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Israel supporters=idiots

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Yeah, Reagan really abandoned Israel. No friend of Israel, he was.



What color is the sky in your world?

he got our troops the hell out of their war zones, never to return thats for sure. And his Republican successor Bush Sr. tried to make aid to Israel conditioned on settlement removal, then the Israeli-first, Israeli-only lobby went bat s#!t and shot it down.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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he got our troops the hell out of their war zones, never to return thats for sure. And his Republican successor Bush Sr. tried to make aid to Israel conditioned on settlement removal, then the Israeli-first, Israeli-only lobby went bat s#!t and shot it down.


So "boots on the ground" is the only way to support Israel? Do you even hear yourself?

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That's certainly an original way to look at it.

and hey moron, Hezbollah didnt even exist at the time of the beirut bombings and has subsequently denied any involvement. But yeah this group who you assert is at open warfare with us wouldnt claim a huge kill? yeah right, get a clue buddy


So "boots on the ground" is the only way to support Israel? Do you even hear yourself?

because most people would realize my comment in reference to soldiers in israel's war zones meant support in boots on the ground. But I realize the "israel-first, israel-only" goobers in here aren't "most people". Just a bunch of losers trying to play "gotcha" because they no real argument to stand on

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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and hey moron, Hezbollah didnt even exist at the time of the beirut bombings and has subsequently denied any involvement. But yeah this group who you assert is at open warfare with us wouldnt claim a huge kill? yeah ight, get a clue buddy


IJO merged with Hezbollah, stupid.

Edited by FireChan
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and hey moron, Hezbollah didnt even exist at the time of the beirut bombings and has subsequently denied any involvement. But yeah this group who you assert is at open warfare with us wouldnt claim a huge kill? yeah right, get a clue buddy


Hezbollah was founded in 1982. The bombings were in 1983.


And if the bombings weren't by Hezbollah (who invented suicide bombers, by the way), they were by groups like Islamic Jihad that were soon incorporated into Hezbollah.

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and hey moron, Hezbollah didnt even exist at the time of the beirut bombings and has subsequently denied any involvement. But yeah this group who you assert is at open warfare with us wouldnt claim a huge kill? yeah right, get a clue buddy



because most people would realize my comment in reference to soldiers in israel's war zones meant support in boots on the ground. But I realize the "israel-first, israel-only" goobers in here aren't "most people". Just a bunch of losers trying to play "gotcha" because they no real argument to stand on


What? So you've been arguing this whole time against, purely. boots on the ground. Jesus Christ. You might be the worst arguer alive.

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because most people would realize my comment in reference to soldiers in israel's war zones meant support in boots on the ground. But I realize the "israel-first, israel-only" goobers in here aren't "most people". Just a bunch of losers trying to play "gotcha" because they no real argument to stand on


You're arguing that Reagan didn't support Israel because he didn't commit American troops to Israeli battles...and WE have no real argument to stand on? :lol:

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Hezbollah was founded in 1982. The bombings were in 1983.


And if the bombings weren't by Hezbollah (who invented suicide bombers, by the way), they were by groups like Islamic Jihad that were soon incorporated into Hezbollah.

officially founded in 85' and like I said subsequently denied involvement.


You're arguing that Reagan didn't support Israel because he didn't commit American troops to Israeli battles...and WE have no real argument to stand on? :lol:

not in boots on the ground, like Ive said repeatedly. Unwinding the ecomomic and diplomatic support in one fell swoop would have been a huge undertaking, even for someone like Reagan. However we do know his successor and VP Bush Sr tried to make aid conditioned on settlement freeze and removal, and got shot down by the Israel lobby. (yet again having to repeat myself)

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yeah so we stick a bunch of marines in the middle of a conflict and expect nothing to happen? kidding me?!!!! Even Reagan said "screw it, that's enough" after that and got all our troops out of harm's way ... he learned the hard way supporting Israel ain't worth it


Idiot, the US troops were there to try to restore order in the LEBANESE CIVIL WAR!!!


It's not really that hard to fact check things these days. There is this site called WWW.GOOGLE.COM. It has a little box in the middle. You type a question in the magic box and it gives you a whole bunch of options for an answer. You should try it one day.


