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Israel supporters=idiots

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As you can see here, in this link at the 3min 32 second mark, Regev doesn't even deny that they blew up a hospital that had nothing to do with rockets launches.


Check the 7:45 mark too. It's a doozy.


I know you won't watch the entire 8 minute clip, but I can assure you Mark Regev got his ass handed to him.


Wow, that guy Snow is a complete and utter hack. He began with "Why are you happy about killing children with your rocket attacks?" Really? Really????


That right there tells you all you need to know about this worthless sack of ****.


Thank you for posting this, now I know that if I see him on television, to immediately change the channel. He is not interested in hearing the Israeli's side, he takes Hamas' word that they claimed that they weren't offered a peace agreement, he doesn't care that Hamas is intentionally using it's own people as human shields and he doesn't care that they are purposely sending rockets randomly into Israel.


Truth is, this is a war where both sides are to blame, as JA pointed out, and that I have stated numerous times that there is no good solution. Israel is surrounded by people who wish to wipe them off the face of the planet, they took over territory as a buffer, which they should return, but let's be clear here. These extremists hate Jews, they hated them before Israel took that territory, they hate them now and they will always hate them moving forward, because they are made up of a large segment of the population that is fueled by religious intolerance, hatred and ignorance.


And all you twats on this board who do not recognize the fact that Hamas is a terrorist organization that is purposely targeting innocent people and using women and children as human shields to be martyrs for this cause are a bunch of dumb asses.

Edited by Magox
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I replied to the hospital accusation. We got an answer on that. It wasn't true. That's what I meant.


From day one israel didn't talk to Hamas. Talking things out is better than killing. You missed the interviewers point on that completely. They tried EVERYTHING else. It's not working. Try talking.




I'm fine with that, but that's not happening, here. Civilians are being killed, not Hamas.


I suppose those nations stay out of it due to fear. Remember '67? They don't want to see a rerun.


I know it's hard for you to think objectively, but try. Israel does not need to engage in any kind of talks with Hamas until Hamas proves that it can be a trusted negotiating partner. You seem to scoff off the basic fact that Israel returned Gaza to Palestinians nine years ago. The unknown answer to the question always was why did Sharon give up the territory. One theory was to prove that when given the opportunity to set up a peaceful neighbor, the Palestinians would squander it. No one knwos if that was his intention, but Hamas has surely proved that theory right. Just like Arafat did in 2000. Funny how most people ignore that leading up to 2000, relationships between Israel & Palestinians were improving and there was hope for a solution. But the fake Palestinian needed to have his Intifada to protect his standing. (Tired of being a pawn yet?)


So that's the choice facing your people. Do you continue supporting a suicidal regime that causes innocent deaths, or do you allow Israel to finish the job? That's why Egypt, Jordan & PA are quiet. They are not afraid of 1967 redux. They, along with every other thinking person, wants Hamas leadership gone.

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I replied to the hospital accusation. We got an answer on that. It wasn't true. That's what I meant.





I'm fine with that, but that's not happening, here. Civilians are being killed, not Hamas.




And why are they being killed?


And if Israeli defense systems weren't as effective as they are, you'd have many more civilian casualties on the Israeli side then we are seeing. The only reason why it isn't happening is simply because Israeli technology is far superior than that of Rockets being fired by Hamas. Make no mistake, Hamas would love for their weapons to be much more effective and the intent is absolutely 100% clear, which is to kill civilians.

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Hamas Targets Journalists


The Jerusalem Post reports that journalists who report rocket launches on twitter are being threatened:

Several journalists from around the world reported seeing rockets fired from civilian areas in Gaza in recent days, and received threatening tweets in return accusing them of “informing” the IDF.


On Wednesday, Peter Stefanovic of Australia’s Channel Nine News tweeted: “Hamas rockets just launched over our hotel from a site about two hundred metres away. So a missile launch site is basically next door.”


An account called @ThisIsGaza said this was Stefanovic’s fourth time “passing and fabricating information to Israel… from GAZA” and threatened to sue him.


Another account, @longitude0 wrote: “You are a cretin. Are you working for the IDF” and “in WWII spies got shot.”


Financial Times Jerusalem Bureau Chief John Reed reported seeing “two rockets fired toward Israel from near al-Shifa hospital, even as more bombing victims were brought in.”


Shifa, in Gaza City, is the main medical facility in the Strip.


In response, @Saritah_91 tweeted: “We’ll hold you responsible if Israel uses your tweet to bomb the hospital & then justify it.”


Another twitter user, @ Faysal_FreeGaza, said he’s “subtly justifying and encouraging IDF attacks on hospitals,” and @Maysara_ ara wrote: “Get out of Gaza u informant.”


The piece cites other examples. Now, I understand why Gaza doesn’t want journalists reporting the truth — that Hamas is using innocent Palestinians as human shields and bloody props. But the fabrication charge is something different. If it’s not true, then the reporters are helping Hamas by giving the IDF bad intel. In a normal war, it’s helpful when the enemy thinks you are firing from someplace you’re not.


Of course, this isn’t a normal war. It’s mass terror-theater and millions of useful idiots are falling for it.

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And why are they being killed?


And if Israeli defense systems weren't as effective as they are, you'd have many more civilian casualties on the Israeli side then we are seeing. The only reason why it isn't happening is simply because Israeli technology is far superior than that of Rockets being fired by Hamas. Make no mistake, Hamas would love for their weapons to be much more effective and the intent is absolutely 100% clear, which is to kill civilians.


