Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted July 11, 2014 Posted July 11, 2014;_ylt=A0LEVz0LEcBTw3UAM_rBGOd_;_ylu=X3oDMTE0bG1hY3BjBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA0xPTkdUQzFfMQ-- "House Republicans took the initial step on Thursday to sue President Barack Obama over the administration's decision to delay the employer mandate of the health care law." But I thought they hated that law? Now they are mad because he's not doing it? Total f'n retards
TakeYouToTasker Posted July 11, 2014 Posted July 11, 2014 "House Republicans took the initial step on Thursday to sue President Barack Obama over the administration's decision to delay the employer mandate of the health care law." But I thought they hated that law? Now they are mad because he's not doing it? Total f'n retards They are suing him in order to establish standing to challenge the fuehrerprinzip. The challenge isn't about the law itself, it's about the lawlessness of the President.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted July 11, 2014 Author Posted July 11, 2014 They are suing him in order to establish standing to challenge the fuehrerprinzip. The challenge isn't about the law itself, it's about the lawlessness of the President. Oh, so this is sound constitutional move, nothing to do with politics, right?
Chef Jim Posted July 11, 2014 Posted July 11, 2014 Oh, so this is sound constitutional move, nothing to do with politics, right? Politicians playing politics? Gee, who would have thunk it.
TakeYouToTasker Posted July 11, 2014 Posted July 11, 2014 Oh, so this is sound constitutional move, nothing to do with politics, right? It's both.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted July 11, 2014 Author Posted July 11, 2014 It's both. It's both. Mostly politics, though.
Chef Jim Posted July 11, 2014 Posted July 11, 2014 Mostly politics, though. By mostly do you mean 51%? 60%? 55%? Because that's important.
B-Man Posted July 12, 2014 Posted July 12, 2014 As he has made clear, Boehner’s complaints are fundamental: first, that the Obama administration has taken to rewriting the law for its own political gain; second, that the Democratic Senate, being evidently more jealous regarding its political agenda than its constitutional prerogatives, is content to sit by and permit the usurpation. The aim here is less to reverse the particular grievances enumerated in the suit, and more to create a general means by which divided and self-abnegating Congresses might check executive abuse without being presented with a choice between impeachment and impotence. Boehner, in other words, is hoping to rein Obama in wholesale. Watching the genuine disbelief with which the salvo has been met on the left serves, oddly enough, to illustrate how important pushback in this area is — and, too, to remind us that separation of powers is a principle for which each generation must fight. Demonstrating its unmatched genius for meeting every criticism with a contemptuous slogan, Obama and his team have responded to the indictment by claiming ad nauseam that the president is being sued for “doing his job.” That this excuse is still viable is utterly remarkable. In the last few years, the White House has reflexively insinuated that “checks and balances” are not so much the foundation of the American settlement as an expendable and academic notion, relying for cover upon a host of obedient media allies who were only too happy to assure their readers that that limits on executive power were merely the preserve of fringe legal theorists like the nine justices who currently sit on the Supreme Court. No defeat, it seems, will be sufficient to cow them. There is little that is genuinely new in politics. One can all too easily imagine Charles I telling the audience at Westminster Hall that that he was being executed for “doing his job.” Instead, Charles faced the axe for precisely the same reason that Barack Obama will find himself in court: for usurping powers that were not his, and for undermining the rule of law and parliamentary representation that are the birthright of every free man. In this, the rules are as clear as they can be, Articles I and II of the Constitution confirming that the executive is not permitted to write his own job description. Explaining his case, Boehner suggested that “if this president can get away with making his own laws, future presidents will have the ability to as well,” and noted, too, that “the House has an obligation to stand up for the legislative branch, and the Constitution.” That the statute on which Boehner has based his petition is an unpopular one does nothing to change this axiom. America law depends neither upon public opinion nor on the whims of the fashionable set for its integrity. Suppose that a Republican president had been returned two years ago. Would he be now sanctioned to rip the rulebooks to pieces if sentiment were in his favor? ..................................................Nah. http://www.nationalr...arles-c-w-cooke
truth on hold Posted July 12, 2014 Posted July 12, 2014 Obamas response is spot on: instead of silly symbolic lawsuits, why don't they actually do something to help Americans? Republican party has become a pathetic joke that stands for nothing.
Alaska Darin Posted July 12, 2014 Posted July 12, 2014 Obamas response is spot on: instead of silly symbolic lawsuits, why don't they actually do something to help Americans? Republican party has become a pathetic joke that stands for nothing. Like? Be specific on the things that the party controlling a single house of Congress could be doing to help. Otherwise shut your partisan hole. The President and Democratic Congress rammed through a terrible law and has been back peddling on its implementation ever since.
truth on hold Posted July 12, 2014 Posted July 12, 2014 Like? Be specific on the things that the party controlling a single house of Congress could be doing to help. Otherwise shut your partisan hole. The President and Democratic Congress rammed through a terrible law and has been back peddling on its implementation ever since. get a real freaking platform, something that actually resonates with American voters. In case you havent noticed "bomb Iran", "guns don't kill people, people do" and "God is my co-pilot" aren't working
Alaska Darin Posted July 12, 2014 Posted July 12, 2014 get a real freaking platform, something that actually resonates with American voters. In case you havent noticed "bomb Iran", "guns don't kill people, people do" and "God is my co-pilot" aren't working Another brilliant response. Your solution to "helping the American people" is changing bumper stickers. And you wonder why we call you a !@#$ing retard.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted July 13, 2014 Author Posted July 13, 2014 Like? Be specific on the things that the party controlling a single house of Congress could be doing to help. Otherwise shut your partisan hole. The President and Democratic Congress rammed through a terrible law and has been back peddling on its implementation ever since. Look out! Someone said something bad about the Republicans!
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted July 13, 2014 Author Posted July 13, 2014 Like? Be specific on the things that the party controlling a single house of Congress could be doing to help. Otherwise shut your partisan hole. The President and Democratic Congress rammed through a terrible law and has been back peddling on its implementation ever since. Love how you accuse HIM of being Partisan, lol. Yes, Dems rammed it home because Republicans refused to do anything at all and would fight tooth and nail against anything. What is the the GOP alternative to Obamacare aside from just taking away nine millions People's health insurance? And I suppose you didn't think hold our nations credit hostage to repealing the law wasn't a joke?
boyst Posted July 13, 2014 Posted July 13, 2014 Love how you accuse HIM of being Partisan, lol. Yes, Dems rammed it home because Republicans refused to do anything at all and would fight tooth and nail against anything. What is the the GOP alternative to Obamacare aside from just taking away nine millions People's health insurance? And I suppose you didn't think hold our nations credit hostage to repealing the law wasn't a joke? Barrack Obama = Castro
Koko78 Posted July 14, 2014 Posted July 14, 2014 Love how you accuse HIM of being Partisan, lol. Yes, Dems rammed it home because Republicans refused to do anything at all and would fight tooth and nail against anything. What is the the GOP alternative to Obamacare aside from just taking away nine millions People's health insurance? And I suppose you didn't think hold our nations credit hostage to repealing the law wasn't a joke? Remind us all again: Of those 9 million people, how many had their previously-existing health insurance policies cancelled due to Obamacare's mandates? You know, the policies that they could keep if they Obama liked them.
DC Tom Posted July 14, 2014 Posted July 14, 2014 Remind us all again: Of those 9 million people, how many had their previously-existing health insurance policies cancelled due to Obamacare's mandates? You know, the policies that they could keep if they Obama liked them. We'll never know, once the insurance industry, HHS, and the IRS are done "massaging" the data.
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