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Who is your favorite, underrated actor working today?

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thank you for that Fixxx.


I figured he'd be a Bills fan not dodnt think he would be damn fanatical. I don't care what he says, deep down, his sons name is Van because of Van Miller.

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James Woods

Gary Oldman


No offense here...how is either of those guys underrated?


Gary Oldman has been in hundreds of films from Dracula to the Nolan Batman Trilogy; he's even played a key role in Harry Potter. He received a Best Actor nomination from the U.S. Academy for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy in 2012, and has 22 international awards for outstanding performance.


James Woods has garnered both Oscar and Golden Globe nominations as Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor in both films and TV miniseries. He's also won multiple Primetime Emmy Awards. From the files of lesser-known trivia, he is completely ambidextrous, was recruited by the FBI, turned down membership to MENSA (IQ of nearly 180 and an SAT score of 1580), was originally offered the role of Mr. Orange in Reservoir Dogs, and--perhaps most interestingly--was seated in first class on a flight from Boston to L.A. in 2001 when he noticed a group of four passengers with only their eyes visible (shroud in robes as it were), and mentioned to flight attendants that he suspected them of wanting to highjack the plane; that flight turned out to be the very same that was highjacked on 9/11.


Sorry....got off track there....I guess I just don't find either guy anywhere near "underrated".

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I have good news/realistic news, bad news, good news, no news, and weird news. In which order would you like these?


Greggy I think you missed this one so I will fill you in:


Bad news - Amanda Bynes is holding our for boo coo bucks. I think you will have to pass on this from a value perspective. If you can negotiate paying her after she is done then she might not get herself into trouble. I will leave this to you.


Good news - Jet Li is the name of the Lethal Weapon guy. I figured this out with a simple web search. I don't know why you couldn't do that yourself. He said he would do this project but will need someone to constantly beat up off camera so he can practice for his role. I have cleared Beerboy's calendar.


No News - I still don't like the idea of a fat Chinese broad and fear it may drag down your show. If you want to go with a skinnier one and this project drags on as long as your others, you may want to consider the girl who plays Lilly on Modern Family. She is good and will probably be 34 years old before you get all of your stojan together.


Weird news- Sammy is downright pissed that you won't have him on camera right away. He is offended. Plus he can talk but he can't really write. He is used to having everything handed to him. I still think he is a good candidate as an actor but you are the boss here. He says he will take the job as a writer but that people are too stupid to read what he writes. I don't know what that means. I would also suspect that he just writes a Hamster into the script for week two and that by week 4 the Hamster is the main character so be careful. Anyway he also demands only top quality silica while either writing or acting. I think "No JC Penney crap" were is exact words.


Good news/realistic news - C. Thomas Howell is in but you will have to make some adjustments if you want this to work. I wouldn't be too surprised if I were you as your future depends on him. He wants a better black guy hairstyle than he had in that movie. I think hair technology is better today so that should be ok. He wants to be called "C. Thom" in both acting credits and on set. No mention of Howell ever, other than something I will mention later. Any failure to do this will result in an epic tantrum involving the on set buffet and 6 interns. It is pronounced "See Tom" so don't screw up. He demands at least one reenactment of a scene from Tropic Thunder in season one. He prefers the "you people" scene but is semi-flexible. As a joke, he wants to have the dude from Gilligan's Island who played Thurston Howell do a cameo as his Granndpa. Get it? Howell. He also wants the chick who played Ginger available to him in his trailer between takes. I don't think C. Thom realizes how much time has passed since the Minnow got lost. :sick: He is also still very pissed about missing out on that part from the Breakfast Club so he wants to arrange for Judd Nelson to be in an episode and get killed off. He also wants Judd Hirsch in there and killed too for good measure. Anyway the tricky part is that the Nelson death has to be real, not just in the show. You have to arrange for one of those helicopter scenes or something. Keep this quiet. He doesn't seem to care one way or another if Hirsch walks away in real life but his character must perish. He also wants the red head chick from Taxi in his trailer with Ginger. Between the Breakfast Club and the two red heads in his trailer I think what you are dealing with here is a crush he has on Molly Ringwald but that is just my guess. You may be able to pacify him if you have any pull with Molly. This may lower his list of demands, but again that is a guess.


