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Last Week Tonight

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Probably not the right room, but I know at least a few of you have been watching his HBO show. The dude is killing it, he's gotten the jitters out and has hit his stride in the past couple weeks. Without the burden of sponsors or corporate ownership he's been free to take shots where ever he wants. Certainly he's biased, and not pretending to be otherwise, but the show has covered topics more richly than most real news shows even pretend to.


YouTube/lastweektonight is the show's official link and has a ton of clips. Here's one that got a lot of attention and cracked me up: (NSFW due to some language...)



Edited by GreggyT
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Probably not the right room, but I know at least a few of you have been watching his HBO show. The dude is killing it, he's gotten the jitters out and has hit his stride in the past couple weeks. Without the burden of sponsors or corporate ownership he's been free to take shots where ever he wants. Certainly he's biased, and not pretending to be otherwise, but the show has covered topics more richly than most real news shows even pretend to.


YouTube/lastweektonight is the show's official link and has a ton of clips. Here's one that got a lot of attention and cracked me up:




I watched the first couple episodes. He's obscenely biased...gets in the way of the humor for me. I'll take Jon Stewart, thank you...

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I watched the first couple episodes. He's obscenely biased...gets in the way of the humor for me. I'll take Jon Stewart, thank you...

I can totally see how that would be grating. Give his newest ones a shot. Especially this one:



He's going to win Emmy's for years with this gig.


Actually, Tom, you should check out his anti-FIFA rant from a few weeks ago if you missed it. Since you follow the sport, you should find it pretty funny without his bias tripping you up.

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There's nothing new under the sun, I can remember watching this as a kid.


That Was the Week That Was (TV Series 1964–1965)



That Was the Week That Was

Well sure. No one is arguing it's an original concept to do a send up of the day's events. The question is are people here watching at all. I know a few do (or have here and there), I'm just curious / promoting it as a good watch.

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He's going to win Emmy's for years with this gig


A bunch of far left progs giving awards to far left progs for finding creative ways to express the far left prog view of the world?


You should always questions when a specific group of people starts giving awards to each other simply for finding a new way to comform.

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His carlos danger dance should win him an emmy.


Aside from that there are way too many talk shows popping up. Aside from stewart and conan monologue, i never sit down to watch this stuff.

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The Uganda interview at the last half of the second video is just absolute gold.


"Well, it's natural but I'm ... just baffled."


*takes out cucumber*

Edited by MoreOffense
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The Uganda interview at the last half of the second video is just absolute gold.


"Well, it's natural but I'm ... just baffled."


*takes out cucumber*

Tosh.0 did something on that and he made it look like he was in the audience and it was the funniest thing I have ever seen.
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A bunch of far left progs giving awards to far left progs for finding creative ways to express the far left prog view of the world?


You should always questions when a specific group of people starts giving awards to each other simply for finding a new way to comform.

How many episodes have you watched of the show?

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His carlos danger dance should win him an emmy.


Aside from that there are way too many talk shows popping up. Aside from stewart and conan monologue, i never sit down to watch this stuff.

:lol: :lol: That dance got him this gig, I'm quite sure. But you're right, it was always hilarious.


I hear you too on the over saturation of options now. It gives people more options, ideally a show for each taste, but it also isolates the audiences into narrower and narrower groups which is a double edged sword to me.

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I watched it when it first came out, cause it was freebie week/month/whatever on the cable where I was. I did the On Demand thing, IIRC.


It's crap.


Utter crap. I literally had to force myself to sit through it, in the name of objectivity/open mind/whatever. (I torture myself all the time, listening to complete buffoons, so I can maintain my "open mind" credentials. My time here is proof.)


Some of the jokes in that show were 4 time losers = heard it on Red Eye, then heard it from a comedian who stole it from the leftist guest who said it on Red Eye, then heard it from SNL/Daily Show, now hearing it from this guy, and still isn't funny. :rolleyes:

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I watched it when it first came out, cause it was freebie week/month/whatever on the cable where I was. I did the On Demand thing, IIRC.


It's crap.


Utter crap. I literally had to force myself to sit through it, in the name of objectivity/open mind/whatever. (I torture myself all the time, listening to complete buffoons, so I can maintain my "open mind" credentials. My time here is proof.)


Some of the jokes in that show were 4 time losers = heard it on Red Eye, then heard it from a comedian who stole it from the leftist guest who said it on Red Eye, then heard it from SNL/Daily Show, now hearing it from this guy, and still isn't funny. :rolleyes:

Give it another look. His first few shows were rocky (though had their gems). In the past two he's hit his stride and gotten the jitters out.

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