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What is better, no guns, or more guns?

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You are either lying to us or lying to yourself. Go back and read some of your previous posts, especially related to Chicago, where you advocated eliminating gun ownership

That is not my words. That is the singer's words. Quote was taken from the article.


Sorry... I did a B-Man there and didn't really interject my own opinion.

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I understand that's your interpretation of the Second Amendment. I'm not talking about the Second Amendment - I'm talking about whether there is ANY GOOD REASON for automatic military-grade weapons in the hands of ordinary citizens. Putting aside whether it's legal or not - is it a good thing to have?


There are several good reasons, one of which is spelled out in the 2nd Amendment.


Other good reasons include: it's cool, it's fun, because I !@#$ing feel like it, because I have $25k burning a hole in my pocket, because I want to rent them to people at a range I own, etc.

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Doesn't take a lot. Some gears, a crank, couple of screws, a few other things.


Edited to say that this doesn't actually "convert" the firearm, it's still one pull -> one bullet. But it creates a way for the trigger to be pulled extremely rapidly.


So at least it's more involved than just breaking off that tab so that you can no longer record over a cassette tape (I have no idea why that's the first comparison that comes to mind).

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That is not my words. That is the singer's words. Quote was taken from the article.


Sorry... I did a B-Man there and didn't really interject my own opinion.




I'm sure that everyone noticed the improvement in your post



Or maybe you could write this again


So we should just dismiss this shooting and move on.


the feeble attempt at sarcasm that you wrote in some form or other at least 5 times yesterday.


stick to quoting.............

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I understand that's your interpretation of the Second Amendment. I'm not talking about the Second Amendment - I'm talking about whether there is ANY GOOD REASON for automatic military-grade weapons in the hands of ordinary citizens. Putting aside whether it's legal or not - is it a good thing to have?

"Military grade" is a red herring. Just because something is military issue or is comparable to military issue does not mean it is inappropriate for civilian ownership.


And automatic weapons are already illegal to purchase.




I should move out of the country if I don't like the idea of my kids getting shot with automatic military-grade weapons

What, exactly, do you think the odds are of your child getting shot with automatic weapons? Would getting shot with semi-automatic weapons be better? Or perhaps a pump action shotgun?

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"Military grade" is a red herring. Just because something is military issue or is comparable to military issue does not mean it is inappropriate for civilian ownership.


And automatic weapons are already illegal to purchase.




What, exactly, do you think the odds are of your child getting shot with automatic weapons? Would getting shot with semi-automatic weapons be better? Or perhaps a pump action shotgun?


Tasker, I'm aware of the restriction on automatic weapons. But it's pretty damn easy to convert semis into automatic. Is that a good thing? Will you answer that question?


Levi was honest about it - he thinks it's a good thing because "it's cool" and he "feels like it." One lunatic in this thread actually thinks it helps keep us stable and free. What's your response?


There are several good reasons, one of which is spelled out in the 2nd Amendment.


Other good reasons include: it's cool, it's fun, because I !@#$ing feel like it, because I have $25k burning a hole in my pocket, because I want to rent them to people at a range I own, etc.


If you think those are good reasons, fine - thanks for your honesty. I happen to disagree, strongly.

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There are several good reasons, one of which is spelled out in the 2nd Amendment.


Other good reasons include: it's cool, it's fun, because I !@#$ing feel like it, because I have $25k burning a hole in my pocket, because I want to rent them to people at a range I own, etc.

Let's just sum your post up as:


"I am selfish & entitled and don't give a flyin' phuck about anybody else and my happiness is the most important. Me make a hard choice for others? No thanks, I will just offer my hollow prayers. That's easy."

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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The liberals think that the NRA is all-powerful because of money...............it is because of its members.




4.5 million members, name another group under a single name that has more members.

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Let's just sum your post up as:


"I am selfish & entitled and don't give a flyin' phuck about anybody else and my happiness is the most important. Me make a hard choice for others? No thanks, I will just offer my hollow prayers. That's easy."


