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Israel supporters=idiots

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Really? I don't have a boulder on my shoulder. It was a joke. Sorry I didn't put "j/k" or "lol" there for you. You don't know me. Don't pretend to act like it.


You're a prententious prick with a chip on your shoulder. Two qualities that have many here not really caring for you. Most people that are going through what you are right now would have some sympathy from us. Notice you're not getting it. Well other that Joe.

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You're not but MOST people of your ethnicity are.


Gee generalities suck eh?


Are you still here?




You're a prententious prick with a chip on your shoulder. Two qualities that have many here not really caring for you. Most people that are going through what you are right now would have some sympathy from us. Notice you're not getting it. Well other that Joe.


Lol! You think I want your sympathy? Please! Most of you people are complete idiots. Your stance on Palestine and Israel tell me everything I need to know about your IQ, your ability to think for yourself and your lack of common sense.

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Lol! You think I want your sympathy? Please! Most of you people are complete idiots. Your stance on Palestine and Israel tell me everything I need to know about your IQ, your ability to think for yourself and your lack of common sense.


So what's been my stance on Palestine and Isreal here?


And if you didn't want sympathy why tell us you "sad" little story?

Edited by Chef Jim
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So what's been my stance on Palestine and Isreal here?


And if you didn't want sympathy why tell us you "sad" little story?


You got me there. I don't know what your stance is. I assumed and I shouldn't have done that.


I'm angry. I'm fuming. People around here know how I get when that happens. I'm sorry, but that's how it is.


This thread was never about me. I wish I would've left that part out because I'm not the one that needs people's sympathy. It's the Palestinians that do.

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Most of you people are complete idiots. Your stance on Palestine and Israel tell me everything I need to know about your IQ, your ability to think for yourself and your lack of common sense.


"You disagree with me, so you're IQ is low and you are an IDIOT!!!"


Man, that's what I call going full gatorman. Well done.

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You got me there. I don't know what your stance is. I assumed and I shouldn't have done that.


I'm angry. I'm fuming. People around here know how I get when that happens. I'm sorry, but that's how it is.


This thread was never about me. I wish I would've left that part out because I'm not the one that needs people's sympathy. It's the Palestinians that do.


Here's your biggest problem. This is your first venture over here in a long time and you come out guns a blazin'. Not good form. Unless of course it was the gun control thread.

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You got me there. I don't know what your stance is. I assumed and I shouldn't have done that.


I'm angry. I'm fuming. People around here know how I get when that happens. I'm sorry, but that's how it is.


This thread was never about me. I wish I would've left that part out because I'm not the one that needs people's sympathy. It's the Palestinians that do.


My sympathy is with the Palestinians who are born into this conflict who know nothing else except that Israel is the devil. With that kind of upbringing there will never be peace because Hamas/the PA feeds off that.


But to call me brainwashed shows how little you actually know of people.


To think that anti semitism doesn't exist and it's all in the minds of the Israelis is as we wops say a !@#$ing fugesi.

Edited by meazza
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Are you still here?




Lol! You think I want your sympathy? Please! Most of you people are complete idiots. Your stance on Palestine and Israel tell me everything I need to know about your IQ, your ability to think for yourself and your lack of common sense.


You and I have had many a discussion concerning this issue and from my point of view you do have a pretty sizable chip on your shoulder, mostly when you are back visiting relatives. Your title to this thread was uncalled for and is part of the reason you are receiving schit here. Put yourself in an Israeli citizen's position and see what it may feel like from their view.

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Israeli Defense Force General's Son: "If Israel Doesn't Like Rockets, Decolonize Palestine"




The rockets come from Gaza which is not controlled by Israel, it is blockaded.


Do you have opinions on your own or are you plugged into youtube like it's the matrix.

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Lol @ "not controlled ...blockaded" lkke there's a difference.



Lol @ "not controlled ...blockaded" lkke there's a difference.


Quite a difference. Gaza was occupied until 2006. They left and the rockets started.


Tell me why egypt doesn't lift the restrictions on the rafa border? I thought all the arabs were in solidarity with the palestinians.

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On the media front, the French can’t seem to forgive Israel for defending itself. The paper Libération, citing the wire service AFP declared, “Rockets fired at Jerusalem after deadly offensive against Gaza.”


The Israeli cartoonist Dry Bones neatly captures, with biting sarcasm and irony, the reaction of many countries/people to Hamas missile attacks on Israeli cities:




Finally, the BBC, whose coverage of Israel over the last decade has not been sympathetic to the Jewish state, to put it mildly, issued a surprisingly apt headline, “Israel under renewed Hamas attack,” on Tuesday. But the headline apparently later morphed into ”Israel step up plans to stop rocket attacks fromGazaon Wednesday. The BBC did, however, document the fact that Hamas posts inaccurate photographs on social media to advance its terrorist agenda — some of the photographs used are from the conflicts in Syria and Iraq.



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I want what most want here. Either a genuine two state solution going back to pre '67 borders with no settlements or one Israeli state with equal rights to all.





If I am not mistaken, the offer to give back the land was made years ago in exchange for peace and the arab nations said no? Egypt on the other hand did get their land back in exchange for a similar treaty.

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I can imagine the meeting room before shooting this, "show 'em anything...those idiots believe anything we tell them..."

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I can imagine the meeting room before shooting this, "show 'em anything...those idiots believe anything we tell them..."


Electronic intifada :lol:


So that can't possibly be a mistake right? It has to be propaganda. Even a new born knows those are pictures from gaza.


But let's ignore the propagandy in pollywood.



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