There is a bunch of other crap too but it should be standard stuff. Anyway, I think this stuff is a small price to pay as C. Thom practically guarantees a hit.


Good luck dude.

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No offense here...how is either of those guys underrated?


Gary Oldman has been in hundreds of films from Dracula to the Nolan Batman Trilogy; he's even played a key role in Harry Potter. He received a Best Actor nomination from the U.S. Academy for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy in 2012, and has 22 international awards for outstanding performance.


James Woods has garnered both Oscar and Golden Globe nominations as Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor in both films and TV miniseries. He's also won multiple Primetime Emmy Awards. From the files of lesser-known trivia, he is completely ambidextrous, was recruited by the FBI, turned down membership to MENSA (IQ of nearly 180 and an SAT score of 1580), was originally offered the role of Mr. Orange in Reservoir Dogs, and--perhaps most interestingly--was seated in first class on a flight from Boston to L.A. in 2001 when he noticed a group of four passengers with only their eyes visible (shroud in robes as it were), and mentioned to flight attendants that he suspected them of wanting to highjack the plane; that flight turned out to be the very same that was highjacked on 9/11.


Sorry....got off track there....I guess I just don't find either guy anywhere near "underrated".


Before Tinker Tailor, Gary Oldman had made dozens of great movies and never really recognized IMHO. James Woods in my opinion is still under recognized. I only watch the oscars, so if they get other awards I wouldn't see them. The 9/11 story, he must have got off the plane. I didn't think those guys were wearing burkas? I must have missed that part in the news.

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Before Tinker Tailor, Gary Oldman had made dozens of great movies and never really recognized IMHO. James Woods in my opinion is still under recognized. I only watch the oscars, so if they get other awards I wouldn't see them. The 9/11 story, he must have got off the plane. I didn't think those guys were wearing burkas? I must have missed that part in the news.


Yeah I gotcha...just don't agree, no sweat.


As for the 9/11 story, it wasn't the exact plane that was hijacked, just the same flight/route (departure time, departing airport, destination airport, etc.). It was (looking back on it) clearly a "test run" for the highjackers.


Apparently the story has been updated, and they were not wearing burkas during the "test run":



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Greggy I think you missed this one so I will fill you in:


Bad news - Amanda Bynes is holding our for boo coo bucks. I think you will have to pass on this from a value perspective. If you can negotiate paying her after she is done then she might not get herself into trouble. I will leave this to you.


Our insurance won't cover her anyway. Nothing against her, it's just the last intern we had set his pants on fire and well, that ruined it for everyone else.


Good news - Jet Li is the name of the Lethal Weapon guy. I figured this out with a simple web search. I don't know why you couldn't do that yourself. He said he would do this project but will need someone to constantly beat up off camera so he can practice for his role. I have cleared Beerboy's calendar.


:lol: Do I have to pay Beerboy for his services? Or can it come out of your end?


No News - I still don't like the idea of a fat Chinese broad and fear it may drag down your show. If you want to go with a skinnier one and this project drags on as long as your others, you may want to consider the girl who plays Lilly on Modern Family. She is good and will probably be 34 years old before you get all of your stojan together.


This is true, this has been a VERY slow gestating project. But I'm huge in Russia, does that count for anything with you?


It certainly doesn't with anyone else, so I'm asking sincerely.


Weird news- Sammy is downright pissed that you won't have him on camera right away. He is offended. Plus he can talk but he can't really write. He is used to having everything handed to him. I still think he is a good candidate as an actor but you are the boss here. He says he will take the job as a writer but that people are too stupid to read what he writes. I don't know what that means. I would also suspect that he just writes a Hamster into the script for week two and that by week 4 the Hamster is the main character so be careful. Anyway he also demands only top quality silica while either writing or acting. I think "No JC Penney crap" were is exact words.


Good news! I reworked the pitch last night to include a sentient, talking gerb-- I mean hamster, who starts off as the pet of the boy prodigy. By season's end, the hamster is leading an armed rebellion against his captures.


