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Israel supporters=idiots

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Ah...yes....I do. Anybody that knows me knows I'm against violence. As of now we have over 160 Palestinian deaths to zero.


Look at my original post, I just hate how the Israelis fool everybody with BS rhetoric. They say they value life and are merciful. They say they're defending themselves when it's clearly offensive. That bothers me. People just eat that **** up.


Isn't it 160 to 3 or were those false flag? I'm having a hard time keeping up.


Were all 160 suffered as retaliation for rocket attacks? If so, wouldn't stopping the rocket attacks help?

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. That bothers me. People just eat that **** up.



Here's one................................................................I guess Stephen Harper = idiot



Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement about the situation in Israel:

The indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel are terrorist acts, for which there is no justification. It is evident that Hamas is deliberately using human shields to further terror in the region.


Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions would encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions. Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict.


Canada is unequivocally behind Israel. We support its right to defend itself, by itself, against these terror attacks, and urge Hamas to immediately cease their indiscriminate attacks on innocent Israeli civilians.


Canada reiterates its call for the Palestinian government to disarm Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups operating in Gaza, including the Iranian proxy, Palestinian Islamic Jihad.






By the way...........................to those in Washington DC.........even if you agree or disagree.........THATS how you make a statement.


No call for restraint; no talk about mediation; no lectures about what Israel should or shouldn’t do. Just unequivocal support for our ally and unequivocal condemnation of our enemy.




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Here's one................................................................I guess Stephen Harper = idiot



Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement about the situation in Israel:

The indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel are terrorist acts, for which there is no justification. It is evident that Hamas is deliberately using human shields to further terror in the region.


Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions would encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions. Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict.


Canada is unequivocally behind Israel. We support its right to defend itself, by itself, against these terror attacks, and urge Hamas to immediately cease their indiscriminate attacks on innocent Israeli civilians.


Canada reiterates its call for the Palestinian government to disarm Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups operating in Gaza, including the Iranian proxy, Palestinian Islamic Jihad.






By the way...........................to those in Washington DC.........even if you agree or disagree.........THATS how you make a statement.


No call for restraint; no talk about mediation; no lectures about what Israel should or shouldn’t do. Just unequivocal support for our ally and unequivocal condemnation of our enemy.





That's exactly what I'm talking about. Hamas launches rockets into Israel indiscriminately. Israel absolutely destroys one of the most densely populated cities in the world and that's okay because they said Hamas uses civilians as human shields. It's okay since they said/claim that. Eat it up, doggy!




Isn't it 160 to 3 or were those false flag? I'm having a hard time keeping up.


Were all 160 suffered as retaliation for rocket attacks? If so, wouldn't stopping the rocket attacks help?


The three were killed before the "war".


Edited by NoJustice
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You got me there. I don't know what your stance is. I assumed and I shouldn't have done that.


I'm angry. I'm fuming. People around here know how I get when that happens. I'm sorry, but that's how it is.


This thread was never about me. I wish I would've left that part out because I'm not the one that needs people's sympathy. It's the Palestinians that do.


In my opinion, we (America) shouldn't support Israel. But by the same token, we shouldn't constrain them from taking any and all measures to crush their enemies.


Anyone who says the palestinian arabs are faultless and blameless in this conflict is delusional. Hamas is a foul organization, and not to be negotiated with, trusted or accepted in civilized society.

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You answered it like a fool running for office. You accused me of applying a double standard. That wasn't an answer.


That was the point I was making. I wasn't talking about the relative moral values of the Israelis or Palestinians AT ALL; I was specifically pointing out your double standard.


No I haven't. Just give up already. You're starting to look foolish. You painted yourself in a corner and can't get yourself out. I've stated multiple times it's idiotic for Hamas to launch rockets into Israel, I prefer peaceful resistance.


Yes, you have. Yes, you've stated it's idiotic...on practical grounds, the same as I have. But you've gone to great lengths to argue that, idiotic or not, it is justified.


It's illegal to occupy a land and attack the people of that land. When you attack somebody and treat them as a separate nation and call it a war it's total BS when you still control those people, their borders, the supplies that come on and out, their airspace etc etc. There is no justification. It's illegal.


There's actually plenty of justification when they attack you, and you're acting in self-defense.

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It's too late for many of you. You're brain dead when it comes to THIS situation. Plain and simple. You actually think Israel tries their best to avoid collateral damage and the only reason why there are deaths is because Hamas uses them as human shields? If that was so, they never would have used white phosphorous a while back.


At least Hamas is up front about their evil actions.

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It's too late for many of you. You're brain dead when it comes to this situation. Plain and simple. You actually think Israel tries their best to avoid collateral damage? If that was so, they never would have used white phosphorous a while back.


At least Hamas is up front about their evil actions.


I'm sorry...you're not trying to justify Hamas' actions at all.


You're trying to rationalize them, which is even worse.

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I'm sorry...you're not trying to justify Hamas' actions at all.


