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Ok, here's my .02.


Yes, you may be sick because you've started to eat healthier. But you should look at being sick as a good thing. Your body is detoxing, and what you're feeling may be equivalent to withdrawl symptoms.


I would shy away from red meat. Since I stopped eating red meat, my heartburn disappeared. Like magic. Ok, once in a while I may have a steak, but that's like once every 2 or 3 months.


ALso, eat organic foods as much as possible.


Personally, I just got done fasting for three days. And I feel freakin' great. More energy in the morning. Yes, I live in California but I'm a right-winger--so this just isn't some lefty garbage (for those who think eating healthy is).


I would recommend a book to everyone entitled "Tired of Being Tired." There is a lot of great information in there. And if people are interested in fasting (wasn't painful at all) try the Master Cleanse. You can do a Google search to find it. I thought the fast may be uncomfortable, but it wasn't. If you're committed, it's pretty darn cool.


Any questions, feel free to e-mail me. edeleo@hotmail.com



Fasting could be extremely dangerous for someone with a blood sugar condition like hypoglycemia.


And as far as that milk thing goes...EW.


That's why i only buy Organic milk.


And drink it sparingly.

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Vitamins, Antioxidant, & herb Supplements are also beneficial to good health.



Echinacea is good for boosting the immune system and preventing colds


Garlic fights against toxins in the body


Milk Thistle protects the liver


Coenzime Q10 is good for the cells and protects the heart


Alfalpha & Kelp provide needed minerals to the body in a balanced form


I've become a supermarket shopping cart snob. I inspect the cart before and after me - and I typically see a cart load of Ho-Ho's, Little Debbies, cookies, cheese curls, hamburger, chocolate candy, frozen processed meats, bacon, sausage, Lucky Charms cereal, bags of Tyson barbeque chicken, ice cream, tubs of margarine or butter sticks, chips, mircowave pizza, microwave extra-butter popcorn, cheese slices, bags of Ore-Ida fries. But they feel good - there is usually a can of frozen orange juice, so I suppose they think they are being healthful after all...


These are the same people who B word at me at McDonalds when I have my decaf coffee and cigarette while they load up on the sausage biscuits, pancakes, 24 oz sodas, hash browns, Egg McMuffins etc. that they stuff that down their maws as well as into their rotund soon-to-be diabetic and allergic children, and pile into their 15 mpg SUV which they probably need to haul their well-larded bodies around...

And if people are interested in fasting (wasn't painful at all) try the Master Cleanse. You can do a Google search to find it. I thought the fast may be uncomfortable, but it wasn't. If you're committed, it's pretty darn cool.




Well, I did Google the "Master Cleanse", and to tell you the truth, I'd rather be fat, unhealthy, and die early that go through this!



These are the same people who B word at me at McDonalds when I have my decaf coffee and cigarette while they load up on the sausage biscuits, pancakes, 24 oz sodas, hash browns, Egg McMuffins etc. that they stuff that down their maws as well as into their rotund soon-to-be diabetic and allergic children, and pile into their 15 mpg SUV which they probably need to haul their well-larded bodies around...




How do you really feel?




I have not read all the posts so there may be some duplication here. Most of us are smart enough to know that there is no easy route to weightloss and fitness, or else there wouldn't be any fat people. Calories in must be > calories out. A calorie is a calorie, this high fat, low fat, low carb stuff is just to sell books. A balanced diet is the only way of eating that you can stick to ( a lifestyle change really, not a diet) You can only go Atkins for so long before you would want a crust of bread instead of a NY strip. After many years of being enticed by the fads, I have come to the conclusion that we just eat too damn much. Our portions are much bigger than we need. For that, we have the restaurant industry to thank. People have grown accustomed to big portions, when served a normal portion, they think they are being cheated. And then, we top it off with dessert. We eat when we are not really hungry, be cause it is "time" to eat, or we are depressed. We eat at night in front of the TV, we eat fast food because it is convenient or the kids want it (consequentially, we are raising the fattest generation of kids ever ). The solution - it depends on the individual. But generally, cut back on the portion size, eat more vegetables (they fill you up), don't cut out any food group, and get your ass moving - walk the dog, take a walk with the wife, just get some kind of exercise. Don't go out and buy a $2000 Bowflex to start a workout regime, you will end up handing laundry on it.

I've become a supermarket shoping cart snob. I inspect the cart before and after me - and I typically see a cart load of Ho-Ho's, Little Debbies, cookies, cheese curls, hamburger, chocolate candy, frozen processed meats, bacon, sausage, Lucky Charms cereal, bags of Tyson barbeque chicken, ice cream,  tubs of margarine or butter sticks, chips, mircowave pizza, microwave extra-butter popcorn, cheese slices, bags of Ore-Ida fries. But they feel good - there is usually a can or frozen orange juice, so I suppose they think they are being healthful after all...


