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No it's the, "Tom talks out his ass approach"


Why do you get upset when Tom gets challenged? Is he your Internet hero or something? Suck-a-long?


It seems like you're mad that DC pointed out a technological reason that your assumption was incorrect. Don't assume because......never mind.


Anyway, my read on it is that you realize your assumption is wrong, you're disappointed that Israel can defend itself from Iran and you're reacting emotionally. Amiright?

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What were the terms of the cease fire?

A few highlights:

  • the dismantling of rocket capabilities in Gaza
  • developing a method to enforce the cease-fire
  • a resporation of the Palestinian Authority's control over Palestinian territories
  • the opening of Gaza for the movement of people and commerce


Get this, apparently terrorists the size of 11 year olds like to take the day off and go to the beach to play soccer during a "war".


"Just tell em anything, those idiots will believe it"-says anybody representing the military. "Oh yeah, tell em we're gonna investigate it" lol

I suppose that the Palestinians should have accepted the terms of the cease-fire, then. Instead they said they planned to further escalate the violence. They brought this on themselves.

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It seems like you're mad that DC pointed out a technological reason that your assumption was incorrect. Don't assume because......never mind.


Anyway, my read on it is that you realize your assumption is wrong, you're disappointed that Israel can defend itself from Iran and you're reacting emotionally. Amiright?

You are wrong :)




You wouldn't think you'd be so bitter about someone demonstrating you don't know what you're talking about, given that it happens to you all the !@#$ing time.

Lol, you talking out your ass or passing along bull **** doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. I know, I know, you know more even than Admiral Mullen like you said before. It's ok, Muzzo believes you
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Lol, you talking out your ass or passing along bull **** doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about.


You think doubling down on this argument is going to make you look less stupid? Really?


You do know that the information needed to try to prove me wrong is publicly and widely available, right?

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You think doubling down on this argument is going to make you look less stupid? Really?


You do know that the information needed to try to prove me wrong is publicly and widely available, right?


Information on how a defense system works is public? Really? And you are trying to make me believe that it's all accurate? Like these things haven't been fudged in the past?


And do tell me Tom, what exactly was I wrong about?

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You are wrong :)


Lol, you talking out your ass or passing along bull **** doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. I know, I know, you know more even than Admiral Mullen like you said before. It's ok, Muzzo believes you

Why are you going out of your way to be stupid? You're wrong.




The battery in Ashdod intercepted 11 rockets out of 13 fired into the city; the battery in Ashkelon intercepted one rocket and purposely did not intercept four others since they were heading to open fields; and the battery in Beersheba intercepted 15 and allowed two others to strike open fields.




In order to counter rockets fired from the Gaza Strip, Syria, Lebanon, or the Sinai Peninsula, Israel has developed a short-range anti-rocket system, dubbed “Iron Dome.” Iron Dome is

designed to intercept very short-range rocket threats between two and forty-five miles. Iron

Dome’s selective targeting system and radar are designed to fire its Tamir interceptors only at

incoming projectiles that pose threats to population centers– it is not configured to fire on rockets

headed toward uninhabited areas.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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And that settles it for you?? :doh::D


You guys should pile on me here, I'm so obviously wrong, after all St Tom said so! And so did the JP!

The official US Congressional report outlining the functioning of the Iron Dome defense system?


The IDF reporting on year over year success rates and how they calculate it?


Those are the definative authorities on the subject.


What reports are you getting your information from that disputes them?

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The official US Congressional report outlining the functioning of the Iron Dome defense system?


The IDF reporting on year over year success rates and how they calculate it?


Those are the definative authorities on the subject.


What reports are you getting your information from that disputes them?


His information comes from his unfounded belief that the IDF is lying. But I'm the one pulling **** out of my ass.


Hell, I didn't even need to refer to any operational analyses (of which there are several on line - I think the Jerusalem Post's is one of the weaker ones, personally). The system only engages targets threatening a populated area. The system engages each target with two missiles. From those two operational constraints, and assume a 50% pk for a single missile (it's probably in the range of 40-70%, which would be typical), and a very simple BOTE analysis shows that it has a kill rate of 75% of the targets engaged, but a kill rate of only some 35-40% of all rockets launched. And Gatorman's too damned dumb to realize that the latter doesn't represent a flaw in the system, but a feature of it, in that it doesn't engage **** it doesn't need to engage.

