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Israel supporters=idiots

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more like: when the chorus frequently sings monotonously, they likely lack creativity.

Just terrible.


Heres the birdog formula for creative thinking.


1. Start with the ostensibly plausible.

2. Assert that the ostensibly plausible is now likely or clearly true.

3. Highway to the specious zone.

4. Draw all sorts of abstractions and conclusions from your specious argument ad absurdum.

5. Take the most extreme of these conclusions and conflate with a significant historic event or concept in an attempt at profundity.

6. Get ass kicked for never bothering to question whether there's a logical backing or rationale for your step 1.

7. Repeat.


You're PPP's version of dog.

Edited by Jauronimo
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Is the world Jewish congress of 1933 a nation or holding a national identity, and having a military?

Is Palestine a nation? Your beloved Israelis say its "disputed" territory. Is economic warfare any different than military? Either way you're trying to harm my people. I see you play semantics when its convenient for your "side'. Just like with morality and military overwhelming, totally destructive force. That's what I thought you were doing anyway, thanks for confirming.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Is Palestine a nation? Your beloved Israelis say its "disputed" territory. Is economic warfare any different than military?


So you believe the attack on Pearl Harbor was justified?


Just terrible.


Heres the birdog formula for creative thinking.


1. Start with the ostensibly plausible.

2. Assert that the ostensibly plausible is now likely or clearly true.

3. Highway to the specious zone.

4. Draw all sorts of abstractions and conclusions from your specious argument ad absurdum.

5. Take the most extreme of these conclusions and conflate with a significant historic event or concept in an attempt at profundity.

6. Get ass kicked for never bothering to question whether there's a logical backing or rationale for your step 1.

2-6. Drool.

7. Repeat.


You're PPP's version of dog.

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Palestinian Media Watch on Thursday posted a video of a broadcast on Hamas' Al-Aqsa television station from Wednesday which feature threats against Israelis in Hebrew.

"Zionists, wait and see stabbing attacks everywhere. Wait for suicide attacks on every bus, café and street. Wait for the rage and for revenge for Gaza, wait for the flames of the West Bank and inside you [israel]," the broadcast threatens.

The propaganda video was released as the IDF was carrying out Operation Protective Edge in Gaza aimed at halting rocket fire on Israeli communities.

"Zionists, do you still remember the rockets that made Tel-Aviv and the Israeli Parliament tremble? We just wanted to tell you that we have thousands of them," the voice in Hebrew warns.

"Zionists, [we] can reach you above ground and below it. So start counting the number of coffins you'll need in these months."

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What do you THINK launching rockets at Israel is going to achieve? More to the point, think through the chances to the Palestinian geopolitical position and perception if they stop launching those rockets.


In other words: start thinking in terms of practical effects of one's actions and how they might be used to achieve a desired end-state, and stop acting like an unguided, undisciplined mob.




One of the defining criteria of a moron is their inability to recognize that they're morons.


I wish they would stop launching rockets into Israel. It's idiotic. It only leads to more Palestinian deaths and less land.


If all Palestinians are non-violent do you really think they would get anything significant in return?


Case in point, there hasn't been a suicide attack in years, and there has been relative peace for a while now. Edwards came to the region and pleaded for peace talks to resume and nothing came about.


Then the instigation began with the two killings on Nakba Day. Then the retaliation from the Palestinians with the triple murder. Then the mass arrests, and bombings in Gaza began. Now we have Gaza trying to strike back. It's a never ending cycle that begins and ends with Israel.


They're the ones with the power to end all of this, but do you believe the Israelis really want to dismantle settlements and exit the West Bank? I don't. It's in their best interest for the violence to continue because they stand to gain far more.

Edited by NoJustice
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I wish get would stop launching rockets into Israel. It's idiotic. It only leads to more Palestinian deaths and less land.


If all Palestinians are non-violent do you really think they would get anything significant in return?


Case in point, there hasn't been a suicide attack in years, and there has been relative peace for a while now. Edwards came to the region and pleaded for peace talks to resume and nothing came about.


Then the instigation began with the two killings on Nakba Day. Then the retaliation from the Palestinians with the triple murder. Then the mass arrests, and bombings in Gaza began. Now we have Gaza trying to strike back. It's a never ending cycle that begins and ends with Israel.


They're the ones with the power to end all of this, but do you believe the Israelis really want to dismantle settlements and exit the West Bank? I don't. It's in their best interest for the violence to continue because they stand to gain far more.


The suicide attacks were reduced after the wall was erected.


Also, how often is Israel bombing the West Bank? Once Hamas took power in Gaza, it gave Israel (and Egypt) every reason to blockade the strip.


Once again I see no solution. Those born in Gaza see only the reality of their current day to day and will always hate Israel but until Hamas changes their ways, Israel has no reason not to protect themselves.

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The suicide attacks were reduced after the wall was erected.


