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Israel supporters=idiots

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Ah, I see the problem now: you're an idiot.


That's not my argument. That's a strawman.

snapback.pngTakeYouToTasker, on 10 July 2014 - 01:51 PM, said:




I know this wasn't directed at me, but I'll respond anyway:


I am a firm believer in total war, and see no merit to restraining yourself to a proportional response. When at war, the only correct and moral action for the preservation of your own people, treasure, and safety (Which are the only things that should be considered, period.) is the complete destruction or conquest of your enemy, it's culture, and it's treasure; or their immediate and complete surrender to your terms.





And in regards to the Palestineans you said Israel "should drive them all in the sea"

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not my logic, it's TTT's ... been stated several times. And even then you're misapplying it. He says that when you have the chance to totally eradicate your enemy ... "drive them all in the sea" ... the rational, moral thing is to do so. Did the Japanese the power to drive all Americans in the sea in 1941? Do the Iranians and NKoreans have the ability to do that now?


Is Palestine a nation? Your beloved Israelis say its "disputed" territory. Is economic warfare any different than military? Either way you're trying to harm my people. I see you play semantics when its convenient for your "side'. Just like with morality and military overwhelming, totally destructive force. That's what I thought you were doing anyway, thanks for confirming.


It's your logic, you !@#$ing halfwit.

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OK, I'll hold your hand here. You're ignoring a huge part of my argument, contorting it into something it's not.


What does the term "response" imply?

if Palistineans get hold of Israel's nuclear arsenal in Dimona, in response to Israeli aggression you'd support them nuking Israeli cities?

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If Iran chooses not to recognize the dollar as a reserve currency like the rest of the world, that would constitute an economic act of war, and we'd be wellwithin our rights to turn then into a radioactive parking lot. [/JtSP]

you're not doing it right, the going off the petrodollar is always a coincidence you turn them into radioactive parking lot for a more righteous reason.
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if Palistineans get hold of Israel's nuclear arsenal in Dimona, in response to Israeli aggression you'd support them nuking Israeli cities?

I don't "support" either party, though Israel is not the aggressor here, the Palestinians are. Israel is responding to aggression.


The only moral foreign policy in regards to war is to never start them, but if pulled into one by an aggressor, to wage total war against them either until they are annihilated or until they unconditionally surrender.

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I don't "support" either party, though Israel is not the aggressor here, the Palestinians are. Israel is responding to aggression.


The only moral foreign policy in regards to war is to never start them, but if pulled into one by an aggressor, to wage total war against them either until they are annihilated or until they unconditionally surrender.

I gave the Obama administration the same advice in regards to the Bundy ranch situation but they chose to deescalate instead, damn pussies! wheres Hitler/Stalin Obama when you need him.
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I don't "support" either party, though Israel is not the aggressor here, the Palestinians are. Israel is responding to aggression.


The only moral foreign policy in regards to war is to never start them, but if pulled into one by an aggressor, to wage total war against them either until they are annihilated or until they unconditionally surrender.


Wrong again. The Israelis attacked Gaza first. The rockets came later.

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How does me mocking your conspiracy theories have anything to do with my reading comprehension?


Go back and read what I said again and maybe, just maybe, you'll see what I'm talking about.

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I'll make it easy on you. Here's what I said:


I find it hard to believe these guys are that stupid to launch rockets into Israel, knowing what's coming next. It wreaks of false flag operation. Ever since I found out Hamas was started and funded by the Israelis I've been skeptical to believe what I hear about Hamas' hatred towards Israel. Everything they do benefits Israel. Why is that?

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I'll make it easy on you. Here's what I said:


I find it hard to believe these guys are that stupid to launch rockets into Israel, knowing what's coming next. It wreaks of false flag operation. Ever since I found out Hamas was started and funded by the Israelis I've been skeptical to believe what I hear about Hamas' hatred towards Israel. Everything they do benefits Israel. Why is that?


I know what you said. I've read enough of your posts to know your thought processes.

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Who attacked first in 47? Or the 60s?


The Arabs in '48. The Jews in '67. That's why I always say we should go back to the pre '67 borders and not the pre '48 borders.




I know what you said. I've read enough of your posts to know your thought processes.


Still didn't catch it, huh? Poor guy. What a lame rebuttal, too. You're telling me you know more about what I said than I do of myself? Lol.


How small was your short bus anyways?


Here, I'll make it even easier for you:


I find it hard to believe these guys are that stupid to launch rockets into Israel, knowing what's coming next. It wreaks of false flag operation. Ever since I found out Hamas was started and funded by the Israelis I've been skeptical to believe what I hear about Hamas' hatred towards Israel. Everything they do benefits Israel. Why is that?


"I find it hard to believe"- didn't say I don't believe it.


"It wreaks of false flag"- I didn't say it WAS false flag.


I also said I was "skeptical to believe what I hear..."- once again that doesn't mean I don't believe it.


Got it?


If you're truly reading my posts in this thread then you should easily see that I said Hamas has launched rockets towards Israel.

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The Arabs in '48. The Jews in '67. That's why I always say we should go back to the pre '67 borders and not the pre '48 borders.


Except for earlier in this thread.


That's fine with me as long as we go back to the '47 borders the "former owners" gave to BOTH the Israelis and Palestinians.


And before you say "context," it was in response to this.


No, I'll continue to tell you exactly how the world works.


You don't get to lob rockets at someone you consider an enemy, and not expect retaliation.


Further, you don't get to do this continually, over multiple generations, while at the same time expecting to be treated as if you didn't.


The Jews did not steal anything from you. They were given the land by it's former owner, who had been allowing you to squat on it, until they decided to use it for another purpose. The land wasn't yours.


You have no rights of return, you have no right to anything.




Unless you can do this, you should be destroyed, as Israel, the rightful owners of the land, have every right to defend themselves from your asshatery. - TTT


Now that brings us back to might is right. Which you don't seem to agree with because you're on the losing side (sorry if that offends you, but that's how it comes across)


Seriously, OC's post on the public opinion of Palestinians is a good read. And I'm saying this as a poster who thinks OC is a long-winded blow hard. Your people, defending themselves or not, are going about it the wrong way. Look at the people who caused sweeping changes in the world of opinion. Gandhi, MLK, that burning monk. If your people are getting brutalized, fighting back only serves to demonize your cause.


Lastly, I still don't care, "who started it." Really, it means nothing to me or anyone else. You want things to change? Be the victims of violence, not the contributors. And yes, I realize you personally can't do much. But your freedom fighters or whatever they want to call themselves don't have the numbers or strength to win by force, and that's why them keeping this **** up will result in their own destruction.


Our country is run by the TV media. You want to get the Americans on your side a little more? Give them some footage that can't be spun as Arab terrorists or combatants. Give them some footage of peace or morality.

Edited by FireChan
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snapback.pngJoe_the_6_pack, on 11 July 2014 - 09:06 AM, said:


As an american you have plenty at stake:


- $3 billion+ tax dollars/year in aid

- credibility at UN

- political capital with other nations

- image globally

- blowback when terrorists fly planes in our buildings and cite support for Israel as a reason

- politicians focused on Mideast instead of Americas problems at home


You really are an idiot.

- $3B+/year aid is indisputable

- we waste a ton of favors at the UN and with other nations culling support for Israel

- we're viewed as hypocrits for the one-sided support

- Bin Laden cited our support for Israel and treatment of Palestineans as a motive for 9/11 -- again, indisputable

- Is it even worth commenting on the amount of time our politicians waste on the mideast?

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