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What is better, no guns, or more guns?

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I am happy to see this Mister Speaker, because I know now that all democrats will holds\ CAIR and every pro-Muslim elected official accountable after each act of Islamic terrorism. Right? Surely?


This is how we ended up with Trump........................How can "so-called democrat leaders be so dumb ?
Edited by B-Man
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Since 1998, the NRA has donated $3,555,194 to current members of Congress. Find out here who has received donations. (Washington Post) https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/nra-donations/



Planned Parenthood spent $38 million just last year.





Las Vegas killer had an arsenal of 42 guns, 23 in his hotel room and 19 in his house, police say http://cnn.it/2fGQ50E


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"They [guns] were useless"


Even the pro-gun people stopping to think for a change, about gun control:




I've been a proponent of the 2nd amendment my entire life. Until the events of last night. I cannot express how wrong I was. We actually have members of our crew with [Concealed Handgun Licenses], and legal firearms on the bus," Keeter wrote. "They were useless." He continued:


"We couldn't touch them for fear police might think we were part of the massacre and shoot us. A small group (or one man) laid waste to a city with dedicated, fearless police officers desperately trying to help, because of access to an insane amount of fire power.


"Enough is enough..."

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This was automatic weapons. You cant increase the ban on automatic weapons.

But do we know if he bought these automatic weapons illegally? or did he just modify a legally bought semi automatic weapon or use a legal device to make it shoot like an auto?


Sounds like he bought most all of the weapons legally from what they know so far, and that he had a legal bump stock style device -




"Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas shooter, had an arsenal of 17 weapons in his hotel room, mostly military-style rifles, according to a law enforcement source.


At least one of them had been modified with a legal “bump stock” style device that allows the shooter to rapidly fire off rounds without actually converting it to a fully automatic weapon, the source said.


The devices modify the gun’s stock so that the recoil helps accelerate how quickly the shooter can pull the trigger. The devices are legal in the U.S.

Paddock apparently bought the guns legally, passing the required background checks."


This article explains what a bump stock is and shows a video of how it works (as well as other ways thenshooter could have turned legal guns into automatics) -





Its still early into the investigation though. Let's see what they find out, and if the above info ends up being accurate.

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So instead of pulling the trigger with your finger, a bump stock moves the entire gun back and forth around your finger. It also means you have to keep your torso rigid and pointed forward while pushing back on the front grip to compress the stock.

How is that not idiotically pointless? It's the illusion of an automatic weapon.


The other modification in that video is a lever device that simulates the rotating motion of a gattling gun. Another illusion. Pulling the trigger is still easier.


Authorities said Monday that Paddock had used as many as 10 suitcases to transport the arsenal to his room at the Mandalay Bay and had smashed open the room's windows with a hammer-like device.

We must immediately pass common sense military style luggage and assault hammer legislation.

Edited by unbillievable
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"They [guns] were useless"


Even the pro-gun people stopping to think for a change, about gun control:




I've been a proponent of the 2nd amendment my entire life. Until the events of last night. I cannot express how wrong I was. We actually have members of our crew with [Concealed Handgun Licenses], and legal firearms on the bus," Keeter wrote. "They were useless." He continued:


"We couldn't touch them for fear police might think we were part of the massacre and shoot us. A small group (or one man) laid waste to a city with dedicated, fearless police officers desperately trying to help, because of access to an insane amount of fire power.


"Enough is enough..."


You are either lying to us or lying to yourself. Go back and read some of your previous posts, especially related to Chicago, where you advocated eliminating gun ownership

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You think automatic weapons in the hands of ordinary citizens are necessary to maintain a free and stable society? If you believe that, you're insane.

I think they help. Yes.


Remember when you called the posters on this board insufferable, and then proceeded to act insufferable?

Edited by jmc12290
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The Consequences of Media Weaponized Hatred

Jewish World Review, by Alicia Colon


Original Article



As police try to find answers to why Stephen Paddock allegedly shot and killed 59 people and wounded over 500 at a country music concert in Las Vegas, the liberal media amps up its tired mantra against guns.


Democrats immediately called for more gun laws while the latest Reuters report claims that ISIS is claiming shooter was a recent Islam convert.

Meanwhile all opinion pundits are pontificating on why this happened.


I'll wait until all the facts are in but I will say this; gun laws would NOT have prevented the Las Vegas carnage and the liberal response to the tragic murders is simply reprehensible.

Read more at http://www.jewishworldreview.com/1017/colon100417.php3#YKC26UOqMlD5cVbZ.99

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You think automatic weapons in the hands of ordinary citizens are necessary to maintain a free and stable society? If you believe that, you're insane.


That's exactly what the 2nd amendment protects.


Don't like it? Go get it changed.

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Sorry if it's been discussed already. How much actually needs to be done to convert one of these guns to fully automatic? I'm not looking for any guide of instruction manual or anything, just wondering how difficult or easy it is. I know you can walkthrough just about anything on youtube, but some are still tougher than others.

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Sorry if it's been discussed already. How much actually needs to be done to convert one of these guns to fully automatic? I'm not looking for any guide of instruction manual or anything, just wondering how difficult or easy it is. I know you can walkthrough just about anything on youtube, but some are still tougher than others.


Doesn't take a lot. Some gears, a crank, couple of screws, a few other things.


Edited to say that this doesn't actually "convert" the firearm, it's still one pull -> one bullet. But it creates a way for the trigger to be pulled extremely rapidly.

Edited by LeviF91
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That's exactly what the 2nd amendment protects.


Don't like it? Go get it changed.


I understand that's your interpretation of the Second Amendment. I'm not talking about the Second Amendment - I'm talking about whether there is ANY GOOD REASON for automatic military-grade weapons in the hands of ordinary citizens. Putting aside whether it's legal or not - is it a good thing to have?


Or better yet, move out of the US.


I should move out of the country if I don't like the idea of my kids getting shot with automatic military-grade weapons?

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