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What is better, no guns, or more guns?

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I couldn't believe it either so I had to check


Joe Biden says Texas church shooting hero Willeford never should have owned AR-15


Mr. Willeford, a former National Rifle Association instructor, said in follow-up interviews after the shooting that his AR-15’s firepower was necessary because Mr. Kelley wore protective body armor.




That type rifle is already out there in the wrong hands. No choice but to have it in responsible hands now.

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I HAD BEEN ASSURED THIS WAS IMPOSSIBLE: Gun crime rises in England despite gun bans.

The Office for National Statistics found a 27 percent increase in crimes involving firearms during its most recent review of crime data. Despite a near ban on the civilian ownership of handguns the review found crimes committed with handguns increased by 25 percent and accounted for the majority of gun crimes. The agency said the increases in 2016 were part of a multiyear trend.


NABIS cited the statistics as part of the reason it decided to undertake a new gun surrender program this month.


It will work for sure, this time.

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 FBI receives single day record of over 200,000 requests for gun background checks on Black Friday – smashing record set on same day last year.

The bureau said that it received 203,086 requests for background checks on Friday, smashing the previous all-time single day record of 185,713 in 2016 and 185,345 in 2015.


Those records were also set on Black Friday, according to USA Today.


Background checks are required for anyone seeking to purchase a gun at a federally licensed dealer.


While the number of requests for background checks is high, the number of guns sold is likely even higher since one customer often seeks to buy more than one weapon.



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almost all of my time is spent in basically very safe areas


i would never self-righteously dictate that people in very unsafe areas cannot try to defend themselves from the thugs that would deprive them of property and life


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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, B-Man said:



 Delaware Supreme Court strikes down broad restrictions on gun possession in state parks and forests. 


Under the Delaware Constitution’s right to arms.


Even gun control advocates think this a perfectly reasonable decision, under the legal doctrine of Nothing Ever Happens In Delaware Anyway.

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11 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


Even gun control advocates think this a perfectly reasonable decision, under the legal doctrine of Nothing Ever Happens In Delaware Anyway.

On the contrary. Rehoboth Beach is a happening place, at least for some.

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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, Just Jack said:


In her defense...with the hearing loss everyone has by 84, they must have been really !@#$ing loud.

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32 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


In her defense...with the hearing loss everyone has by 84, they must have been really !@#$ing loud.

Her eyesight must have been bad too.  If a person can't shoot a kid off their motorcycle at 20 feet then maybe she should invest in a laser sight.

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I have every type of gun democrats hate. They hate that I have AKs, ARs, semi auto shotguns and so on. 


Its a hard subject for me though because I know how long it took to learn what I know about guns, ballistic flight paths, and so on. I know how to think tactically because that used to be my profession. Normal civilians don’t have that training so it’s a difficult discussion. 


Rught now I see no dire reason to change the 2nd, but I do think there needs to be a discussion. 

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8 minutes ago, The_Dude said:

I have every type of gun democrats hate. They hate that I have AKs, ARs, semi auto shotguns and so on. 


Its a hard subject for me though because I know how long it took to learn what I know about guns, ballistic flight paths, and so on. I know how to think tactically because that used to be my profession. Normal civilians don’t have that training so it’s a difficult discussion. 


Rught now I see no dire reason to change the 2nd, but I do think there needs to be a discussion. 


You have a lot more knowledge of and experience with firearms than I do, yet you have no greater right to self defense than I do.


What's to discuss?

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30 minutes ago, Azalin said:


You have a lot more knowledge of and experience with firearms than I do, yet you have no greater right to self defense than I do.


What's to discuss?


Public safety. Security of the state. 


...but I would die to defend your right to defend yourself. 


My my issue is that guns are serious stuff. 


Im building an AR-47 right now. I don’t think that kind of hardware is just something anybody should have though. I don’t think it should be denied but you need to know what you’re doing with that thing. You NEED to know what happens to that bullet when it leaves the barrel. You need to understand how to shoot in the environment you’re in. There’s a ton that goes into it. It’s way more complex than ‘mongo point, mongo shoot.’

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30 minutes ago, The_Dude said:


Public safety. Security of the state. 


Again, your experience with firearms may well exceed mine, but you have no greater right to use them than I do. Public safety and security of the state don't enter into it.

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50 minutes ago, The_Dude said:


Public safety. Security of the state. 



Security of the state is exactly why the 2nd Amendment exists - so that the people can fight back if the government becomes tyrannical. It's the only real check that citizens have on a totalitarian state.

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