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Isn't it ironic?


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He wrote a book called "How to Survive the Running of the Bulls." The only way that's not a crappy book is if it's exactly one page long and on that page it says "stay home."





Two pages:

Page 1: "Don't go to Pamplona"

Page 2: "If you do go to Pamplona, run really really fast."

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Has anyone here actually run with the Bulls? We have a pretty diverse community here, there must be someone...

If you're serious I could tell you about some times I have had some bulls, steers and cows beat me up? Mm'k you are? Here goes...


I had a cow in the chute last Fall. She was calm and normal and then decides to run forward pinning me against the wall. I jump up to keep from being trampled but end up pinned against the wall. She slams my hip against the wall and I end up with a deep purple bruise the size of a basketball on my ass, and a grapefruit sized welt on my hamstring.


Two years ago I had to work on a steer. I had him in the headgate and a lariat around him to help stabilize him. This was a quick release lariat. He was bucking and moving all over as I tipped his horns. He breaks the headgate open and then runs around dragging the lariat. Eventually he calms and I walk the rope up to him and just as I go to grab the lariat to loosen it he breaks free again. My hand now underneath the lariat around his neck I am drug for 3 minutes around the barn lot by a bucking and running 800 lbs. steer. Eventually I get on my feet and get him around the neck to bring him down.


I had a bull named 721. He was an !@#$. If he saw me he would come and chase me just because he didn't like me. I liked him because he was a good breeder and he was a good bull. It wasn't that he was aggressive, he just didn't like me. He liked everyone else. I was walking in the pasture and he gets a bug up his ass and chases me about 100 yards to a tree line. He did so with great pomp and circumstance. Throwing dirt up, grunting and putting his nose up. I was saved by climbing a tree and waiting 4 or 5 minutes until he walked off.


He also one time caught me and bore me in to the ground with his head. My mom beat him off with a broom.



Tom, you've never been out cow tipping?


I find that to be right up your alley!

Cow tipping is an urban legend, impossible and untrue.
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