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The official US Congressional report outlining the functioning of the Iron Dome defense system?


The IDF reporting on year over year success rates and how they calculate it?


Those are the definative authorities on the subject.


What reports are you getting your information from that disputes them?


so you believe that the system is so good it can actually tell where a missile will fall and there fore can ignore shooting at it? that sounds believable to you

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His information comes from his unfounded belief that the IDF is lying. But I'm the one pulling **** out of my ass.


And Gatorman's too damned dumb to realize that the latter doesn't represent a flaw in the system, but a feature of it, in that it doesn't engage **** it doesn't need to engage.

This is the part I love! Turning it's weakness into a strength. Not hitting all the targets? Hell, just say it's not suppose to! Morons that love the missile defense systems will eat it up just like its not sh it but the truth. How blind can you be?


It's called "ballistics," you idiot. It's basically high school physics, as you'll find out in about ten years. :wallbash:

It's called propaganda moron
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This is the part I love! Turning it's weakness into a strength. Not hitting all the targets? Hell, just say it's not suppose to! Morons that love the missile defense systems will eat it up just like its not sh it but the truth. How blind can you be?


It's called propaganda moron


I know you're just !@#$ing with us at this point. Not even you can be this dumb.

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so you believe that the system is so good it can actually tell where a missile will fall and there fore can ignore shooting at it? that sounds believable to you


Greg? Still speechless?

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I know you're just !@#$ing with us at this point. Not even you can be this dumb.

I'm not f'n with you at all, I do know you are wrong, and I have links to back me up, but I don't think I even need them. You say its ballistics, but how would you sacred Iron Dome determine when a rocket had expended its booster fuel? It would be on a different course before and after its booster gave out. What you are saying makes no sense.


Again, they are taking its weakness and trying convince YOU that its a strength. Think about it


Greg? Still speechless?

Is Tom ever wrong?


That's some of the best trolling ever. "So you believe in radar? You think police know how fast you're going? That sounds believable to you?" That's almost hogboy good.

You are going to compare it to a cop catching speeders?? That's stupid as hell! Probably makes perfect sense to Meazo though. He loves you
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I'm not f'n with you at all, I do know you are wrong, and I have links to back me up, but I don't think I even need them. You say its ballistics, but how would you sacred Iron Dome determine when a rocket had expended its booster fuel? It would be on a different course before and after its booster gave out. What you are saying makes no sense.


Again, they are taking its weakness and trying convince YOU that its a strength. Think about it


Is Tom ever wrong?


You are going to compare it to a cop catching speeders?? That's stupid as hell! Probably makes perfect sense to Meazo though. He loves you


I'm not even going to mess with you this time, I'll just be polite and honest because I think you truly believe what you're saying. I know you don't want to hear some kind of know-it-all explanation about how missile defense systems work or anything like that, so I'll give you a couple topics to look into so you have a clearer understanding. check out GPS and it's application in antiballistic missle technology. remember that GPS can give virtually instantaneous location information when coupled with radar. the technology has been around for quite some time, and has been refined over the years to a point that's apparently beyond what you realize. once the trajectory of a missle has been established, a destination can easily be determined, and depending on the nature of the target, can be treated with varying priority. it's not science fiction, and Israel isn't the only nation that can do that. don't take my word for it (you won't anyway, I know that), but look it up.....take a few minutes to actually find out.

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A few highlights:

  • the dismantling of rocket capabilities in Gaza
  • developing a method to enforce the cease-fire
  • a resporation of the Palestinian Authority's control over Palestinian territories
  • the opening of Gaza for the movement of people and commerce



I suppose that the Palestinians should have accepted the terms of the cease-fire, then. Instead they said they planned to further escalate the violence. They brought this on themselves.


Pay attention, folks, it's this kind of thinking that allowed the Nazis to kill all those Jews.

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