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Yeah... 1816. ;-P


It hasn't been too warm down here in Illinois... 80's, very few 90's so far, very rainy an wet. I noticed we are on the divide between warm and cool... Upper WI seems to be having very cool weather. I'd take it in a heartbeat, can't stand hot weather. The colder the better.

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Gee... Thanks Wisconsin, now you are pushing the summer arctic "vortex" down towards us! It will struggle to get out of the 60's all week as the bubble pushes out of CheeseLand.


;-P ;-P


BTW... It feels pretty damn nice! Shut the A/C of last night and foze the house down into the 50's... Windows still cranked wide open and it is finally breaking 60 in here... I can take this year 'round, it feels so damn nice for July... Almost like I was back in Buffalo (that dig was for you bbb ;-P ;-P)... I could swear off a/c forever and be happy. Stay like this all year! I can't stand the heat, gotta have the humble abode cold as a meat locker! My A/C is loving the rest! :-)

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You New Yorkers ever get a summer where it was cool or what I mean is it never hit 85 or 90 degrees or you hardly used the pool at all? I mean you guys ever get a year without much of a summer?


Yep '09 Tomatoes didn't grow.




Got my pool for from walmart for half price because they didn't sell

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This summer has been pretty schitty. It has rained so much, and when it is not raining it is humid as hell. There have been a few really nice days, but mostly crap.


We have had like 4 or 5 epic thunderstorms. 50-60 mph winds, heavy rain and golf ball sized hail. Knocked two 40 foot cedar trees down in my driveway, and ruined the siding on the back of my garage. I can't remember such violent storms in the past...well not so many of them.

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You New Yorkers ever get a summer where it was cool or what I mean is it never hit 85 or 90 degrees or you hardly used the pool at all? I mean you guys ever get a year without much of a summer?

from what I recall living there for 40 years (and I can't see how it changed much since 1997)


Memorial Day weekend 55 and rainy


"Summer" starts the 2nd week of June through the 2nd week of August where the temps generally range in from the mid 70's to the mid 80's.


Labor Day weekend 55 and rainy


I recall one summer in the early 90's IIRC when the "summer" days were overcast 80% of the time and the temps never passed 80 degrees. This sticks in mind because I spent the "summer" before June through August in Australia so I went 2 full seasons w/o a lot of sunshine and pool time.


Here's a Roch NY weather link


Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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I remember about 10-12 years ago saying, "the summer that wasn't." It was a rain-filled mess. This summer (north of Albany) has been great, in my opinion. We've already had 4-5 fires in the back yard; the 4th of July was dry; there have been outdoor music festivals and arts festivals that enjoyed dry days.


My measurement of a good weather day is one that isn't raining.


In my opinion, you can't B word about the heat. It's summer, for Christ's sake. It's supposed to be hot.

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I remember about 10-12 years ago saying, "the summer that wasn't." It was a rain-filled mess. This summer (north of Albany) has been great, in my opinion. We've already had 4-5 fires in the back yard; the 4th of July was dry; there have been outdoor music festivals and arts festivals that enjoyed dry days.


My measurement of a good weather day is one that isn't raining.


In my opinion, you can't B word about the heat. It's summer, for Christ's sake. It's supposed to be hot.

the perfect summer for me....


80 degrees, partly cloudy with a light breeze

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Summer has been great here in BLo. Not too hot. Not too many rainy days. Can't complain.


Agree100%. It's hard to be summer & early fall in Western New York. A ton going on & never gets insanely hot.


Now, if we can do something about the other months!

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if your referring to NYC, the city is generally 5-10* hotter than Buffalo. My sister lives in Manhattan.

Where I will be in exactly 10 days.


1. Hot?

2. Single?

3. Mind that my wife will be waiting in the hotel room?

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