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Know anyone with a disease? Read this

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I'd say it's because you have the interpretative and analytical abilities of a rock, but I would want to offend any rocks.

You really think you are that smart, huh? Does anybody else here on this board think Tasker is super smart? Well over the top 1%?


Hello? Anyone?

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You really think you are that smart, huh? Does anybody else here on this board think Tasker is super smart? Well over the top 1%?


Hello? Anyone?

I'll play.


He seems to be what I'd describe as a non-emotional thinker. This places him well ahead of most people in debate. Do not, however, confuse this with lack of passion on topics. He expresses passion but does not (seem to) allow it to cloud his thoughts. His views are clearly presented and logical across a full spectrum of issues. He, from my remote view, seems to be very intelligent. On occasion, I don't agree with him but I typically have no issue understanding his position.


.003% intelligent? I have no idea. The fact that a percentage is applied to topic as complex as 'intelligence' is, in itself, a debatable topic. Having said that, we do 'measure it.' If he says so, I haven't seen anything that would make me believe it's out of the realm of possible.

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yep, 1 out of thirty thousand which means he has to settle for the Prometheus society he'll never get to turn down invites to the Mega society like you and OC.

Are these the same Prometheus people that prdouce Ancient Aliens? Edited by /dev/null
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you edited that and still left a spelling error no Prometheus society for you, you'll have to slum it in Mensa, the Motel 6 of intellectual snobbery.



Isn't prometheus a brand of condom that are used on women who are having hot flashes during their mental paws? You know what cures mental paws? Pot. Pot cures mental paws.

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you edited that and still left a spelling error no Prometheus society for you, you'll have to slum it in Mensa, the Motel 6 of intellectual snobbery.

I edited it because it doubled up your quote. And sorry about typos, I'm out of town for Thanksgiving so I am replying via phone

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Isn't prometheus a brand of condom that are used on women who are having hot flashes during their mental paws? You know what cures mental paws? Pot. Pot cures mental paws.


Thanks for getting this back on subject

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