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Know anyone with a disease? Read this

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  • 4 weeks later...

This tally of alcohol-induced fatalities excludes deaths from drunken driving, other accidents and homicides committed under the influence of alcohol.

If those numbers were included, the annual toll of deaths directly or indirectly caused by alcohol would be closer to 90,000, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


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So my friend the doctor put this on Facebook for some reason.


Guess she thinks pot is groovy and prescription drugs are meh



Alcohol, an even more accessible substance, is killing Americans at a rate not seen in roughly 35 years, according to a Washington Post analysis of federal data. The more than 30,700 Americans who died from alcohol-induced causes last year doesn't include alcohol-related deaths like drunk driving or accidents; if it did, the death toll would be more than two and a half times higher.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So my friend the doctor put this on Facebook for some reason.


Guess she thinks pot is groovy and prescription drugs are meh



Wonder how many of those opioid deaths come at the hands of people like birddog who gives hotshots to the geriatric crowd.

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Longest Twin Study of adolescent cannabis use finds NO relationship between heavy use and IQ decline:



No, but if you read the study, they find a strong correlation between marijuana use and pre-existing low intelligence. :lol:


I wonder what happens if you measure for a correlation with Tom Petty's popularity.

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Longest Twin Study of adolescent cannabis use finds NO relationship between heavy use and IQ decline:




LOL but even if true:


It isn't what your IQ is, it's what you do with it. Many people with high IQs decide to become losers with no discernible value to society like drifters, surfers, writers, college professors and Sean Penn.

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Longest Twin Study of adolescent cannabis use finds NO relationship between heavy use and IQ decline:


Hmm. There goes my pretense to smoke pot.


I've often said life would be easier for me if I was a little dumber. For example, I wouldn't be so annoyed by unmitigated morons who say things like "Lincoln would be a Democrat today", or "The increase in consumer spending always justifies increased government spending(otherwise known as trickle-down government)". There'd be less jealousy and fear.


Thus, up until now I had always considered taking up pot regularly as a way to dumb me down a bit, round my hard edges and of course reduce stress. I never did, because I was afraid of getting too dumb.


Now I see that pot is as useless to me as it always has been.

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