Also, how often is Israel bombing the West Bank? Once Hamas took power in Gaza, it gave Israel (and Egypt) every reason to blockade the strip.


Once again I see no solution. Those born in Gaza see only the reality of their current day to day and will always hate Israel but until Hamas changes their ways, Israel has no reason not to protect themselves.

Well then again according to this Israel Defense Force General's Son: "If Israel Doesn't Like Rockets, Decolonize Palestine"



Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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According to this Israel Defense Force General's Son: "If Israel Doesn't Like Rockets, Decolonize Palestine"




You ignored my previous question. When Israel left Gaza, rocket attacks started from Gaza. Why?


Also, why do the Egyptians (including the Muslim Brotherhood) feel the need to block the Rafa border?

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You ignored my previous question. When Israel left Gaza, rocket attacks started from Gaza. Why?


Also, why do the Egyptians (including the Muslim Brotherhood) feel the need to block the Rafa border?

you're ignoring the informed. articulate accusations of the Israeli general's son, which were posted first


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I wish they would stop launching rockets into Israel. It's idiotic. It only leads to more Palestinian deaths and less land.


If all Palestinians are non-violent do you really think they would get anything significant in return?


Yes. The backing of the United States in pressuring Israel for reforms.


Case in point, there hasn't been a suicide attack in years, and there has been relative peace for a while now. Edwards came to the region and pleaded for peace talks to resume and nothing came about.


Then the instigation began with the two killings on Nakba Day. Then the retaliation from the Palestinians with the triple murder. Then the mass arrests, and bombings in Gaza began. Now we have Gaza trying to strike back. It's a never ending cycle that begins and ends with Israel.


They're the ones with the power to end all of this, but do you believe the Israelis really want to dismantle settlements and exit the West Bank? I don't. It's in their best interest for the violence to continue because they stand to gain far more.


Case in point: the retaliation in response to the Nabka day killings takes the focus off the Israeli actions and their questionable (at best) investigation into such, and puts it on the mob-rule mentality of the Palestinians (fully justified, I may add - when Israel tries to deal with the the fragmented PA and Fatah, who can't put together a coherent platform, and Hamas goes off half-cocked and does their own thing, it's reducing Palestinians to an unruly mob. The idea of a "peace process" is bull **** to begin with, but even if it weren't, there can't be one if it's a nation-state vs. a bunch of leaderless cowboys).


How about, instead, insist that the PA be allowed to conduct its own investigation, or an investigation be conducted jointly, and the soldiers in question be extradited pending the results of the investigation. Even suggest that the soldiers be held in a neutral third-party country pending investigation and a hearing (The Hague springs most immediately to mind - just suggest "neutral detention," don't even mention the World Criminal Court, the connotation's already made). Then put the onus on the Israelis to be completely unreasonable - which they will be, because there's absolutely no way Israel hands over an IDF soldier for ANY sort of incarceration. And with the current administration, there's no way the US backs that sort of intransigence from Israel. Bush probably would have. Obama wouldn't.


And in the meantime, the Palestinians get to show the world that they can, in fact, act like a nation-state with a semblance of having their **** together, rather than a disorganized mob of alternately crazy-stupid dipshits (Hamas) and limp-dicked incompetents (the PA).



The bottom line, though, is: what you're doing now is not working. Maybe it worked for the First Intifada, it's certainly not working now. Unless the Palestinian leadership's goal is to make the Palestinians nothing more than a dispossessed international victim class...which I strongly suspect is their goal, frankly, as it keeps them in power.

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I'm ignoring it because it was posted by you.

funny though, you do the Rambo thumbs up when Bman posts someone else's Israeli propaganda piece (posts #6&7). Yet when something's posted from a credible, informed source that doesnt support your agenda you pass an "ignore" rule. here it is again, for your continued ignorance....


Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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funny though, you do the Rambo thumbs up when Bman posts someone else's Israeli propaganda piece (posts #6&7). Yet when something's posted from a credible, informed source that doesnt support your agenda you pass an "ignore" rule. here it is again, for your continued ignorance....



Actually the Rambo thumbs up was directed at NJ but I'm not surprised that even that goes over your head :lol:

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I wish they would stop launching rockets into Israel. It's idiotic. It only leads to more Palestinian deaths and less land.


If all Palestinians are non-violent do you really think they would get anything significant in return?


Case in point, there hasn't been a suicide attack in years, and there has been relative peace for a while now. Edwards came to the region and pleaded for peace talks to resume and nothing came about.


Then the instigation began with the two killings on Nakba Day. Then the retaliation from the Palestinians with the triple murder. Then the mass arrests, and bombings in Gaza began. Now we have Gaza trying to strike back. It's a never ending cycle that begins and ends with Israel.


They're the ones with the power to end all of this, but do you believe the Israelis really want to dismantle settlements and exit the West Bank? I don't. It's in their best interest for the violence to continue because they stand to gain far more.


Who is Edwards?

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