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Israel supporters=idiots

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I guess you haven't google searched a map that shows all of our military bases on the Middle East recently?

Military bases in hostile regions, and air craft carriers are totaly different tactically than having a staunch military and economic ally with a Western culture and ports.


You disagree?

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Don't ever acknowledge your complete lack of understanding of commerce. It will get in the way of you making ignorant comments like this, which will make this place less fun.





Glad you put "banking" in there when I said financial. It exposes your anti-semitism more than anyone else ever could. As for oil, yes we need it. Very much especially with commies closing coal plants left and right and not allowing new drilling or refineries. That means we buy things from those countries and that pipeline is important. Their systems of government have not produced too many viable partners in other industries so the collaboration tends to be on a different level. Of course this is highly generalized but I'm sure you'll forgive me as you have generalized Israelis as "bankers".


Putting our energy resources to work for us certainly would change things. If North America became a net exporter of oil and natural gas we could be the ones with a large say in what goes on in this world.

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Military bases in hostile regions, and air craft carriers are totaly different tactically than having a staunch military and economic ally with a Western culture and ports.


You disagree?


Normally I would agree, but Israel has never been permitted to fight on our side in any of the wars in the past, so I really don't see them being useful to us.

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So No Justice, what do you think of Hamas's rejection of the cease fire?


I don't know what was included in the cease-fire. Having said that I would rather have them accept it. The loss of life is all that really matters.

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I don't know what was included in the cease-fire. Having said that I would rather have them accept it. The loss of life is all that really matters.


They didn't accept it because it was brokered by Egypt.

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Looks like Bret Stephens is on NJ's list now too.


From today's print version of WSJ:


"All of which, as I say is a blessing for Israel and her supporters. If you must have a nemesis, better it be a stupid one. If your adversary has an undeserved reputation for moderation and sincerity, better that he should give his own extremism and hypocrisy away. If you are going to be the object of mass protests and calumny, better to be hated by the worst than by the best. Israel's enemies continuously indict themselves, whether or not the rest of the world has the wit to see it."


The full article is here: http://online.wsj.co...sing-1405380450

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Looks like Bret Stephens is on NJ's list now too.


From today's print version of WSJ:


"All of which, as I say is a blessing for Israel and her supporters. If you must have a nemesis, better it be a stupid one.


Ain't that the !@#$ing truth. Days like today I want to take Palestinian leadership by the collective neck and ask "What are you thinking? What's your end goal? How do you plan on getting there? What the !@#$ are you doing, you idiots?"

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no. i'm asking any of you to give specific examples of tangible benefits those 70 years of "alliance" have resulted in. we have objective evidence of the costs: $3 billion per year, loss of some exclusive military tewchnology and loss of respect from much of the rest of the world for siding with a perceived undesirable and negative regime.


and i'm also asking why a majority of the populace of every other country polled believes that israel is a negative influence on the world while the US is the one outlier. "we're allies" isn't an explanation. "allies" implies symbiosis. what are the benefits that the american populace is aware of that justifies that label. if you're proposing one of those benefits is in waging a proxy war against the russians, why not just say that? then we can discuss what level of success our alliance has brought to that particular issue.

A liberal asking for tangible evidence? Ladies and germs, we've now seen everything.

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Ain't that the !@#$ing truth. Days like today I want to take Palestinian leadership by the collective neck and ask "What are you thinking? What's your end goal? How do you plan on getting there? What the !@#$ are you doing, you idiots?"

It almost seems like a bad skit:


1. Launch non-casualty inducing rockets into Israel.

2. ???

3. Celebrate running single state in the Holy Land.



Edited by Taro T
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Don't ever acknowledge your complete lack of understanding of commerce. It will get in the way of you making ignorant comments like this, which will make this place less fun.





Glad you put "banking" in there when I said financial. It exposes your anti-semitism more than anyone else ever could. As for oil, yes we need it. Very much especially with commies closing coal plants left and right and not allowing new drilling or refineries. That means we buy things from those countries and that pipeline is important. Their systems of government have not produced too many viable partners in other industries so the collaboration tends to be on a different level. Of course this is highly generalized but I'm sure you'll forgive me as you have generalized Israelis as "bankers".

wow. so banking is considered racist, huh. is there not significant israeli wealth that can be attributed to the banking industry? is not the banking industry included in the descriptor "finance"? i think your racist radar is tuned to a very specific frequency. you need to add some band width. i know it's knee jerk to equate criticism of israel with antisemitism just as it is to equate criticism of income inequality with c;ass warfare but they really, truly aren't the same.


so let's turn to viable partners. the us govt has this really nice site that enumerates foreign trade with other countries by region. israel trades $45 bil with us at a us trade deficit of1.1 bil (not including the 3bil per year we give them). united arab emirates does 26.7 bil for a US 7.3 bil surplus and as far as i know they don't make products they export to us in occupied settlement territories. saudi arabia does business in the high $50 bils. would losing commerce with the israeli's hurt us. yes. but losing commerce with the arabic states in the region would hurt more.

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I'll say this, without weighing in on the actual subject at hand, at least Amare stuck to his guns, D12 just took his post down and ran away.


Dwight Howard almost acted like a real person with real opinions.


wow. so banking is considered racist, huh. is there not significant israeli wealth that can be attributed to the banking industry? is not the banking industry included in the descriptor "finance"? i think your racist radar is tuned to a very specific frequency. you need to add some band width. i know it's knee jerk to equate criticism of israel with antisemitism just as it is to equate criticism of income inequality with c;ass warfare but they really, truly aren't the same.


so let's turn to viable partners. the us govt has this really nice site that enumerates foreign trade with other countries by region. israel trades $45 bil with us at a us trade deficit of1.1 bil (not including the 3bil per year we give them). united arab emirates does 26.7 bil for a US 7.3 bil surplus and as far as i know they don't make products they export to us in occupied settlement territories. saudi arabia does business in the high $50 bils. would losing commerce with the israeli's hurt us. yes. but losing commerce with the arabic states in the region would hurt more.


Is it a knee jerk to respond to criticism of inner-city and rap culture as racist?

Edited by FireChan
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You think it's silly for us to maintain a strategic military foothold in the Middle-East and Northern Africa?


Or you think that $3B pricetag of maintaining that foothold is silly?


Or you don't think that foothold allows up to maitain and exert power and influence in that region?


And why?

What are you talking about you idiot? Israel doesn't fight any battle for us .... We're not at war with Hamas or syria. We fight theirs, directly in places like Iraq, indirectly in syria, at great cost. This vague "foothold" notion you toss around means nothing.

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