These are the same people who B word at me at McDonalds when I have my decaf coffee and cigarette while they load up on the sausage biscuits, pancakes, 24 oz sodas, hash browns, Egg McMuffins etc. that they stuff that down their maws as well as into their rotund soon-to-be diabetic and allergic children, and pile into their 15 mpg SUV which they probably need to haul their well-larded bodies around...





I've become a supermarket shopping cart snob. I inspect the cart before and after me - and I typically see a cart load of Ho-Ho's, Little Debbies, cookies, cheese curls, hamburger, chocolate candy, frozen processed meats, bacon, sausage, Lucky Charms cereal, bags of Tyson barbeque chicken, ice cream,  tubs of margarine or butter sticks, chips, mircowave pizza, microwave extra-butter popcorn, cheese slices, bags of Ore-Ida fries. But they feel good - there is usually a can of frozen orange juice, so I suppose they think they are being healthful after all...


Please stop staring at me in line. I'm trying to read as much of the tabloids as I can without buying them, and you're distracting me.

hah, and I thought I was the only anti-milk nut out there!






I was pro-milk until I worked for a summer at my brother's dairy farm in the area of Colgate University. Yikes! The stuff they do to keep the milk coming out of the cows. PLease remember even baby cows give up milk and drink water for the rest of their lives. It isn't the milk part of the milk that is poison it's the other stuff in there that will hose your internal system.

Well, I did Google the "Master Cleanse", and to tell you the truth, I'd rather be fat, unhealthy, and die early that go through this!





Well, I don't know what the heck that person went through, but that in no way resembles my experience.


You basically drink the lemonade solution (8oz spring water -no tap-, 2 tables spoons fresh squeezed organic lemon juice -you squeeze yourself-, 2 tablespoons organic grade b maple syrup, a pinch of cayenne pepper) whenever you're hungry. That's it. Possibly some mint teas.


I got hungry a few times becasue I got distracted doing other things. My fiance had fasted in the past, and she said this was much easier than the last one she did. I don't know what kind of tea that person was drinking, but I didn't do that. I DID do the saline solution, and I thought it was pretty cool. Drink it and wait an hour. Pretty soon a whole lot of garbage is coming out of you. You may make 2 or 3 stops at the john, but that was fine by me.


I am not saying this is everyone's cup of tea but it worked for me. I've been bouncing around the office the past two days. Lots of energy. I also no longer have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. Oh, you'll also notice your appetite decreasing. My stomach feels a little funny right now because I ate too much (read close to how much I used to eat).


Perhaps this person likes to over-dramatize things? I don't know. I recommend it.

I agree with everything above except for milk and yogurt.  You don't need that puss in your body.  Take that poison off the list and I'm 100% in agreement with you.


Well the new food pyramid suggests 3 servings milk a day. Most people do not have enough calcium daily. Calcium helps prevent osteoperosis and helps preserve bone density. I realize many are lactose intolerent and cannot have milk. I also realize when you stop drinking milk your body stops producing enzymes to break it down. As for yogurt- its awesome for you! Yogurt is high in calcium, helps the immune system, loaded with b12, protein, riboflavin. Yogurt introduces good bacteria in your digestive tract which helps digestion and helps prevent ulcers. In fact whenever you travel to a new country you should try local yogurt. It helps acclimate your digestive tract to the new bacteria and helps prevent sickness and montezumas revenge. Add fresh blueberrys to plain yogurt and you are talking superfood! I love smoothies and yogurt is a main component in mine. Yogurt, bananas, blueberries, stawberrys and a little sorbet in a blender- that is powerfood!

Always eat nuts or roasted almonds and dark chocolate as snacks.  Mix in some fruit as well.  Above all, don't obsess with anything more than that because most of your health is connected to your gene pool anyway.

My dad drank tons of red wine his whole life and still had a heart attack at 60. He's lucky to be alive.  I'm in shape and eat ok but I'm sure I will have a heart attack someday or something close to it.  Everything checks out fine but it did for my dad as well.



The heart attack stuff has a lot to do with your personality and how you handle stress as well... Keep it cool, and you'll be alright

I've become a supermarket shopping cart snob. I inspect the cart before and after me - and I typically see a cart load of Ho-Ho's, Little Debbies, cookies, cheese curls, hamburger, chocolate candy, frozen processed meats, bacon, sausage, Lucky Charms cereal, bags of Tyson barbeque chicken, ice cream,  tubs of margarine or butter sticks, chips, mircowave pizza, microwave extra-butter popcorn, cheese slices, bags of Ore-Ida fries. But they feel good - there is usually a can of frozen orange juice, so I suppose they think they are being healthful after all...


These are the same people who B word at me at McDonalds when I have my decaf coffee and cigarette while they load up on the sausage biscuits, pancakes, 24 oz sodas, hash browns, Egg McMuffins etc. that they stuff that down their maws as well as into their rotund soon-to-be diabetic and allergic children, and pile into their 15 mpg SUV which they probably need to haul their well-larded bodies around...