I think Sammy will be quite pleased.


Good news/realistic news - C. Thomas Howell is in but you will have to make some adjustments if you want this to work. I wouldn't be too surprised if I were you as your future depends on him. He wants a better black guy hairstyle than he had in that movie. I think hair technology is better today so that should be ok. He wants to be called "C. Thom" in both acting credits and on set. No mention of Howell ever, other than something I will mention later. Any failure to do this will result in an epic tantrum involving the on set buffet and 6 interns. It is pronounced "See Tom" so don't screw up. He demands at least one reenactment of a scene from Tropic Thunder in season one. He prefers the "you people" scene but is semi-flexible. As a joke, he wants to have the dude from Gilligan's Island who played Thurston Howell do a cameo as his Granndpa. Get it? Howell. He also wants the chick who played Ginger available to him in his trailer between takes. I don't think C. Thom realizes how much time has passed since the Minnow got lost. :sick: He is also still very pissed about missing out on that part from the Breakfast Club so he wants to arrange for Judd Nelson to be in an episode and get killed off. He also wants Judd Hirsch in there and killed too for good measure. Anyway the tricky part is that the Nelson death has to be real, not just in the show. You have to arrange for one of those helicopter scenes or something. Keep this quiet. He doesn't seem to care one way or another if Hirsch walks away in real life but his character must perish. He also wants the red head chick from Taxi in his trailer with Ginger. Between the Breakfast Club and the two red heads in his trailer I think what you are dealing with here is a crush he has on Molly Ringwald but that is just my guess. You may be able to pacify him if you have any pull with Molly. This may lower his list of demands, but again that is a guess.


There is a bunch of other crap too but it should be standard stuff. Anyway, I think this stuff is a small price to pay as C. Thom practically guarantees a hit.


Good luck dude.


I've heard C. Thom is a shark when it comes to negotiating his deals but I had no idea... Wow, my head is spinning. I really would love to work with C. Thom and I broke my back writing something specifically for him to shine, but I'm not sure I can deliver all of his demands. Killing Nelson is easy, we're not using a union stunt team and can't afford CGI which means we will only be using practical effects. Plus, our armorer drinks. A lot. Most of our actors will be lucky to survive.


The rest is tricky though... I shall have to think on this.

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Our insurance won't cover her anyway. Nothing against her, it's just the last intern we had set his pants on fire and well, that ruined it for everyone else.


Fine. She probably forgot already anyway. i'll come up with someone new here. Just spitballing....Elisabeth Hasselback tickle your fancy?





:lol: Do I have to pay Beerboy for his services? Or can it come out of your end?


I don't know what you mean by "my end" but all you really do to have Beerboy consider it well paying is occasionally tell him he doesn't smell as bad as he did yesterday and ask him how his spiral vaginitis is doing. Then you have to act like you're listening but if you have a cardboard cutout of yourself with a small speaker, you'll be all set.





This is true, this has been a VERY slow gestating project. But I'm huge in Russia, does that count for anything with you?


It certainly doesn't with anyone else, so I'm asking sincerely.



Russian people are normal size so you must be giant in Japan.




Good news! I reworked the pitch last night to include a sentient, talking gerb-- I mean hamster, who starts off as the pet of the boy prodigy. By season's end, the hamster is leading an armed rebellion against his captures.


I think Sammy will be quite pleased.


I might even watch this show. Up until now i though it was a total piece of crap.





I've heard C. Thom is a shark when it comes to negotiating his deals but I had no idea... Wow, my head is spinning. I really would love to work with C. Thom and I broke my back writing something specifically for him to shine, but I'm not sure I can deliver all of his demands. Killing Nelson is easy, we're not using a union stunt team and can't afford CGI which means we will only be using practical effects. Plus, our armorer drinks. A lot. Most of our actors will be lucky to survive.


The rest is tricky though... I shall have to think on this.


Alright let me know. If there is a way for the Googlebot to help and remain secretive, I think he can swing a few hours a week. He can't really do much about the wig without the hair getting all in his circuits, but he may be able to hologram in Ginger and the Taxi lady. C. Thom will never know.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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