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Damm you Comedy Central

Just Jack

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I had to go back and watch this. It about made me cry just thinking of it.


Ya see, back when I was a boy my grandpa had two dogs. One Australian Sheppard Blue Merle that was the momma and her pup that my grandpa kept. The pup was always the hyper one I played with the most. Dressed in clothes and would chase until I couldn't move anymore. The mom would always look after me and make sure I was not doing something unsafe or stupid and when I would she'd come chase me, nip at me or anything pretty much herding me back.


The dog was amazing. Her, nor her pup, ever had names. They just came when you whistled and or after supper time when you opened the door because you always threw them out the biscuits and scraps you didn't eat. The puppy learned to carry wood and go get the paper out of the lawn for my grandpa without him even teaching her. He'd open the door and say "go get the paper." And sure enough, she would. Same when it came to fire wood.


Well, those two dogs meant a lot to me from the time I was a little boy until my sophomore year in college when the momma died under the old holly tree. The puppy was shot alongside the road one night sometime while I was in High School.


Being that we'd visit my grandparents for Summer and Spring vacations, and other times. Well, ever time I left those two, especially the momma would mope. The momma would sit atop my sand pile (My grandpa would take the shovel and a trailer and scoop up about 2 cu yards of creek sand for me every summer) where I'd play for a week or two just missing me.


I miss those dogs.

Edited by jboyst62
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