure a lot of his motivation. Smith would not have dedicated himself as much if the Bills didn't start winning regularly and each one of them started pressuring each other.


When they can't beat the opponent on the field, they turn the competition on one another and get their kicks drag racing.


Dareus has the opportunity to be the next Mike Williams as much as he has the opportunity to be the next Bruce Smith.

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So if he failed the conditioning test....that means he showed up to camp....out of shape. What else did he have to do for the last month besides consult with his lawyers about his two upcoming trials? This guy is as unprofessional as it gets. Should have showed up in the best shape of his life with something to prove.


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Camp is where you get whipped back into shape. Test him at the end and see where he is at. I recall Ted Washington left Denver because they got on his case about being fat. Wade Philips welcomed him to the Bills and didn't say a word about it. They probably hit up the all you can eat buffets together after practice. His big butt thrived in Buffalo. If they cut Dareus he'll go somewhere else and make us regret it.

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Good take.


My last point on this. There are some shaky bad guys in the NFL. Aaron Hernandez. Pacman. Big Ben. Dareus isn't close to that group.


Yes, he is messing up. But I'm not going to judge a guy who is 25 and has already had his father, mother, grandparents, coach/ mentor die and a brother murdered.


I agree with this. Did you notice that he, and a slew of other Bama players are fine when they are playing under Saban? It might sound corny to you but I think that he acts as a strict parental figure to many of these kids, and this is precisely what many young athletes need.

Dareus might be 25 but he is acting like a spoiled 18 year old. And you are correct in that he isn't as much of a criminal as he is a knucklehead. The problem is that he really isn't that far from throwing his career away.


This is one kid that I truly hope seeks help and gets his life together before time runs out.

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@JoeBuscaglia: The #Bills have also placed DT Marcell Dareus and OL J.J. 'Unga on the Active/Non-Football Injury List.


@JoeBuscaglia: With those designations, Dareus and 'Unga will not practice until cleared by the medical staff. Today was conditioning day. #Bills


Too many trips to the Mongolian buffet?


Not worried about Dareus. To me the Bills are just holding him down to keep him fresh for the season.


We will see him starting against the Bears opening day.


Next topic??

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Camp is where you get whipped back into shape. Test him at the end and see where he is at. I recall Ted Washington left Denver because they got on his case about being fat. Wade Philips welcomed him to the Bills and didn't say a word about it. They probably hit up the all you can eat buffets together after practice. His big butt thrived in Buffalo. If they cut Dareus he'll go somewhere else and make us regret it.


I could not disagree with this post more. The game and what's expected has changed since 2007, even from big men.

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That doesn't mean that the obvious solution is to call him "stupid" and send him packing.


If the Bills cut him, a smart team that knows how to deal with players who need help will find a place for him.


The Ravens, NE, Bengals, Broncos are all hoping we do something that stupid.


Edit: to add to this, I just want to ask a few honest questions, and this is not one that is meant to be taken as a potshot at other journalists, columnists, etc.


That question is: when was the last time you read a Jerry Sullivan column and felt like you understood something better? When was the last time you learned something? Whether you agree with him or not (and hell, I sometimes do), he is rarely doing anything other than appealing to base emotions. I guess it sells. It has kept him employed, we keep talking about it, it sells papers or generates clicks.


He has nothing to lose by saying the Bills should cut Dareus. The Bills have to make their decisions based on assets and available replacement talent. You know, like a real business that's run with real people, who sometimes have real problems.


I like the poster who shared Jerry's thoughts here, but I don't feel like JS' thoughts added anything to the conversation.


I didn't say to cut him, but he is stupid.

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Camp is where you get whipped back into shape. Test him at the end and see where he is at. I recall Ted Washington left Denver because they got on his case about being fat. Wade Philips welcomed him to the Bills and didn't say a word about it. They probably hit up the all you can eat buffets together after practice. His big butt thrived in Buffalo. If they cut Dareus he'll go somewhere else and make us regret it.


Not any more it isn't. Hasn't been since football salaries paid enough for players not to have to find other jobs in the off season. Little camp time can be wasted on getting in shape. You are expected to report in shape and ready to work on technique, schemes, etc. Showing up out of shape is a big phuck you to your teammates, organization, and fans. There's no excuse for it.



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Not any more it isn't. Hasn't been since football salaries paid enough for players not to have to find other jobs in the off season. Little camp time can be wasted on getting in shape. You are expected to report in shape and ready to work on technique, schemes, etc. Showing up out of shape is a big phuck you to your teammates, organization, and fans. There's no excuse for it.




especially given how much more limited coaches are at camp for total number of sessions, type of activities at sessions..... if you arent in shape and cant participate its no good. this isnt the end of the world, but it is something negative.

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especially given how much more limited coaches are at camp for total number of sessions, type of activities at sessions..... if you arent in shape and cant participate its no good. this isnt the end of the world, but it is something negative.


Great point here. Each practice rep is precious to coaches and they hate wasting them, especially with the new CBA constraints in place.


And you're right, it's not the end of the world, but I'm not sure how much more straw Dareus' camel can hold. For all their public talk about sticking with Dareus to get him through this, if he doesn't shape up this year in every facet, he's even money not to be invited back next year. He's worn out his welcome with the FO.



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Mike Rodak@mikerodak 1m

Doug Marrone to Paolantonio: “Dareus has a good heart. We will get him in shape. We need him to play football for us."


This is the best thing that can be said and done.

Dareus has displayed from what we can see to be very immature. He needs people helping him to grow up. Saying 'grow up to Marcel' is not going to work. Trying to find out why Marcel is having a tough time realizing he has consequences to actions is.

The Bills need to get him some help, if they have not yet, sort out what he is going through. These are all cries for help of a very emmotional person.

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These are all cries for help of a very emmotional person.

...or it could be a case of a 24 year old with a BIG bank account who doesn't want to grow up(drag racing, can't get his fat ass out of bed for practice, showing up for training camp out of shape, arrested for drugs, etc...). Football does not seem to be the primary focus of this guy.

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