You're trying to rationalize them, which is even worse.


You should be sorry on both counts.




Which makes them justified HOW?


I'm not justifying Hamas' actions. I condemn them for it.

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You should be sorry on both counts.


To be fair, I should mention that I don't blame you for your double-standard. It's a deeply personal issue for you, so your bias is entirely understandable.


I am disappointed, though, that you're so blind to it that you insist on completely misinterpreting every single damn thing I post through that bias. I honestly think you're smarter than that.


I must have missed the condemnation.


He condemns them on the practical grounds that it results in more Palestinian deaths. I have yet to see a principled condemnation from him.

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To be fair, I should mention that I don't blame you for your double-standard. It's a deeply personal issue for you, so your bias is entirely understandable.


I am disappointed, though, that you're so blind to it that you insist on completely misinterpreting every single damn thing I post through that bias. I honestly think you're smarter than that.




He condemns them on the practical grounds that it results in more Palestinian deaths. I have yet to see a principled condemnation from him.


That's exactly it.

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He condemns them on the practical grounds that it results in more Palestinian deaths. I have yet to see a principled condemnation from him.


I suppose I do come off that way in this thread. The reason for that is I incorrectly assumed you guys know my stance on violence from past debates. I should've made that point more clearly.

Edited by NoJustice
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Ah...yes....I do. Anybody that knows me knows I'm against violence. As of now we have over 160 Palestinian deaths to zero.


Look at my original post, I just hate how the Israelis fool everybody with BS rhetoric.lPeople just eat that **** up.

why do you think they are so effective, especially in america? been giving this some thought and here's what i think:


the other side is their own worst enemy. attacking the US directly or indirectly is dumb. denying the right of isael's existence is stupid. if arab =terrorist in people's minds, palestine and all arabs lose. israelis are clearly terrorizing palestinians but that's largely inconsequential to americans because they are not like us and frankly, we are mostly concerned only about ourselves.


which brings us to the second point. some israeli's look like middle americans. few palestinians do. sounds trivial, arbitrary and superficial? yup, it is. but it matters just like physical attractiveness matters at a job interview.


thirdly. israel is a democracy. whether that is material to our national agenda in the region is less important. they are like us. we like people like us and not those that are different from us.


next is the religious angle. for a predominantly christian nation, many of us hear weekly if not daily, that jews are the chosen people of god (nevermind that nasty story about abraham and sarah). fundamentalists take this to apocalyptic extremes.


lastly, american media is biased on this issue. it's other biases not withstanding, this one is blatant and very important. from movies to tv shows to most news shows, we are exposed to one side much more frequently and effectively than the other on this issue.


any other thoughts on why?

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lastly, american media is biased on this issue. it's other biases not withstanding, this one is blatant and very important. from movies to tv shows to most news shows, we are exposed to one side much more frequently and effectively than the other on this issue.


Actually I think much of the media has a pro-palestinian arab bias

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why do you think they are so effective, especially in america? been giving this some thought and here's what i think:


the other side is their own worst enemy. attacking the US directly or indirectly is dumb. denying the right of isael's existence is stupid. if arab =terrorist in people's minds, palestine and all arabs lose. israelis are clearly terrorizing palestinians but that's largely inconsequential to americans because they are not like us and frankly, we are mostly concerned only about ourselves.


which brings us to the second point. some israeli's look like middle americans. few palestinians do. sounds trivial, arbitrary and superficial? yup, it is. but it matters just like physical attractiveness matters at a job interview.


thirdly. israel is a democracy. whether that is material to our national agenda in the region is less important. they are like us. we like people like us and not those that are different from us.


next is the religious angle. for a predominantly christian nation, many of us hear weekly if not daily, that jews are the chosen people of god (nevermind that nasty story about abraham and sarah). fundamentalists take this to apocalyptic extremes.


lastly, american media is biased on this issue. it's other biases not withstanding, this one is blatant and very important. from movies to tv shows to most news shows, we are exposed to one side much more frequently and effectively than the other on this issue.


any other thoughts on why?


AIPAC and other powerful lobbyists of that kind plays a huge part, as well.




Actually I think much of the media has a pro-palestinian arab bias


It's funny you say that since both Fox and ABC both wrongly portrayed Israel as Gaza.

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AIPAC and other powerful lobbyists of that kind plays a huge part, as well.


Ever wonder why public opinion on South Africa turned within a decade, yet Palestinians still can't get any respect in 70 years (not that they should)?


The answer is obvious to most people in this thread. But apparently not to the only un-brainwashed participant.

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I'm not justifying Hamas' actions. I condemn them for it.


I must have missed your 23 page thread on that.



Israel's latest atrocity: Shooting down an Iranian drone launched into their country by Hamas. The horror.



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Actually I think much of the media has a pro-palestinian arab bias

really? name me an american movie or tv show with an arab hero. (sinbad and alladin = aunt jamima btw) maybe they're out there but i can't come up with one off the top of my head. Edited by birdog1960
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