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Israel supporters=idiots

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But, at least they stopped beating their wives.

Was going to make a joke "wasn't ike turner Jewish?' But beforehand just wanted to verify he wasn't. Turns out he actually was .... oh brother





Except when they did. Hamas has never stopped attempting to attack and murder civilians.


Just admit you're just rooting for the "underdog" in the conflict. Maybe it's because you're a Bills fan.

By comparison to bills, hamas looks like the favorite.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Was going to make a joke "wasn't ike turner Jewish?' But beforehand just wanted to verify he wasn't. Turns out he actually was .... oh brother




By comparison to bills, hamas looks like the favorite.


Hamas is the favorite because they're losing. If they destroyed Israel's armies and launched an offensive, opinion would swing back to Israel in a blink of an eye.

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You are without a doubt the copy and paste king. Do you ever think for yourself?




I know it's hard for you to think objectively, but try. Israel does not need to engage in any kind of talks with Hamas until Hamas proves that it can be a trusted negotiating partner. You seem to scoff off the basic fact that Israel returned Gaza to Palestinians nine years ago. The unknown answer to the question always was why did Sharon give up the territory. One theory was to prove that when given the opportunity to set up a peaceful neighbor, the Palestinians would squander it. No one knwos if that was his intention, but Hamas has surely proved that theory right. Just like Arafat did in 2000. Funny how most people ignore that leading up to 2000, relationships between Israel & Palestinians were improving and there was hope for a solution. But the fake Palestinian needed to have his Intifada to protect his standing. (Tired of being a pawn yet?)


So that's the choice facing your people. Do you continue supporting a suicidal regime that causes innocent deaths, or do you allow Israel to finish the job? That's why Egypt, Jordan & PA are quiet. They are not afraid of 1967 redux. They, along with every other thinking person, wants Hamas leadership gone.


You obviously don't see how the blockade effects the people of Gaza. That's not an example of being "a peaceful neighbor".


For the record, I would like to see Hamas out of power.

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You are without a doubt the copy and paste king. Do you ever think for yourself?




You obviously don't see how the blockade effects the people of Gaza. That's not an example of being "a peaceful neighbor".


For the record, I would like to see Hamas out of power.


Once again, circular argument. The blockade (put into place by both egypt and israel is a result of hamas being there.)


Once the palestinian people overthrow hamas and islamic jihad for a moderate party, they will be better off.

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You are without a doubt the copy and paste king. Do you ever think for yourself?



What did I copy & paste?


As for thinking for myself, how many of the idiots here speculated that the IDF response wasn't related to the kidnappings? Sorry for you that I don't parrot the talking points. How about refuting at least some of the historical points I made. Or are you upset at being called a pawn?

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So what is the answer? Which strategies have been employed in dealing with Al Qaeda and what strategy has historically worked?


Its obvious that you still don't get the joke.

and you didn't get the point of my response. there doesn't appear to be a strategy that will completely eradicate al qaeda but attempted annihilation through overwhelming force hasn't worked and isn't likely to. history has shown it to actually be counterproductive.
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and you didn't get the point of my response. there doesn't appear to be a strategy that will completely eradicate al qaeda but attempted annihilation through overwhelming force hasn't worked and isn't likely to. history has shown it to actually be counterproductive.


Giving land and freedom has shown to be counterproductive as well.


Might as well try to kill them.

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and you didn't get the point of my response. there doesn't appear to be a strategy that will completely eradicate al qaeda but attempted annihilation through overwhelming force hasn't worked and isn't likely to. history has shown it to actually be counterproductive.


Actually, history has shown that overwhelming force has been extremely effective.


It's just that no one's tried it since the Mongols.

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What did I copy & paste?


As for thinking for myself, how many of the idiots here speculated that the IDF response wasn't related to the kidnappings? Sorry for you that I don't parrot the talking points. How about refuting at least some of the historical points I made. Or are you upset at being called a pawn?


Sorry, that wasn't meant for you. That was B-man. Barring a couple of others, it's me against the world. Pardon me if I don't reply to everything. What did I miss? I try my best to respond. Hell, a lot of my questions go unanswered too.