Maybe I'm selfish, but entitled? Definitely. The 2nd Amendment entitles me to own firearms. Don't like it? Go get it changed.


Tasker, I'm aware of the restriction on automatic weapons. But it's pretty damn easy to convert semis into automatic. Is that a good thing? Will you answer that question?


Levi was honest about it - he thinks it's a good thing because "it's cool" and he "feels like it." One lunatic in this thread actually thinks it helps keep us stable and free. What's your response?


If you think those are good reasons, fine - thanks for your honesty. I happen to disagree, strongly.


And that's fine, and we can debate the merits of legal automatic firearm ownership in the US vs. their actual use in committed crimes if you want. But if you're asking me what are good reasons to own one...well what are good reasons to do anything?

Edited by LeviF91
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I should move out of the country if I don't like the idea of my kids getting shot with automatic military-grade weapons?


They have a much better chance of dying from medical malpractice than an evil black rifle.


251,000 deaths by malpractice in the US




In 2012 322 people killed by any rifle.




At least 84 people have been killed and 119 have been injured so far this year in 86 shooting incidents involving assault-style rifles




Yes what happened Sunday is horrific, but guns aren't the problem.

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Yes. Entitled. The 2nd entitles people. I can see why people don't like entitlements. It makes them lazy slobs. I guess some major entitlement will have to stick around.


But... If it really gets out of hand, things will change I suppose.


Move along... Only 60 dead this time.

If? It's when! 1,000 wounded and killed in one incident is only a matter or time


Imagine if this guy had been a Arab this people would be going nuts

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I should move out of the country if I don't like the idea of my kids getting shot with automatic military-grade weapons?


Maybe you should move out of the country if you don't like the idea of your kids dying in car accidents (about 10000 a year in the US).

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Yes. Entitled. The 2nd entitles people. I can see why people don't like entitlements. It makes them lazy slobs. I guess some major entitlement will have to stick around.


But... If it really gets out of hand, things will change I suppose.


Move along... Only 60 dead this time.


Lazy? Do you know how expensive guns and ammo are? That's a lot of work I have to do!


Slob? Do you know how well guns work when you don't take meticulous care of them, being sure they're properly cleaned and stored?


And hey, only 3,000 plus dead in Islamic extremist terrorist attacks in the US. But the same whiny leftists that want to take away basic rights to own firearms don't want sensible immigration policies. Sucks to suck.

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Lazy? Do you know how expensive guns and ammo are? That's a lot of work I have to do!


Slob? Do you know how well guns work when you don't take meticulous care of them, being sure they're properly cleaned and stored?


And hey, only 3,000 plus dead in Islamic extremist terrorist attacks in the US. But the same whiny leftists that want to take away basic rights to own firearms don't want sensible immigration policies. Sucks to suck.

Liberals immigration policies are way more sensible than "build a stupid wall." We need immigration, lots of it.

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Tasker, I'm aware of the restriction on automatic weapons. But it's pretty damn easy to convert semis into automatic. Is that a good thing? Will you answer that question?


Levi was honest about it - he thinks it's a good thing because "it's cool" and he "feels like it." One lunatic in this thread actually thinks it helps keep us stable and free. What's your response?


When you answer questions like this, it's important to do so without bringing emotion into it.


Freedom, from the perspective of human history, is very new and very rare; and it is also, in my opinion, the optimal circumstance under which people can live. Freedom is what has finally advanced the human species out of the mud and into outer space, pulled us out of the autocratic Rule of Kings, and gave us the rights of man.


Freedom is the single lynch pin on which all other human moral arguments are predicated. Without freedom there is no moral priori for racial equality, religious tolerance, or sexual preference. There is no fair trial, or legal protections, or political autonomy.


Without freedom there is only a power structure making use of a might makes right philosophy, and a people silently praying for it's benevolence and favor.


Freedom, for all it's warts, it the greatest thing we've ever had.


So yes, in that light, it's a good thing.

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