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Israel supporters=idiots

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Hamas admits they kidnapped and killed the 3 teens that started this, Joe. Thoughts?

You can't read?


"Hugh Lovatt, Israel and Palestine coordinator at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said that while al-Arouri was a significant Hamas figure – serving as the group's most prominent representative in Turkey – the former militant could have an ulterior motive for making his claim.


"Given the timing I would be very suspicious about his claim. I still don't believe Hamas as an organisation and its upper echelons sanctioned the kidnappings – something that Israeli intelligence also believes," he said.


His claim has not been supported by any other member of Hamas.



Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Yesterday on two separate occasions I was talking to people that I never talk politics with and they just came out in the strongest terms against Israel. One was a soon to be US Army officer and said he hated Israel. I told him we should defend Israel to the last American, lol. He didn't laugh for some reason. The other guy ive known forever and was talking in passing when he was just babbling on about how bad things are today and then just through out something like , "as long as we let Israel run our foreign policy." I was like what what?? Just anecdotal, but I've never seen Israel bashing aside from online before. They really touched a nerve by bombing those schools

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Yesterday on two separate occasions I was talking to people that I never talk politics with and they just came out in the strongest terms against Israel. One was a soon to be US Army officer and said he hated Israel. I told him we should defend Israel to the last American, lol. He didn't laugh for some reason. The other guy ive known forever and was talking in passing when he was just babbling on about how bad things are today and then just through out something like , "as long as we let Israel run our foreign policy." I was like what what?? Just anecdotal, but I've never seen Israel bashing aside from online before. They really touched a nerve by bombing those schools

Im seeing the same thing, people are sick of the same old, same old and aren't satisfied with the spoon fed sound bites. Modern media gives them alternatives to do their own research now. For example, interviews like MIT Professor Noam Chomsky you can find on youtube. This guy is just so smart, clear and informed, no wonder the networks shun him.



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Im seeing the same thing, people are sick of the same old, same old and aren't satisfied with the spoon fed sound bites. Modern media gives them alternatives to do their own research now. For example, interviews like MIT Professor Noam Chomsky you can find on youtube. This guy is just so smart, clear and informed, no wonder the networks shun him.




Noam Chomsky lolololololololololololol.


Yesterday on two separate occasions I was talking to people that I never talk politics with and they just came out in the strongest terms against Israel. One was a soon to be US Army officer and said he hated Israel. I told him we should defend Israel to the last American, lol. He didn't laugh for some reason. The other guy ive known forever and was talking in passing when he was just babbling on about how bad things are today and then just through out something like , "as long as we let Israel run our foreign policy." I was like what what?? Just anecdotal, but I've never seen Israel bashing aside from online before. They really touched a nerve by bombing those schools



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Yesterday on two separate occasions I was talking to people that I never talk politics with and they just came out in the strongest terms against Israel. One was a soon to be US Army officer and said he hated Israel. I told him we should defend Israel to the last American, lol. He didn't laugh for some reason. The other guy ive known forever and was talking in passing when he was just babbling on about how bad things are today and then just through out something like , "as long as we let Israel run our foreign policy." I was like what what?? Just anecdotal, but I've never seen Israel bashing aside from online before. They really touched a nerve by bombing those schools


that's fine. you and your kind can laugh away at the concept of supporting Israel. feel free to continue to blame them for all the ills of this conflict. by all means, vent your ire at the Israelis for bombing weapons installations and ignore the fact that HAMAS stores and stages those weapons in schools, mosques and the like. nobody expects any better from you anyway.

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that's fine. you and your kind can laugh away at the concept of supporting Israel. feel free to continue to blame them for all the ills of this conflict. by all means, vent your ire at the Israelis for bombing weapons installations and ignore the fact that HAMAS stores and stages those weapons in schools, mosques and the like. nobody expects any better from you anyway.


Don't forget about Israel's racist and intolerant policies of not accepting Islamic culture. For example: Israel's tradition of allowing women to vote, serve in the military, and walk around in public without a burka is anathema to the midieval sensabilities of Muslims. Not to mention Israel's affront to human rights by allowing non-Jews to exist without fear of beheading

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that's fine. you and your kind can laugh away at the concept of supporting Israel. feel free to continue to blame them for all the ills of this conflict. by all means, vent your ire at the Israelis for bombing weapons installations and ignore the fact that HAMAS stores and stages those weapons in schools, mosques and the like. nobody expects any better from you anyway.

Well, the people I know are much more informed than the likes of you. They understand the underlying issues a bit better
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Well, the people I know are much more informed than the likes of you. They understand the underlying issues a bit better

Although not quite on par with Chomsky (who's the most brilliant academic I'm aware of, his criticism of Israel just a small factor why), Norman Finkelstein is good too. Here's a short 2:19 clip from him to accommodate the Israel cheerleaders sound-bite attention span.


Hard-Talk host DESTROYED by Norman Finkelstein on…:

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Well, the people I know are much more informed than the likes of you. They understand the underlying issues a bit better


Reconcile this from your post above and this statement here that I am quoting:


"Yesterday on two separate occasions I was talking to people that I never talk politics with and they just came out in the strongest terms against Israel. One was a soon to be US Army officer and said he hated Israel. I told him we should defend Israel to the last American, lol. He didn't laugh for some reason. The other guy ive known forever and was talking in passing when he was just babbling on about how bad things are today and then just through out something like , "as long as we let Israel run our foreign policy." I was like what what?? Just anecdotal, but I've never seen Israel bashing aside from online before. They really touched a nerve by bombing those schools"

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Don't forget about Israel's racist and intolerant policies of not accepting Islamic culture. For example: Israel's tradition of allowing women to vote, serve in the military, and walk around in public without a burka is anathema to the midieval sensabilities of Muslims. Not to mention Israel's affront to human rights by allowing non-Jews to exist without fear of beheading


Ding ding ding. We have a winner /thread time ?


Or is everyone else just gonna ignore joes links for another 20 pages ?

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probably the same way I chuckle when I hear George Will or Krauthammer described as brilliant


Probably not, since I judge Chomsky by the fact that he's a loon, and you judge Will and Krauthammer by the fact that they're Republicans.

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Probably not, since I judge Chomsky by the fact that he's a loon, and you judge Will and Krauthammer by the fact that they're Republicans.

I chuckle at at your syphilitic brain impaired judgement and Republican = stupid/crazy/evil, that's just a fact.
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Well, the people I know are much more informed than the likes of you. They understand the underlying issues a bit better


it's not that they're much more informed....like you, they simply know so much that isn't true.

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