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What is better, no guns, or more guns?

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2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Let's argue in extremes so there is no real debate and nothing gets done. Russianbots love school shootings 

So do I.


But it seems like a waste of abullet when the kids are small enough you can find more efficient ways.

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16 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Let's argue in extremes so there is no real debate and nothing gets done. Russianbots love school shootings 


nothing will get done this way, just try to raise decent children with an honest purpose in life, that will reduce future atrocities



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5 minutes ago, row_33 said:


nothing will get done this way, just try to raise decent children with an honest purpose in life, that will reduce future atrocities



It ought to be interesting to see the type of children people are raising in the next 15 to 20 years. Based on my experience new parents are handing cell phones to 2 year olds for hours on end. 

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8 minutes ago, Justice said:

It ought to be interesting to see the type of children people are raising in the next 15 to 20 years. Based on my experience new parents are handing cell phones to 2 year olds for hours on end. 


my comments on that would not be edifying in the least... good point though


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11 minutes ago, row_33 said:


nothing will get done this way, just try to raise decent children with an honest purpose in life, that will reduce future atrocities





FLASHBACK: There’s a Way to Stop Mass Shootings, and You Won’t Like It.

You’re not going to like it because it’s going to require you to do something personally, as opposed to shouting for the government, or anyone to “do something!”

You ready? Here it is:


“Notice those around you who seem isolated, and engage them.”


If every one of us did this we’d have a culture that was deeply committed to ensuring no one was left lonely. And make no mistake, as I’ve written before loneliness is what causes these shooters to lash out. People with solid connections to other people don’t indiscriminately fire guns at strangers.


I know what you’re thinking. That’s never going to work because no one is going to make the effort to connect with the strange kid sitting by himself at lunch each day. No one is going to reach out to the gawky, awkward guy at work and ask him about his weekend.


You’re probably right and that’s an absolute shame.



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1 minute ago, row_33 said:


my comments on that would not be edifying in the least... good point though


It can’t be good I’ll tell you that. Kids waste far too much time on violent video games and when they’re not playing them they’re actually watching videos of other people playing them. When they’re not doing that they’re on their smartphones. I once heard that Steve Jobs only allowed 20 or 30 minutes of cellphone usage to his child/ren. Very little or no human contact. No playing outside unless they’re on those stupid hover boards (while they’re on their phones). Can’t be good. 

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9 minutes ago, Justice said:

It can’t be good I’ll tell you that. Kids waste far too much time on violent video games and when they’re not playing them they’re actually watching videos of other people playing them. When they’re not doing that they’re on their smartphones. I once heard that Steve Jobs only allowed 20 or 30 minutes of cellphone usage to his child/ren. Very little or no human contact. No playing outside unless they’re on those stupid hover boards (while they’re on their phones). Can’t be good. 


well stated, but i know many who raise their kids a lot differently, like a veal that is geared toward engineering or medical school


i hope the kids really have what it takes, and some did....





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4 minutes ago, B-Man said:



FLASHBACK: There’s a Way to Stop Mass Shootings, and You Won’t Like It.

You’re not going to like it because it’s going to require you to do something personally, as opposed to shouting for the government, or anyone to “do something!”

You ready? Here it is:


“Notice those around you who seem isolated, and engage them.”


If every one of us did this we’d have a culture that was deeply committed to ensuring no one was left lonely. And make no mistake, as I’ve written before loneliness is what causes these shooters to lash out. People with solid connections to other people don’t indiscriminately fire guns at strangers.


I know what you’re thinking. That’s never going to work because no one is going to make the effort to connect with the strange kid sitting by himself at lunch each day. No one is going to reach out to the gawky, awkward guy at work and ask him about his weekend.


You’re probably right and that’s an absolute shame.



I have a nephew that was going through some difficult times at school. I can tell he was troubled so I asked him about his school experience. He told me about his problems. He was getting bullied. I gave him some advice and he listened. Now he’s doing great. His own father didn’t even know about it. It all starts with the parents. 

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7 minutes ago, Justice said:

I have a nephew that was going through some difficult times at school. I can tell he was troubled so I asked him about his school experience. He told me about his problems. He was getting bullied. I gave him some advice and he listened. Now he’s doing great. His own father didn’t even know about it. It all starts with the parents. 


ruined by the millions, rescued one by one, keep up with your nephew as it really pays off in many dimensions over the next 30 years...





parents are always left on the outside of what's going on with kids


you need a kid that actively gets around but isn't going to do very foolish things and parents wise enough to trust such a kid



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2 minutes ago, Justice said:

It can’t be good I’ll tell you that. Kids waste far too much time on violent video games and when they’re not playing them they’re actually watching videos of other people playing them. When they’re not doing that they’re on their smartphones. I once heard that Steve Jobs only allowed 20 or 30 minutes of cellphone usage to his child/ren. Very little or no human contact. No playing outside unless they’re on those stupid hover boards (while they’re on their phones). Can’t be good. 