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There's no humanity left in the Israelis at this point, there truly isn't ....


Israeli fire hits compound housing U.N. school in Gaza Strip, killing at least 15 and injuring dozens


GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — A U.N. school in Gaza crowded with hundreds of Palestinians seeking refuge from fierce fighting came under fire Thursday, killing at least 15 civilians and leaving a sad tableau of blood-spattered pillows, blankets and children's clothing scattered in the courtyard.



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There's no humanity left in the Israelis at this point, there truly isn't ....


Israeli fire hits compound housing U.N. school in Gaza Strip, killing at least 15 and injuring dozens


GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — A U.N. school in Gaza crowded with hundreds of Palestinians seeking refuge from fierce fighting came under fire Thursday, killing at least 15 civilians and leaving a sad tableau of blood-spattered pillows, blankets and children's clothing scattered in the courtyard.




You're so dumb. From your article.


"UNRWA, the U.N's Palestinian refugee agency, has said it discovered dozens of Hamas rockets hidden inside two vacant schools, but U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq said the school hit Thursday in the northern town of Beit Hanoun was not one of them."


"Those responsible are turning schools into potential military targets, and endangering the lives of innocent children," U.N. staff and anyone seeking shelter there, a U.N. statement said Wednesday."


How about this one?


"The military had urged the U.N. and the Red Cross to evacuate the school for three days leading up to the shelling incident, Almoz said, adding that there had been an increase in Hamas attacks from the area in recent days"


Further proof that the average American idiot is swayed by pictures and headlines.

Edited by FireChan
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You're so dumb. From your article.


"UNRWA, the U.N's Palestinian refugee agency, has said it discovered dozens of Hamas rockets hidden inside two vacant schools, but U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq said the school hit Thursday in the northern town of Beit Hanoun was not one of them."


"Those responsible are turning schools into potential military targets, and endangering the lives of innocent children," U.N. staff and anyone seeking shelter there, a U.N. statement said Wednesday."


How about this one?


"The military had urged the U.N. and the Red Cross to evacuate the school for three days leading up to the shelling incident, Almoz said, adding that there had been an increase in Hamas attacks from the area in recent days"


Further proof that the average American idiot is swayed by pictures and headlines.

The "we told them to evacuate" is just a big "cover your ass" move by the Israelis. Gazans have repeatedly emphasized they have no where to go, Israelis are shelling everywhere... schools, mosques, kids on beaches, hospitals, etc etc.


Case in point: these people were slaughtered trying to leave the building.


"Kamel al-Kafarne, who was in the school, said people were boarding buses when three tank shells hit.


"We were about to get out of the school, then they hit the school. They kept on shelling it," he said.


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The "we told them to evacuate" is just a big "cover your ass" move by the Israelis. Gazans have repeatedly emphasized they have no where to go, Israelis are shelling everywhere... schools, mosques, kids on beaches, hospitals, etc etc.


Case in point: these people were slaughtered trying to leave the building.


"Kamel al-Kafarne, who was in the school, said people were boarding buses when three tank shells hit.


"We were about to get out of the school, then they hit the school. They kept on shelling it," he said.


Three days. They gave them three whole days. You quoted that statement in my post.


I almost can't keep this up. You're arguing things refuted in the article you posted. You either hate the Jews or have a learning disability.

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Three days. They gave them three whole days. You quoted that statement in my post.


I almost can't keep this up. You're arguing things refuted in the article you posted. You either hate the Jews or have a learning disability.

I already answered above, since you can't understand my posts (no matter how clear), here's a Washington Post Columnist:


Israel is acting as if it is free of moral responsibilities.

When people decide they must leave their homes, they can do so. But where are these evacuees supposed to go? To the nearest school or hospital? Not if these, too, are considered legitimate targets by the Israeli Defense Forces.

Gazans cannot flee across the closed border with Egypt. They obviously do not have the option of escaping into Israel or sailing away across the Mediterranean Sea. Gaza’s 1.8 million people are packed into an enclave measuring 139 square miles — an area and population roughly the size of Philadelphia.


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