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What is better, no guns, or more guns?

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52 minutes ago, Wacka said:

Don't we just meed him as a cop and as  a construction worker and we have the village people!

Ah, you ***** retards are too stupid to know that the internet is full of less than flattering pictures of the orange loser. You limp ***** are not even worth my time linking to them as you very well know that the pics of the fat orange piece of ***** are out there and you guys already spank your monkeys to them on a nightly basis! 


Cheers dicklickers! 



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35 minutes ago, Wacka said:

Next time you go to  a Sabres-Leafs game and open up you fat yap , like all  Leaf fans do, I hope Eichel  raps one off your stupid puss.


Sure! After Matthews goes bar down for the win? 


It’s possible though because I usually sit near the blueline and he does miss the net a lot! 

Edited by BigMcD
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7 hours ago, B-Man said:

“So the only people you’ve stopped from having guns are the ones who don’t commit crimes.


Keep thinking.


You’re ALMOST to a conclusion.” 


Police struggle to stop flood of firearms into UK.



I’m sure those guns are going to their Muslim population to reinforce their young but prosperous caliphate. 

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‘Cue leftist hysteria’: Recommendation from commission on Parkland shooting will NOT sit well with pro-gun control crowd

A commission investigating the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida last year has released a 446-page report, which includes this recommendation:






#BREAKING: Commission investigating Parkland school shooting recommends arming teachers in Florida http://bit.ly/2Tqquei 




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