Step 1: Dumb us down with poisoned food, electronic distractions promising connectivity but delivering isolation, and a corporate news structure that delivers state sponsored propaganda rather than information. 


Step 2: After a few generations of this dumbing down, start taking away our constitutional rights to privacy and due process while building out the world's most invasive surveillance state which monitors each and every interaction we make. This is most effective if the people are made to think they willingly gave up these rights to protect the country against a faceless, nameless enemy that can never be defeated because it's a tactic not an enemy. 


Step 3: With every civilian under constant monitoring by the surveillance state, and each person growing more isolated and less willing to take the active measures to keep themselves informed, the last step is to take away any remaining means of defending ourselves - not just by taking away their weapons, but also by robbing them of a say in the electoral process protecting the "political class" from retribution at the voting booths.


The result: 

Image result for mark zuckerberg scary picture vr


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i was brought in for a forensic audit for a church locally that was a bit "out there" (we were hired by them)


they had a private school religiously based, 12 of the 14 grads that year were heading off to full scholarships in science and engineering at top schools up here


the kids were raised very strictly and taught to close-read and do their homework


i wouldn't recommend this method for everyone, a more balanced life would probably be wiser unless the kid was a real brainiac


so yes people are still striving to make their kids enter the top 2% zone of achievement, they aren't on TV because of clown or evil behaviour




pockets of public Toronto high schools are currently filled with immigrants from countries that strive to achieve top marks in school, and raise decent citizens, and the achievements en masse are incredible

Edited by row_33
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3 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Step 1: Dumb us down with poisoned food, electronic distractions promising connectivity but delivering isolation, and a corporate news structure that delivers state sponsored propaganda rather than information. 


Step 2: After a few generations of this dumbing down, start taking away our constitutional rights to privacy and due process while building out the world's most invasive surveillance state which monitors each and every interaction we make. This is most effective if the people are made to think they willingly gave up these rights to protect the country against a faceless, nameless enemy that can never be defeated because it's a tactic not an enemy. 


Step 3: With every civilian under constant monitoring by the surveillance state, and each person growing more isolated and less willing to take the active measures to keep themselves informed, the last step is to take away any remaining means of defending ourselves - not just by taking away their weapons, but also by robbing them of a say in the electoral process protecting the "political class" from retribution at the voting booths.


The result: 

Image result for mark zuckerberg scary picture vr






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3 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Step 1: Dumb us down with poisoned food, electronic distractions promising connectivity but delivering isolation, and a corporate news structure that delivers state sponsored propaganda rather than information. 


Step 2: After a few generations of this dumbing down, start taking away our constitutional rights to privacy and due process while building out the world's most invasive surveillance state which monitors each and every interaction we make. This is most effective if the people are made to think they willingly gave up these rights to protect the country against a faceless, nameless enemy that can never be defeated because it's a tactic not an enemy. 


Step 3: With every civilian under constant monitoring by the surveillance state, and each person growing more isolated and less willing to take the active measures to keep themselves informed, the last step is to take away any remaining means of defending ourselves - not just by taking away their weapons, but also by robbing them of a say in the electoral process protecting the "political class" from retribution at the voting booths.


The result: 

Image result for mark zuckerberg scary picture vr





I guess I don't see it as a fundamental difference in kind, just degrees. Sure it's harder to tell whether you're eating GE food instead of a rancid can of Brown's pork, or to kill a bunch of schoolkids with a barrel loading musket instead of a semi automatic, but I think we're just programmed from the jump to be violent, antisocial top predators and modern society with all its gadgetry simply intensifies our various neuroses and evolutionary traits (some would call them deficiencies or 'illnesses') which in turn accelerates the amount of damage an individual thus intensified can impart on said society. 


And the kicker is there's no easy fix. There probably isn't one period...you can't run from your genetics. Humans are humans are humans and will continue to do human things in all our glory and misery. 

Edited by GoBills808
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22 hours ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:


Damn I read commentary like this and it makes me sad for folks who choose law enforcement as a career. The good news is many seem to be able to get past this nonsense. 


Well they don’t have much else going for them....that’s why you take that job....it’s the best you can do. 

22 hours ago, RaoulDuke79 said:

Holy smokes.  I was open to listening to your dialogue until this mess. I don't know if a cop banged your wife or what, but you're painting with a pretty broad brush here. There are good cops and bad vets just like there are good vets and bad cops. Whoever is put in the position to secure the school should be properly vetted obviously, and I'm not sure you're going to get top candidates for 40K a year.


I learned all need to know about cops by watching those pussies outside of Columbine as they “waited for swat.” It’s been my experience that cops are pussies. That’s why they shoot black bros all the time — they’re always scared. They also have a looser ROE than I had my second stint in Iraq. !@#$ cops. 

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