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on diplomas



My wife (Newhouse graduate) continues to walk around the house chuckling.


i call bullchit


no one who graduated even grade school would get married to you, let alone have an advanced degree( and yes i needed to look up Newhouse)


i call bullchit


no one who graduated even grade school would get married to you, let alone have an advanced degree( and yes i needed to look up Newhouse)

Apparently you've missed my charm! ;)

people need to (A) use spell check, or (B) stop using auto correct



do do happens



one of my sons college graduation booklets had the wrong date.


Take your own advice.


It's called Doo Doo


In one of our scientific papers this made it into the proof and was caught by the last review before we sent it out:

"The cells were spilt" instead of "the cells were split"


In print; I saw (data not known) instead of (data not shown)

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