Cigarrettes Will F' You up... My grandmother has been suffering from severe emphysema now for 5years, ask her if she regrets it...On top of the health issues, and the waste of money factor, your skin ages faster as it loses its elasticity due to low oxygen levels, and your hair becomes brittle and dry.

Well the new food pyramid suggests 3 servings milk a day.  Most people do not have enough calcium daily.  Calcium helps prevent osteoperosis and helps preserve bone density.  I realize many are lactose intolerent and cannot have milk.  I also realize when you stop drinking milk your body stops producing enzymes to break it down.  As for yogurt- its awesome for you!  Yogurt is high in calcium, helps the immune system, loaded with b12, protein, riboflavin.  Yogurt introduces good bacteria in your digestive tract which helps digestion and helps prevent ulcers.  In fact whenever you travel to a new country you should try local yogurt.  It helps acclimate your digestive tract to the new bacteria and helps prevent sickness and montezumas revenge.  Add fresh blueberrys to plain yogurt and you are talking superfood!  I love smoothies and yogurt is a main component in mine.  Yogurt, bananas, blueberries, stawberrys and a little sorbet in a blender- that is powerfood!




Fine, you can have your yogurt :)


But, there are many disturbing things about milk, not just the level of puss found in the average glass. For one thing, i find it stragne that humans are the only mammal in the world that drinks milk after being weaned from its mother. But then again, we're the only ones drinking beer and soda, so that point may be moot. :D

Well the new food pyramid suggests 3 servings milk a day.  Most people do not have enough calcium daily.  Calcium helps prevent osteoperosis and helps preserve bone density.  I realize many are lactose intolerent and cannot have milk.  I also realize when you stop drinking milk your body stops producing enzymes to break it down.  As for yogurt- its awesome for you!  Yogurt is high in calcium, helps the immune system, loaded with b12, protein, riboflavin.  Yogurt introduces good bacteria in your digestive tract which helps digestion and helps prevent ulcers.  In fact whenever you travel to a new country you should try local yogurt.  It helps acclimate your digestive tract to the new bacteria and helps prevent sickness and montezumas revenge.  Add fresh blueberrys to plain yogurt and you are talking superfood!  I love smoothies and yogurt is a main component in mine.  Yogurt, bananas, blueberries, stawberrys and a little sorbet in a blender- that is powerfood!



THere was a study recently on calcium retention in women. Simply not drinking any soda caused them to retain 50% more calcium, as it wasn't being leached out by the soft drinks. But I doub't you'll see a "Don't Got Soda" campaign anytime soon.


good beer, preferably made by yourself, lots of garlic, and meat! I may be fat, but my numbers are awesome!!!

For the last two years I have been a pillar of health- I had given all the credit to the two glasses of Red Wine I would have.  For the last week and a couple of days I've been under the weather. I think its because I have been trying to eat healthy (you know not too much with the Cholesterol foods (ie Milk, cheese, meat etc)- that coupled with the fact I was working out a lot left it possible to get sick (that and it is winter).


So this is my new plan


1) red wine

2) red meat and greens (I think Iron is key)

3) exercise when the energy is back


What does the board recommend and practice??


Cigarrettes Will F' You up... My grandmother has been suffering from severe emphysema now for 5years, ask her if she regreLet's see if he's one of the illegals that a certain political party wants to issue driver's licenses to...ts it...On top of the health issues, and the waste of money factor, your skin ages faster as it loses its elasticity due to low oxygen levels, and your hair becomes brittle and dry.



Well, yes...but the nicotine keeps me alert. :)

Well the new food pyramid suggests 3 servings milk a day.  Most people do not have enough calcium daily.  Calcium helps prevent osteoperosis and helps preserve bone density.  I realize many are lactose intolerent and cannot have milk.  I also realize when you stop drinking milk your body stops producing enzymes to break it down.  As for yogurt- its awesome for you!  Yogurt is high in calcium, helps the immune system, loaded with b12, protein, riboflavin.  Yogurt introduces good bacteria in your digestive tract which helps digestion and helps prevent ulcers.  In fact whenever you travel to a new country you should try local yogurt.  It helps acclimate your digestive tract to the new bacteria and helps prevent sickness and montezumas revenge.  Add fresh blueberrys to plain yogurt and you are talking superfood!  I love smoothies and yogurt is a main component in mine.  Yogurt, bananas, blueberries, stawberrys and a little sorbet in a blender- that is powerfood!



And calcium is integral to nerve synapse.


Couldn't agree more about yogurt and blueberries and strawberries. A goodly number of people get the sh*ts with antibiotics, which is easily addressed with yogurt. But pay attention to food prohibitions with any antibiotic, lest you render them ineffective.

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