Even Sue was smarter than you in getting currency exchanges.

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officially founded in 85' and like I said subsequently denied involvement.


Says exactly no source whatsoever.


not in boots on the ground, like Ive said repeatedly. Unwinding the ecomomic and diplomatic support in one fell swoop would have been a huge undertaking, even for someone like Reagan. However we do know his successor and VP Bush Sr tried to make aid conditioned on settlement freeze and removal, and got shot down by the Israel lobby. (yet again having to repeat myself)


NO PRESIDENT EVER committed American troops to an Israeli war, you idiot.


My God, you are a !@#$ing ignoramus. You're arguing with your own independent set of "facts" that aren't even remotely factual.

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Idiot, the US troops were there to try to restore order in the LEBANESE CIVIL WAR!!!


It's not really that hard to fact check things these days. There is this site called WWW.GOOGLE.COM. It has a little box in the middle. You type a question in the magic box and it gives you a whole bunch of options for an answer. You should try it one day.


Even Sue was smarter than you in getting currency exchanges.


And who started the Lebanese civil war? Israel! Duh!

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Idiot, the US troops were there to try to restore order in the LEBANESE CIVIL WAR!!!


Actually, they were there with troops from about a half-dozen other nations enforcing the cease-fire between Israel and the PLO and Syria.


Committed to enforcing THE CESSATION of combat. That certainly sounds like committing troops to Israel's war.

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Says exactly no source whatsoever.




NO PRESIDENT EVER committed American troops to an Israeli war, you idiot.


My God, you are a !@#$ing ignoramus. You're arguing with your own independent set of "facts" that aren't even remotely factual.


It's funny. I actually had to look this up, because I was worried I forgot about some war or joint-offensive. Joe is actually draining my knowledge of history right through the screen.

Edited by FireChan
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It's funny. I actually had to look this up, because I was worried I forgot about some war or joint-offensive. Joe is actually draining my knowledge of history right through the screen.


He's going to trot out some bull **** crazy article from rense.com or Above Top Secret that claims the attack on the USS Liberty was actually part of a joint combat op between the US Navy and Israeli Air Force. I just know it.

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and hey moron, Hezbollah didnt even exist at the time of the beirut bombings and has subsequently denied any involvement. But yeah this group who you assert is at open warfare with us wouldnt claim a huge kill? yeah right, get a clue buddy




This is honestly the first time I've been rendered speechless in any PPP thread. Seriously, you deserve a cheers for that.

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wow. so banking is considered racist, huh. is there not significant israeli wealth that can be attributed to the banking industry? is not the banking industry included in the descriptor "finance"? i think your racist radar is tuned to a very specific frequency. you need to add some band width. i know it's knee jerk to equate criticism of israel with antisemitism just as it is to equate criticism of income inequality with c;ass warfare but they really, truly aren't the same.


so let's turn to viable partners. the us govt has this really nice site that enumerates foreign trade with other countries by region. israel trades $45 bil with us at a us trade deficit of1.1 bil (not including the 3bil per year we give them). united arab emirates does 26.7 bil for a US 7.3 bil surplus and as far as i know they don't make products they export to us in occupied settlement territories. saudi arabia does business in the high $50 bils. would losing commerce with the israeli's hurt us. yes. but losing commerce with the arabic states in the region would hurt more.


You may not know this but Dubai is in the UAE and I mentioned the UAE as an economic partner and ally and capitalist. So thanks for reiterating my original point. If you subtract oil trade from the Saudi Arabian figures, what is left? Yeah, I thought so.


Why dont you list all these declarations and violent acts, then we can examine what was said or not said, done or not done.


Maybe they said it in Farsi and he misunderstood. You know, just like the entire world except for you misunderstood Iran to have a nuclear weapons program. You should start a Farsi teaching thread.

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This is honestly the first time I've been rendered speechless in any PPP thread. Seriously, you deserve a cheers for that.


This is why, with certain people, I do nothing more than insult them. I mean...where else can you possibly go from here?

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He once accused me of threatening him via PM IIRC and bragged how he read "alternative news sources" which made him much more informed on subjects :lol:


One of those sources was evidently "The Sandusky Times" as in Jerry who he sees as a victim and hero.

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