Actually, I think Hamas couldn't care less how many Israelis they kill. Their primary goal is to get Palestinians killed, to keep world opinion on their side. The more Palestinians they get killed, the more justification they have for attacking Israel.

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Actually, I think Hamas couldn't care less how many Israelis they kill. Their primary goal is to get Palestinians killed, to keep world opinion on their side. The more Palestinians they get killed, the more justification they have for attacking Israel.


At the very least you are 100% correct on the second argument.

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Wow, that guy Snow is a complete and utter hack. He began with "Why are you happy about killing children with your rocket attacks?" Really? Really????


That right there tells you all you need to know about this worthless sack of ****.


Thank you for posting this, now I know that if I see him on television, to immediately change the channel. He is not interested in hearing the Israeli's side, he takes Hamas' word that they claimed that they weren't offered a peace agreement, he doesn't care that Hamas is intentionally using it's own people as human shields and he doesn't care that they are purposely sending rockets randomly into Israel.


Truth is, this is a war where both sides are to blame, as JA pointed out, and that I have stated numerous times that there is no good solution. Israel is surrounded by people who wish to wipe them off the face of the planet, they took over territory as a buffer, which they should return, but let's be clear here. These extremists hate Jews, they hated them before Israel took that territory, they hate them now and they will always hate them moving forward, because they are made up of a large segment of the population that is fueled by religious intolerance, hatred and ignorance.


And all you twats on this board who do not recognize the fact that Hamas is a terrorist organization that is purposely targeting innocent people and using women and children as human shields to be martyrs for this cause are a bunch of dumb asses.

i don't see anyone here defending hamas. they're despicable. nice try at one of the taller straw men recently used on ppp. but what circumstances allowed them to come to power? and by what methods ar ethey likely to lose power? i don't see turning gaza into rubble as a method with high chances of success.
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i don't see anyone here defending hamas. they're despicable. nice try at one of the taller straw men recently used on ppp. but what circumstances allowed them to come to power? and by what methods ar ethey likely to lose power? i don't see turning gaza into rubble as a method with high chances of success.


Really? I think the total destruction of an extremist group who sacrifices the civilians who elected them might be the only way to stop them.


Were you a proponent for peace talks with Al Queda? Or giving them land?

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i don't see anyone here defending hamas. they're despicable. nice try at one of the taller straw men recently used on ppp. but what circumstances allowed them to come to power? and by what methods ar ethey likely to lose power? i don't see turning gaza into rubble as a method with high chances of success.

They came into power when Israel took steps towards giving Palestine their own state, freed Gaza, dismantled all settlments there, began dismantling settlments in the West Bank, and helped the Palestinians hold free elections. The Palestinian people rewarded them by electing a terror organization bent on the destruction of the Jewish State.

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Really? I think the total destruction of an extremist group who sacrifices the civilians who elected them might be the only way to stop them.


Were you a proponent for peace talks with Al Queda? Or giving them land?

and which strategy has historically been successful in eliminating al qaeda? didn't we already try the israeli's current tack?
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Really? I think the total destruction of an extremist group who sacrifices the civilians who elected them might be the only way to stop them.


Were you a proponent for peace talks with Al Queda? Or giving them land?

Unfortunately Israel has lead many palis to conclude that a pacifist approach yields no good results. The west bank is run by the pacifist Abbas and there's been nothing but continuous settlement expansion, discrimination, settler violence, and murders committed by IDF. In Gaza Hamas only came to power in 06 and their resistance policy was seen as the reason for Israels withdrawal, PLO was seen as ineffective because Gaza being much smaller than west bank had been suffering even greater hardship under occupation.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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yes, a question to which a clearly incorrect answer caused years of futile war and further regional instabilty is hilarious.


Haven't you heard? We have Al Queda on the run.



Unfortunately Israel has lead many palis to conclude that a pacifist approach yields no good results. The west bank is run by the pacifist Abbas and there's been nothing but continuous settlement expansion, discrimination, settler violence, and murders committed by IDF. In Gaza Hamas only came to power in 06 and their resistance policy was seen as the reason for Israels withdrawal, PLO was seen as ineffective because Gaza being much smaller than west bank had been suffering even greater hardship under occupation.


So you're saying the Palis now consider that Hamas' approach is the only effective option? Or do they not support them?


Clearly, they are innocents who don't accept Hamas' attacking of civilians, but also elected them and support them. Right.


You realize that the justification for both sides is the same, right? You're saying the Palestinians had no choice but to support the attack on civilians but with the same breath condemn Israel for having no choice but to bomb civilians.

Edited by FireChan
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Haven't you heard? We have Al Queda on the run.




So you're saying the Palis now consider that Hamas' approach is the only effective option? Or do they not support them?


Clearly, they are innocents who don't accept Hamas' attacking of civilians, but also elected them and support them. Right.

Israelis have never stopped stealing land, attacking, murdering and oppressing civilians.

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Israelis have never stopped stealing land, attacking, murdering and oppressing civilians.


Except when they did. Hamas has never stopped attempting to attack and murder civilians.


Just admit you're just rooting for the "underdog" in the conflict. Maybe it's because you're a Bills fan.

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yes, a question to which a clearly incorrect answer caused years of futile war and further regional instabilty is hilarious.

So what is the answer? Which strategies have been employed in dealing with Al Qaeda and what strategy has historically worked?


Its obvious that you still don't get the joke.

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