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Heart monitors

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Yup. Had about a thousand of irregular beats in a 24 hour period. I was diagnosed with PVC's (premature ventricular contractions). Luckily for me their pretty much a non-issue. They gave me some beta blockers that did nothing so I stopped taking them. Reducing alcohol consumption really helped though.

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I've ordered many.


Enlighten me... I'm wearing one now... I have been told very little about it, and when I call in my "events" they are very ambiguous with me about them...


Yup. Had about a thousand of irregular beats in a 24 hour period. I was diagnosed with PVC's (premature ventricular contractions). Luckily for me their pretty much a non-issue. They gave me some beta blockers that did nothing so I stopped taking them. Reducing alcohol consumption really helped though.


I've been having issues and Friday I went to the ER... They said they detected an arrhythmia and I was experiencing PVC's as well... Now I have this thing strapped on me and a stress test scheduled... Doc told me that I was probably fine but should probably keep someone around... That's swell, my wife is away 2 weeks for the military... They are all about sending her home, but we will see how that goes down..

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I had an SVT episode a few years back (heart beat went to 220 beats per second for an hour or so)...after it went to normal the doc put me on a monitor, then had ablation procedure to zap the nerve and all's well.




I always figured I would be 60-70 before heart issues... Damn, I'm only 32

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I always figured I would be 60-70 before heart issues... Damn, I'm only 32


I've had PVC's since my mid-late 20's. I'm now 53 with nothing to worry about. My doctors over the year look at it pretty much as an a non-issues as I mentioned and it's more of an annoyance than anything.

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I've had PVC's since my mid-late 20's. I'm now 53 with nothing to worry about. My doctors over the year look at it pretty much as an a non-issues as I mentioned and it's more of an annoyance than anything.


I appreciate you sharing your experience! Maybe I am being a puss but annoying is right!!!

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I appreciate you sharing your experience! Maybe I am being a puss but annoying is right!!!


I've had PACs (Premature Atrial Contractions) for about 20 years. No biggie. That said, when it first started, I was FREAKED! I don't think you're being a puss...It's your heart after all.


Let's all hope your situation is the same and Chef's and mine and is no big deal.


Good luck!

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I've had PACs (Premature Atrial Contractions) for about 20 years. No biggie. That said, when it first started, I was FREAKED! I don't think you're being a puss...It's your heart after all.


Let's all hope your situation is the same and Chef's and mine and is no big deal.


Good luck!


I'm having stabbing chest pains right now. You're all pansies.

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I'm having stabbing chest pains right now. You're all pansies.


If you just twist the knife, all will be fine shortly, lol




I've had PACs (Premature Atrial Contractions) for about 20 years. No biggie. That said, when it first started, I was FREAKED! I don't think you're being a puss...It's your heart after all.


Let's all hope your situation is the same and Chef's and mine and is no big deal.


Good luck!


Thanks man, I sure hope so...


30 days with this monitor, July 30th stress test... Will let you know what happens...

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Thanks man, I sure hope so...


30 days with this monitor, July 30th stress test... Will let you know what happens...


Good timing. Get this **** sorted out before the season starts.


Hell, all Bills fans should see a cardiologist before September.

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If you just twist the knife, all will be fine shortly, lol




Thanks man, I sure hope so...


30 days with this monitor, July 30th stress test... Will let you know what happens...

I'm no doctor, but you might consider sleeping a few hours/night.

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Some sex before sleep is also good.


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9.44.020 Aggressive solicitation prohibited.

A. No person shall solicit, ask, or beg in an aggressive manner in any public place.

B. “Aggressive manner” shall mean any of the following:

1. Approaching or speaking to a person, or following a person before, during or after soliciting, asking or begging, if that conduct is intended or is likely to cause a reasonable person to (a) fear bodily harm to oneself or to another, damage to or loss of property, or (b) otherwise be intimidated into giving money or other thing of value;

2. Intentionally touching or causing physical contact with another person or an occupied vehicle without that person’s consent in the course of soliciting, asking or begging;

3. Intentionally blocking or interfering with the safe or free passage of a pedestrian or vehicle by any means, including unreasonably causing a pedestrian or vehicle operator to take evasive action to avoid physical contact;

4. Using violent or threatening gestures toward a person solicited either before, during, or after soliciting, asking or begging;

5. Persisting in closely following or approaching a person, after the person solicited has been solicited and informed the solicitor by words of conduct that such person does not want to be solicited or does not want to give money or any other thing of value to the solicitor; or

6. Using profane, offensive or abusive language which is inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction, either before, during, or after solicitation.

(Ord. 1468 § 1, 2010)

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If you just twist the knife, all will be fine shortly, lol




Thanks man, I sure hope so...


30 days with this monitor, July 30th stress test... Will let you know what happens...


30 days?!?!? I only had mine for 24 hours.

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