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How Often Do Players Get Paid?

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I was wondering if NFL players get paid weekly or bi-weekly even during the off-season? Say, for example, that a Free Agent signs a two yr. contract for $2 million dollars in the winter. Does he get paid all spring and summer until he gets cut?

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i know that their "bonus" is paid in a lump sum. must be nice to get a check with that many zeroes on it. if the NFL wants to keep these guys from going broke after they are done playing then maybe it's a better idea to pay them in installments or put a portion of it into a 401k or something. handing that much money to a young man who has most likely been broke his whole life and doesn't know how to handle money is a bad idea

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Thanks guys. Do you think the players get compensated during the off-season? I mean, what about the players like Ramses Barden and Denis Dixon who get signed after the end of the season, but might get cut during training camp. Do they get paid a percentage of their contract?

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Thanks guys. Do you think the players get compensated during the off-season? I mean, what about the players like Ramses Barden and Denis Dixon who get signed after the end of the season, but might get cut during training camp. Do they get paid a percentage of their contract?

If there is any bonus or guaranteed up-front money then they get that in a lump sum and then their contract is paid out during the season like as if it was their salary so they get it in increments like you or me. I know TO was trying to dispute his child-support payments and he said how the one year he was only in camp (with the Seahawks I think it was) for a few weeks before getting cut so his total income was only $4,000 that season.


Which brings up an interesting question: Can players collect unemployment during the offseason? hmmmmm

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Players actually have the option as to how they want to be paid. I believe that most get paid weekly during the season for their salary. There are other players that have other arrangements but I believe that this is the most common. It varies a little more in other sports because all of the money is guaranteed.

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I was wondering if NFL players get paid weekly or bi-weekly even during the off-season? Say, for example, that a Free Agent signs a two yr. contract for $2 million dollars in the winter. Does he get paid all spring and summer until he gets cut?

Probably whenever they want to. They just need to be careful to not become the next Travis Henry.

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PS, check out the lump sum payment Sammy got for signing his rookie deal:





I wonder what his first purchase was?

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PS, check out the lump sum payment Sammy got for signing his rookie deal:





I wonder what his first purchase was?


I don't know the Watkins family's financial situation prior to him being drafted, but a jump to 12 million dollars....there's a lot I could do with 12 million dollars.

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PS, check out the lump sum payment Sammy got for signing his rookie deal:





I wonder what his first purchase was?

He said his first purchase was going to be a house for his mom and stepdad. I think he said he wasn't even going to buy a new car, at least not right away.

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PS, check out the lump sum payment Sammy got for signing his rookie deal:





I wonder what his first purchase was?



More like $6.69 million...


His first "purchase" was a huge donation to the Fed and NY governments.

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I don't know the Watkins family's financial situation prior to him being drafted, but a jump to 12 million dollars....there's a lot I could do with 12 million dollars.


There is a lot I could do with $500,000!!




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More like $6.69 million...


His first "purchase" was a huge donation to the Fed and NY governments.

Yea true, plus his agent gets 10%...yowzers! I can see how those big contracts can fizzle away pretty quickly if you aren't careful

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